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Everything posted by zhounan

  1. After Nord Stream destruction by NATO, Germany is desperate.
  2. Max respect for Mr. Mobaruk Ali.
  3. Westerners tourists are becoming increasingly poor and tourism-based Thailand could be harmed seriously. Thailand must develop its production power and gradually reduce dependence on turism.
  4. Germany is desperately looking for places to relocate their industrial complex.
  5. It is very simple. Anything that is characterized by 24/7 obsessive marketing techniques, sponsored by the dominant culture of cosmopolitan leftist neoliberalism is most likely a deception of the masses.
  6. Is this the marketing to push people to get Holy Grail new injections?
  7. The long list of mysterious deaths of foreigners in Thailand apparently has no end.
  8. His main strategy is further instill in Thais the habit of living with state-issued , controlled and revoked electronic money.
  9. Please, specify Moroccan-Belgian.
  10. I guess Miss Aut will join Thai Friendly to looking for a "serious relationship with an honest man" so she will be able to taking back the 300k+ from a farang.
  11. The driver probably didn't know the two workers where sitting on roof, usually they stand behind the truck.
  12. What do you put in "Arrival Date"? If you entered in Thailand 10 years ago, do you put that date? I never had success with online report, always rejected and "please contact in person". So, I usually report through mail, because I live very far away from CW.
  13. From slut to whore, from whore to prostitute, from prostitute to sex worker, from sex worker to escort, from escort to entertainer.
  14. I think he was referring to some private school for foreigners in China, not their public schools. In the case of public school of course it will be tragedy for a western child.
  15. I'm not an American, so I don't give a damn about Trump, but it's clearly your obsession. How on earth do you insert that name into every topic of discussion? Anyway, blender with wheels makes sense if it's small, for short trips within cities, not 1000+Kg, 400+hp behemoths. (Leaving aside subjects as electrification of the world, where electricity is produced from, ect.). If you have driven at least 10 cars in your life you can understand this scam by yourself. No need to "Trust The Expert" and "Follow The Science", just basic five senses.
  16. Even if one plays at home among friends, is it illegal?
  17. Absolutely yes. I personally studied three years in China.
  18. I get the impression that they want to push the gullible to get new holy injections. It would be very interesting, by the way, to know how many doses of the Holy Grail these ladies and gentlemem have injected themselves with.
  19. EV is the biggest scam of human history.
  20. I have been trying to report online for the past year, but I have always been rejected with the phrase "Please contact the nearest Immigration Office in person as soon as possible", without no reason. In CW nobody is able to give me a reason why I can't report online.
  21. Testimonials from Thai hotel managers are always very mischievous.
  22. The reality behind the words: Mafia invests a lot of money in Thailand.
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