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Posts posted by stoffel45

  1. Your plan isn't working to good. The thugs are all over the city closing down government officers and CMPO isn't doing a dam_n thing about it. All talk no action. Worthless bunch of idiots.

    Yes, PTP will have to get their men in black back in the game - like last time.

    Reports from Dubai say T is really pissed off with his sister. I wonder why, perhaps because his "chums" from Cambodia got caught with grenade passing......

  2. I was expecting the "black money" scam but the spray to the face scam came totally out of left field. Not very original but points for effectiveness.

    Yes, the use of "artist" in the description con-artist, suggests a little skill or finesse.

    In this case there was very little art, but then it appears not much was needed.

    But then as Bernie Madoff (and the CEOs of most major corporations) know, there's an abundant supply of supposedly intelligent, successful people who are easily blinded by greed.

    Hi Suradit, I totally agree with your humourous point - but then organisations like the EU totally rely on high sounding plausible phrases to a LOT of gullible people.

  3. It's irrelevant what Amsterdam said. The creepy thing about this story is that army asserts the power to label people as undesirable person based on their speech.

    No, "The Army" did not label this creature of Taksin's "undesirable" - though by any decent measure, he most certainly is and his client with him.

    It was the Army spokesman who said these words.

    And - though Taksinites would disagree - we are all entitled to our opinion.

    • Like 1
  4. Hi there Helle,


    I think like a lot of us reading your post....we are hoping you have a very good Thai lawyer. (very, very rare people)


    I won't go into the merits of your case - but. 


    You wrote: (such as : I was interviewed by the police, I gave them incriminating documents concerning the case....)


    I do hope that is wrong. For example, "whom did these documents incriminate?"


    As for.....
    My question is ? Will I be allowed to read the case-file ? If so, when and where ?


    When you refer to the case file - I am going to assume that there is a case extant AGAINST you or your company. This "Case file" you refer to is that of the Pursuer/Plaintiff/ Prosecutor - as it is obvious you can read your own. 


    Well Helle, in Thailand, unless you have EXTRAORDINARY lawyers you will not have a sight of the "other side's file" until you are IN court and the case is running. If it is a Police case you may never see it. Normally in Belgium (where the Laws are comparatively primitive being a mix of Code Napoleone and Roman Dutch Law) you would be entitled to Discovery before Trial of much of the case against you. Alas, unless you are able to "grease the wheels with vast quantities of fragrant cash" you will see nothing. 


    You mentioned the Police (above) so whilst you say this is a "civil Case" ......Is it?


    In Belgium and most other countries, for example, "defamation of a person or institution" is not a criminal case and is accordingly of no interest to the Police.

    In Thailand, "Defamation" is a CRIMINAL offence and is handled by the Police. 


    I say this because you refer to Belgium and Thailand. 


    I am sure there are those who can advise you much better than I - but suffice it to say, that many a farang with a seemingly strong case finds himself on the wrong side of the Prosecutor.


    Regardless - don't go anywhere near any Court until you have had your position explained in detail by a competent Thai Lawyer. 


    If you have a Summons to Court - and there is an element of criminal procedure - then ask a Thai lawyer to seek a continuance and get the matter sorted out.


    If you are short of funds ( and legal pleadings in Thailand soak up funds faster than a showgirl) then I suggest if there is any criminal offence latent - that you take yourself to Belgium and acquaint the legal eagles there before doing anything.


    Incidentally, it is extremely unlikely that Belgian Law (such as it is) will have any bearing on a case in a Thai Court.


    Whatever - be VERY circumspect in all regards. Best wishes,

    • Like 1
  5. Just one point.

    You must NOT work until your work permit is issued.

    Do NOT 'start work' until your work permit is issued.

    Regardless of any fine - you WILL be put in jail, WILL go to Court, WILL then be fined and then you WILL be deported.

    There are no maybes about that.

    Do NOT listen to ANYONE who tells you "It's OK to work while your WP is being processed, just get a note from your employer saying it's in the system."

    IF your papers are in order, passport, Visa etc and you have ALL the WP papers - then "Processing" takes between 2 hours to 2 days if you are in a centre with an authorised dept of Labour office.

    Most of the WP offenders I dealt with over 8 years, were "school teachers" or thought they were. More than 80% were shopped to Immigration Police by their colleagues.

    I can think of two famous name primary schools where the Principal had a deal with Immigration. Always in the last month of term. 3 months pay coming up. 10 illegal teachers (all thinking they were legal) - that's 27 months pay. A tidy profit for the Principal and her sister.

    Remember the maxim in Thailand. "It's like going to the toilet. If the paperwork is good - you don't get in a mess."

    • Like 1
  6. None of us really know Yingluck Shinawatra.

    We know her evil brother has a great influence upon her and with Shin family pressure forced her to take the job as PM.

    It seems she is a normal and probably nice Chinese Thai girl, who well, just loves shopping and is not cut out for the heavy acid of the job her brother made her take.

    OK she was in tears. Old mantis face will have been screaming at her down the phone and calling his friend of equal moral values, Chalerm to "Make her see sense!"

    I hope for her sake she quits. I hope for Thailand's sake none of the Taksin family return to Government - their very name is poison in Thailand.

    Go shopping lass, maybe go and visit the mantis and tell him you tried but the people don't want another Shin stealing their money.

    Whatever, good luck and goodbye Yingluck better jok next time.

  7. What can one say? Well done Suthep and friends for keeping Taksin in his chosen place of exile. No doubt that it was Suthep and Co who reversed the phoney amnesty.

    Now there will be elections and the Thaksin Party will win again, though this time by a lot less seats.

    What they, and thus Taksin will know is that they dare not try to bring the convicted criminal back to prey once again on the Thai people - or Suthep will have another successful demo.

    The winner of this demo is not the Democrat Party - it is Justice.

    The big loser is Taksin Shinawatra.

    Sent from my GT-P5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  8. I had dinner with the Pattaya City Engineer two years ago.

    I was doing a project on the actual history of Pattaya (no,it never was a fishing village) and he had directed me to interview the elderly residents of the old Banglamung Home.

    I asked him if there had ever been a "Census". He told me that these were not popular with Thai people and even less so with some administrations.

    The Population of Pattaya is actually estimated by the amount of garbage removed from households.

    By the City's estimate it is around 600,000 give or take 20,000 or so.

    However, knowing the "system" as most of us do - this could be plus or minus 150,000 - or so.

    Being delicate, with the splitting off of Pattaya from the Chon Buri 'family' three distinct 'families' came into being, one centred on Bang Saen.

    As all Pattaya scholars know, there is actually no such city or town or even place called "Pattaya".

    You will know this when you enter its non-boundaries, walk its non-existent streets and talk to any of its phantom citizens who number zero.

    Now if you are looking for the heavily populated "Hot Spots" then you must visit Banglamung or Nongprue - THAT's where the action is.

    • Like 1
  9. Thaksin's history, in deeds, is a story of unmitigated greed and corruption. The way he and his agents have exploited the Thai people is a testament to his evil and their stupidity.

    I wish only the very worst for Shinawatra and their parasites.

    I do believe, that for all his faults, Abhisit was the best of all Thailand's Prime Ministers, with perhaps the exception of Prem Tinsonulonda.

    That said. PTP - the Shinawatra clan - hold the legitimate numbers of majority in Parliament.

    Yes this protest staved off a likely civil war in quashing the Shin Amnesty Act in its nascent stage. So well done Thaugsaban and many friends.

    Yes this protest has shown the Shinawatra clan that they may not ride roughshod over the people with impunity.

    But now it is time to end it. It is wrong to talk about ending a Democratically elected Government.

    It is as wrong now as it was when the red-shirt mobs were doing the same - such a short time ago.

    • Like 1
  10. Just before the Pro-Taksin mob start their barracking - just remember that this old bokkie, Suthep, prevented the amnesty for Big Brother in Dubai succeeding.

    The risk of real civil war if it had gone through was very real - and though that risk has subsided - it has not gone away, until the happy day for Thailand, when we are reading of Taksin in Dubai's final demise.

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