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Posts posted by stoffel45

  1. I bought a business class return ticket from Brussels to Bangkok for my wife and daughter this coming July.

    Just checking the seats were together amidships I then received confirmation of the seat numbers.

    In that message was a paragraph which said


    I contacted Thai Airways and said that I just saw this notice when asking for the seat numbers.

    But you must have seen it when you paid for the seats. It is stated very clearly. So I went through the booking system again and no - it was not there. Phoned TG - "Oh yes but it is in "Rules and Conditions".

    Oh yes well one always checks those. In the end if you go into Rules and Conditions, go to the section Ticketing and then a sub-sub section "Regulations" you come to a form for those silly enough to buy a ticket for someone else with Thai Airways.

    Now I have to make certified copies of credit cards, ID card, Passport and tickets to hand in to Thai Airways in Brussels.

    I am flying Austrian Air twelve days earlier - so I checked with Austrian - NO they don't have such a rule.

    Have any other TV members experienced this problem? Is it only Thai Airways?

  2. If "Social Elites in Bangkok" had helped rid Thailand of dangerous, plague infested rats who had spread their disease into the most vulnerable areas of society - then one must applaud these "Social Elites".

    As for "Thaksin Coming home" - he must first pay his many debts to society including a prison sentence plus and then the long list of Frauds.

    Like any criminal who has been convicted he must pay. Do the crime - do the time.

  3. There are many benefits from having Law and Order restored.

    I can cross Bangkok without having to worry about being shot or bombed by a red-shirted terrorist.

    Business owners and shopkeepers can get on with their liveliehoods without fear of being maimed or killed by political protesters.

    Yes we can isolate a few, frankly not very important other than to a very small number of people, areas - but plenty of people are reading the Bangkok Post which is clearly anti-Junta aren't they.

    Hopefully the Government will really tackle the methods used by vote rigging, vote buying would be MPs. When they are caught they should be banned from public life in any capacity for life along with all who helped them. Their Parties should be fined out of existence.

    If we do not stamp out political corruption and vote buying - we will never get rid of the Shinawatra plagues.

  4. In essence, the whole situation (and therefore all events caused by it) was brought about by the unbelievable behaviour of the redshirts. Far too much lenience was excercised allowing them to build a veritable fortress right in the centre of Bangkok,

    Yes because clearly they had nothing to fear, and no need for any fortress or defensive screening at all..

    I assume you support the same lack of leniency for the airport blockades, government house blockade, storming of TV stations, ramming barricades of police in lifted 4x4 pickups, etc etc etc..

    In my opinion, the Law regarding demonstrations or political rallies is wrong.

    There was a state of emergency.

    The Shin goons brought the trouble and their guns and their own murderers to Bangkok.

    If the Army had just shot half a dozen armed redshirts with a massive display of force - lives could have been saved.

    Abhisit's problem was not being strong enough.

    Yellow shirts in the airport.

    Again - the Army should have moved in to clear them in force taking whatever action, including shooting any armed person - on day 1.

    In a riot - where weapons of war are carried by the rioters, the people beside them are considered accessories. The soldiers should try to put down the armed ones after clear warnings are given - as they were.

    • Like 1
  5. how did they arrive at an inconclusive verdict the Japanese reporter was hit by a 5mm bullet used by the security forces absolutely unbelievable absolute shambles get real you people.

    Because, the Shin Goons used AK47s AND M16s and several other long guns.

    I am sorry for the family of the Japanese reporter but not the red-shirts who brought their evil, guns, grenades and explosives to Bangkok.

    Let us hope if there is a next time - the Army will give clear warning that any person carrying arms is a primary target.

  6. Ok, I understand that.....now, when will the baht drop against other currencies? I am talking a significant drop, not half a point!

    One is reminded of the great crook duo of 97/98 - the Banharn-Chavalit Tango.

    Cranes dotted the skylines of Bangkok and Pattaya.

    Tens of thousands of condos and apartments where the profit was never to be taken in the sale of the units - but in the planning, designing, building and financing stages.

    and "THEY" are building hundreds of thousands of these "Lead Balloons" again.

    Drive by in the evening....a tiny number of lights are on - no sales.

    So the Property Market Lead Balloon will, as usual lead the way,

    Hopefully this will drop the baht by at least 50% - if PRC allow that to happen.

    Against this - the euro is in free fall. If Greece leaves the toxic eurozone - and hopefully fully defaults French banks will start falling like rotten plums - and Germany will be happy, smug and content.

    Until Target2 arrives on the heels of Grexit - T2 the Nemesis of Merkel's campaign to undermine the value of German savers by propping up a corrupt and incompetently managed currency.

    When the German people learn what Merkel and Schaueble have been doing - they will be put out of office. As one wag at ECB said,"There won't be enough lamposts in all of Frankfurt for us."

    Euro will drop to $0.65 maybe a lot less. Which stymies any drop in the Thai Baht.

    Then the other Asian currencies will need to adjust - and before long there is likely to be a terrible mess.

    Watch gold sales and the Italian Debt repayments.

  7. My wife and daughter are booked Thai Int'l BRU to BKK in July.

    Unless I hear that a real accreditation company - from Europe or the USA has inspected, had fixed and cleared THAI on safety - I will cancel the booking (and lose over 2,000 euro) and send my dearest on a safe airline.

    Dammit - it was a Christmas Gift on the only direct flight from Belgium to Thailand - now it is a problem.

    Get your finger out THAI - dump the Head Office clowns and bring in some REAL expertise - or go under.

  8. <Supawan does not believe the bombing was politically motivated, and might have been the result of a conflict between locals or a personal issue>

    so according to him it was a technical failure . .the bomb went off before the person it was aimed at unlocked the car?

    the guy who armed the car being a bloody tosser ?

    ....we should always believe in what Thai authorities think up . . .'sarcasm off'

    Khun Supawan is not a Thai official nor a member of the Thai Authorites.

    SHE is a functionary in the local hotel association.

    Just some desperate for a story person playing journalist picked her.

    • Like 1
  9. I've heard quite a lot about reconciliation from the junta since the coup but I can honestly say that I'm having a bit of trouble working out who they are trying to reconcile with, I'm sure that until they make an honest attempt to reconcile with all parties there will be more of these unfortunate incidents.

    I believe - it is very difficult to reconcile with groups, hatred funded from outside the country and failed within it.

    A huge percentage of the "rural farmers" are now aware that they were simply pawns - many suspected it before the Rice Thefts - now they know who has been manipulating them and picking their pockets.

    Any group which resorts to bombs in public places are by definition cowards.

    Hell awaits them.

  10. Again AFP way off the realities of the situation, and with unbalanced comment.

    But then, as your beloved junta would claim, what do the French know about such things anyway? What with "not being a good example of a democracy" and so forth.

    You hit the nail on the head JAG. What DO the French know about such things anyway.

    When a few corrupt clerks (the EU Commission) cancelled the Democratic right of the people to say NO to the EU and its euro - the French Government stood aside and let Democracy die.

    • Like 1
  11. If THAI airlines don't comply with International Safety standards - and from all reports they do not - then passengers should book with a safe airline.

    I wrote to THAI this week and said that unless I was assured an Internationally Accepted Safety ruling - with no ifs or buts - I would cancel my family's July trip - even though it means a loss of the fares.

    These "functionaries" of THAI do not have the right to play with lives of passengers and crew, nor to destroy what little reputation THAI have left.

    • Like 1
  12. As this disgusting saga - where Thai appear to be playing face games with the lives of their passengers and crews continues more and more people are turning from using THAI because it is apparently unsafe.

    The whole of the THAI Board should be sacked and prosecuted for negligence.

    As an emergency measure bring in a proper Airline Maintenance system - from Europe, from the USA - where SAFETY standards are always - FIRST.

  13. Was in Brussels a couple of weeks ago.

    Police and what appeared to be olive drab Army buses packed with mostly Gypsies. Quads of cops just going round the sidewalks and area near the EU HQs picking them up. I asked where they were being taken and was told "out of town."

    The EU Mandarins don't like to see the fruits of their evil littering the streets and rail stations - so it's not just Bangkok.

  14. http://asia.etbtravelnews.com/246815/thai-statement-regarding-icao/

    Here is the official Thai statement.

    My wife and daughter booked Thai in July - will lose the ticket if I cancel - but I am now REALLY worried.

    Just reading this "defence" with lots of sugary promises - is awful.

    What I want to read is that THAI have brought in a professional Airline - B.A. Lufthansa, Swiss - to oversee their "safety".

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