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Posts posted by stoffel45

  1. These kids should go far. Im sure Pheu Thai's Scamming Department has already got their eye on one or two of them!

    From what I understand, Thaksin of Arabia has already offered them consultancy roles in his next scam to defraud the Thai nation

    "Thaksin of Arabia" - GREAT! Love it!

    Can just hear the music .....and the screech of tyres in that last fatal car accident.......

  2. The EU is quite justifiably concerned at the level of corruption.

    Such levels as are to be found in Thailand are a direct challenge to the supremacy of EU Commission corruption.

    EU corruption, it is claimed, is the 2nd highest in the World, though the EU is redoubling its efforts to wrest the number one spot away from N.Korea.

    Until there has been another election in Thailand, the EU will be unsure of its exact place on the corruption ladder.

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  3. To: The Honourable Ban Ki Moon. Sec Gen. UN

    From: Pheu Thai, Shin Family and all Red Shirt Friends.

    Dear Mr Ban Ki Moon,

    please could you help us with our special Pheu Thai Problem.

    We won the election, mostly thanks to the ineptitude of the Democrats and to the great wisdom of our True Leader, who alas is a criminal fugitive in Dubai, who in his dazzling brilliance thought up the idea to exchange huge sums for Rice - in exchange for Votes.

    Mr Ban Ki Moon it worked. The peasant rice famers gave us our needed votes and we were able to elect our Dear And Revered True Leader, Taksin Shinawatra in the form of his sister, Yingluck.

    Now our biggest problem is that we never actually had the money to pay many times the market price for the rice. Most of the rice left now (some has been sold to defray OUR expenses and those of our beloved Red shirt PTP members of Parliament) is black with mould.

    Please could you send a couple of trillion baht, as a gift, so that our Party can restore order to the country by having enough to buy the next election.

    Please also, could you make a comment on TV that the monk our Red shirts beat up was just asking for it.

    If you would also be so kind as to arrange a photo shoot with Taksin Shinawatra - we promise you the rewards would be greater than those of your predecessor, Mr Annan.

  4. Two years ago at Lipa Noi (West Coast - lovely real beaches) we had a lot of oil in the sea and in long (300 meters) striations on and in the sand.

    There is a Navy base on the headland there and our hotelier was told not to worry it was probably just one of the big cruise ships or Ferries emptying their bunkers.

    Two years later, we don't need vaseline to get the muck off our feet - but it is still there.

    Fishing boats, unless some of those who make a more than lucrative living smuggling oil from Malaysia are known to just dump their cargoes if the Navy calls them to stop.

    Well - the ONLY thing Samui, Phangan, Koh Tao and Ang Thong have is ocean frontage and sea life.

  5. In case anyone is ambivalent over homeopathy, please see this talk by James Randi:


    And this is the Public Health Minister? to give an idea of what homeopathy is like it would be like Plodprasop plan of using boat propellers to push the flood waters downstream, but using a tea spoon pushing the water up stream and the smaller the spoon the better. That is how ridiculous homeopathy is.

    It's a ludicrous "medicine", a health official proposing it should be sacked, stat.

    AlecG, your clear 'misunderstanding' of homeopathy is evident in this rather childish analogy.

    Consider this.

    If I took a tiny drop, in lay terms a half of a spoon of belladonna and gave it to you - you would most likely die.

    If however, I took that same half a spoon of belladonna and mixed it with ten gallons of water - and if you had a heart condition and gave you 5 drops of that dilution - it could save your life.

    A good and qualified doctor, like my wife and her colleagues, use a mix, roughly 80% Classic medicine and about 20% of homeopathic and fytotherapy to cure people.

    In many countries one must be a fully qualified medical practitioner (she is a GP) with a lot of experience - before - one goes back to University to study homeopathy and Fytotherapy.

    There ARE indeed many tragically ignorant people whose "evidence" about homoetherapy comes from some article in Readers Digest or a chat in a pub.

    Big Pharma is the main source of disinformation - because they want the formulae.

    My advice, well meant, is to find a practising homeopath - with full medical qualifications - and ask him to explain it to you. Then you can make a more informed attack on the discipline.

  6. The really sad thing here though, is the officialdom - supposedly professional - of a country like Thailand could be suckered into buying into this nonsense. It may still be a developing country (as clearly shown by its politicians) where huge numbers of the population still believe in supernatural forces, but it's so disappointing to note medical practitioners could possibly take this seriously.

    On a further tragic note for Thailand - and something nobody on this topic seems to have pointed out yet - is the oxymoron of "kindergarten student volunteers".

    TiT? Double-you tee eff!

    France is worst in that matter. We have world class medicine practitioners, top researchers, one of the best life expectancy, yet 35% of french use and and believe in homeopathic remedies...

    Doctors know it is no more than a placebo, but they still prescribe it to their patients thus breaking hippocratic oath. I have a doctor friend. His university even used to deliver an homeopathic diploma... who knows what they were teaching. Himself is not at all friendly to homeopathic concepts. He had a 9 year old patient soon after he started to practice. Totally and irremidatly deaf. Why? Her mother treated her multiple otisis with pure homeopathic remedies.

    Such unwitting ignorance. So little knowledge. A shame indeed.

  7. The really sad thing here though, is the officialdom - supposedly professional - of a country like Thailand could be suckered into buying into this nonsense. It may still be a developing country (as clearly shown by its politicians) where huge numbers of the population still believe in supernatural forces, but it's so disappointing to note medical practitioners could possibly take this seriously.

    On a further tragic note for Thailand - and something nobody on this topic seems to have pointed out yet - is the oxymoron of "kindergarten student volunteers".

    TiT? Double-you tee eff!

    France is worst in that matter. We have world class medicine practitioners, top researchers, one of the best life expectancy, yet 35% of french use and and believe in homeopathic remedies...

    Doctors know it is no more than a placebo, but they still prescribe it to their patients thus breaking hippocratic oath. I have a doctor friend. His university even used to deliver an homeopathic diploma... who knows what they were teaching. Himself is not at all friendly to homeopathic concepts. He had a 9 year old patient soon after he started to practice. Totally and irremidatly deaf. Why? Her mother treated her multiple otisis with pure homeopathic remedies.

    I had no idea that ignorance and ill-educated bias was so deep and widespread. It is very sad.

  8. Medical use

    The common names for the plants are all based on the previous usage of one species, Eupatorium perfoliatum, as an herbal medicine. Despite its name, boneset is not used to treat broken bones[1], instead the common name apparently derives from the herb's use to treat dengue fever, which was also called breakbone fever because of the pain that it caused. The name thoroughwort also comes from Eupatorium perfoliatum, and refers to the perfoliate leaves, in which the stem appears to pierce the leaf (i.e. go through, note that in older usage "thorough" was not distinguished from "through", compare for example the word thoroughfare).

    Boneset, although poisonous to humans and grazing livestock, has been used in folk medicine,[6] for instance to excrete excess uric acid which causes gout. Caution is advised when using boneset, since it contains toxic compounds that can cause liver damage.[citation needed] Side effects include muscular tremors, weakness, and constipation; overdoses may be deadly.

    Lemon jelly, your post is taken direct, copied and pasted from Wikipedia's website on eupatorium.

  9. A couple weeks early for the April fools day article. Astounding lack of medical knowlege from the "public health ministry", Of all the quack therapies homeopathy is the best tested and soundly debunked crock of superstitious garbage available. Pathetic.

    Daoyai, I would be interested in hearing your reasons for this rather childish and wholly uninformed condemnation of an important branch of medicine.

    Homeopathy is most certainly NOT any kind of "quack" medicine in countries where practitioners are first qualified MD and then go on to study homeopathic medicine for a further 3 years in addition to the 5 years in Medical school then 2 or 3 years as an intern.

    Silly and ignorant comments like yours usually stem from - well - ignorance.

    The Pharmaceutical Industry is currently (and rather desperately) trying to collar the homeopathic medicines - so that people, perhaps like you, will happily pay ten times the price for the same.

    Recommendation. Wise up, Grow up or .....well I'm sure you can guess.

  10. Even Chalerm see's the end in sight... now hes starting to scramble around and find a way to save his sorry ass

    Hi Munt er Hunter, I think Chalerm has just the 'right man' for the job. One who is thoroughly approved in every way by the Man in Dubai.

    Can't you just hear Chalerm. "Oh no - I couldn't - I am too humble - mind you my brand of humility is what could be needed. OK. I'll do it. You've twisted my arm, but - well - I must make sacrifices..."

  11. It didn't take long for the rice farmers to realise that the Shinawatra mantra of "You vote for me and I will take good care of you, because I am a Shinawatra" was hollow and false from beginning to end.

    In a single corrupt Shin stroke, they exposed their "We must love each other" nonsense as a cynical con trick.

    A few million votes less next time.

    Soon the Red shirts will start opening their eyes -

    One day the Shins will consider themselves lucky to have been able to go into exile. Better than mob bait.

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  12. So the Shins have at last come to the conclusion that they cannot have Thailand as a plaything again.

    Though the PDRC were part of the Shin demise, the final blow came from the very people,who realised that they had been truly conned - the Rice Farmers - literally some of the people MOST vital to the Thai economy.

    So now, the Shins wish to set up a "Republic" centred on Chiang Mai where once the young Thaksin Shinawatra helped his Father in his Cinema.

    Clearly, his latest sick ploy is based on "Well if I cannot find adulation in the whole of Thailand - I will create my own Land.

    Presumably the language will be Yuan and the flag red with stars and a sickle.

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  13. Hey, Thaksin - yeah you over there or doing your black magic stuff in Burma - the Rice Farmers voted for you. You said (OK so it was your sister - but we know better) "If you vote for ME, I will pay you 15,000 baht per tonne.

    You got our votes - now you cheat on the deal.

    You are now the EX-head of the Farmers' Association.

    You, Thaksin are as bad as Suthep says you are. Your word is dust - Dubai dust. Worth nothing.

    All our families in the whole of Issan trusted you - more fools us.

    Try to get our votes now - no chance!

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