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Everything posted by Alex2554

  1. Buddhism is a religion without god.
  2. Is Abdulkhakim a Russian name?
  3. BRICS Central Bank doesn’t exist
  4. After completing her first public air show performance as a Blue Angel pilot, Lt. Amanda Lee poses with her crew in front of her F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.
  5. On April 17, 2018, while Shults was the captain commanding Flight 1380 from New York to Dallas, an engine fan blade on the Boeing 737 failed and flying debris damaged the left side of the fuselage and one side window; the window failed, causing the plane to decompress. One passenger, Jennifer Riordan, was partially sucked through the damaged window and was later pronounced dead at the hospital. Shults made an emergency descent and landed in Philadelphia. Her actions, calm demeanor, and competence during the emergency were noted by Southwest Airlines officials and passengers as well Wikipedia
  6. How does the hairdresser know the customer is Russian?
  7. Benefits to taxpayers
  8. District Office demands translated copy of a pp, translation needs to be certified
  9. Labor Department does not require any visa, you can apply on visa exempt. Next step is to obtain a visa that allows to work
  10. What about 60 days marriage extension after 90 days on visa
  11. Mother in law brother in law sister in law SIL’s husband lottery
  12. I suppose the pallet has one of two joints broken like this on photo, remaining joint let it work without a load. When the suitcase was set on the pallet it sagged making a gap enough to jam a wheel, and when the passenger stepped on this pallet it collapsed
  13. No it isn't Escalator segment moves on guide rails
  14. The combplate w/o comb Look at the gap, is it wide enough to jam a wheel, let alone a leg
  15. As an engineer in this field with 40 years experience I must admit that escalators and moving walks are absolutely safe if they have proper maintenance. The combplate is a moveable part designed for immediate shutdown when the obstacle force is more than 15 kg in horisontal and/or 6 kg in vertical. Obviously 15 kg is not enough to break a comb. No matter what was jammed motor stops immediately. In addition some other safety devices must be activated in the case that the combplate safety switch didn't trigger shutdown. None of them work properly here. Maintenance means checking out all safety devices for all possible malfunction, so blaming a passenger is stupid
  16. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/mike-jones-mathias-death-thailand-17177679.amp
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