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Posts posted by stoffel45

  1. Arguing with four girls, school teachers, in their mid-twenties, considering a 4 week diving trip to Thailand, particularly Koh Tao.

    I told them I believe it is much safer than any town in Europe or the USA.

    One of the girls (they've all dived in Greece and the Red Sea) was worried about Koh Tao but also Thailand in general.

    The general consensus was that anywhere with a lot of booze is a bit risky - but they say that the added danger of an incompetent and corrupt police force willing to frame suspects after a torture session, really makes it out of bounds.

    Their information source was the media but one of the girls quoted Thai Visa.

    Whatever happened in Koh Tao, a huge number of people in Europe, believe it was not the 'accused' who murdered these folk. They actively believe the Police are engaged in a face saving criminal exercise.

    Their conclusion was that it is too dangerous to go to Thailand.

    Understandable but bloody annoying.

    My family WILL be going to Koh Tao in July. But I must say I don't feel as good about it as before this tragedy's outcome.

  2. Brilliant! About time someone pushed the issue along, so well done to those MPs in Westminster who had the courage to vote. I hope that this is the snowball that starts the avalanche, and other nations follow the lead. Israel will be unhappy, but it is not their role to determine who is or is not a state - that is a matter for the international community. Besides, Israeli "sensitivities" should be discounted as for 60 years they have been promising a peace they never intended to deliver. Likewise the Israeli lackeys in the USA government should be sidelined, as it is time for the US to be relieved of their role as "peacemaker" in Palestine. The USA has blood on its hands for supporting the continuation of the Israeli policies of ethnic cleansing and land theft. So, this is very welcome news, and hopefully the beginning of more active support from the global community. Viva Palestine!

    Munsterman, looking at it dispassionately - there is nothing to chose between the violence and self-serving rhetoric and broken promises of both sides.

    It is true and none may deny it that Israel was dumped on the Palestinians without their agreement and thus, regardless of arguments to the contrary, Israel is sited on Palestinian land.

    The Palestinians have also made and broken agreement after agreement with the Israelis.

    The only possibility for both Jews and Palestinians to live together is for the whole country to revert to Palestine - with the Israelis being a Jewish enclave protected by the U.N.

    Regardless of the wishes of a few Labour MPs there will never be a two state solution in Palestine/Israel.

  3. The EU is not to be confused with either economic or democratic application.


    The EU is ruled by 28 EU Commissioners, all of them un-elected, who style themselves as, 'The Government of Governments.'

    When the nation states of the EU, rashly asked their own people if they wished to be part of this European Union, the French, the Dutch and the Irish all voted decisively NO.

    The EU Commission ignored these Referenda but told the Irish to back and vote again.

    Sarkozy, the diminutive President of France, told Cowen, Ireland's Prime Minister that if Ireland did not accept the EU bail out loan to rescue two German Banks which had speculated on property development in Ireland, "If you do not accept these "loans" we will send Ireland back to the Dark Ages, where the EU found her.

    There is not a single iota, beyond words of Democracy in the EU's rulers.

    Germany wanted the Ukraine.

    The Ukraine has vast deposits of shale oil. It has an unsophisticated population which would not object to Germany fracking the shale oil.

    The Ukraine has large numbers of poor people - fodder for German manufacturers - so that they can compete with Asian prices.

    So Germany, using its new dog, the EU, bribed Ukrainian MPs, all of them, with nearly 1 Billion euro to join the EU in a stage one takeover.

    Historically, buying up Parliaments is the norm for the EU. Once the MPs and senior civil servants take the bribes - they are in the bag forever.

    But in November last year - the Ukraine's Parliament voted against joining the EU.

    Worse still, they did not give back any of the 1 billion euro they had accepted in bribes.

    Germany in a rage ordered the downfall of the democratically elected Government of the Ukraine in which it succeeded.

    Then German provocateurs, some wearing Nazi regalia, started beating up and killing anyone who spoke Russian. This created a mass panic and the Russian speakers fled to the east of the country and into the dominantly ethnic Russian Crimean Peninsula.

    The EU then appointed - yes appointed their own puppet Government and sent weapons and 'advisors' to prosecute a Civil War in the Ukraine.

    And these are the same people who would dare to preach Democracy to Thailand ?

    Democracy is not just a word to the EU Commission. It is a threat.

    The EU is not in the slightest bit interested in Thai Democracy or the lack of it.

    It is interested ONLY in what Thailand can buy from French and German manufacturers.

    • Like 1
  4. I went to Hong Kong a few years ago, for the second time. The first time was in 1990, under British rule.

    The most recent time was, of course, under Chinese rule, and I was amazed at all the changes.

    However, on the day we were leaving, at our arrival at the airport, I did the electronic machine check-in for us both for the return flight, but was accosted almost immediately by a Chinese employee (with poor English) of Air China (I am pretty sure) who we flew with. He demanded to see my passport, and told me that I didn't have a visa for Thailand so couldn't board. Thick idiot.

    I showed him my valid for another 9 months visa and the re-entry permit, but he was adamant. So, then I told him it didn't matter if I didn't have a visa anyway, because I was eligible for a 30 day visa on arrival as I was a British citizen. No dice again. He really didn't get it.

    I started to get really p!ssed off at him and we had to go through the rigmarole of explanation about 5 times.

    Eventually I demanded he get his manager, to which his face fell. Initially he said, 'no need, no need', but I insisted. He made a phone call, there was a lot off yabbling in Chinese and he suddenly handed me back my passport and boarding pass and said 'OK, you go plane now'. Someone must have explained the visa requirements for Thailand to him, I hope harshly ...

    I suspect that the airline needs to do some training with their ground staff. I can't remember now if it was Air China, or China Southern Airlines. I seem to recall it was Air China and the service was very good apart from that blip with the untrained or badly trained employee, who was pretty aggressive too.

    You missed the buying signal...Mister Fixit. This official, was waiting for you to say, I'm getting late for my flight, would you look after this 30 dollars and if you have sorted out the problem for the next time we meet, keep the change.

  5. I really like how they blame these gangs on their easy entry into thailand. If they even bothered to look the USA and Aus and UK have the same problems in their countries and in greater numbers. Just wait till the triads and yakuza get here.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    "...Just wait till the triads and yakuza get here."

    The Triads from Hong Kong and mainland China have been running crime in Thailand for decades.

    Chiang Mai, Samui, Phuket, Pattaya and all the rest.

    • Like 2
  6. I don't understand the idea of free visas to boost tourism. Why should someone come for holiday in a country just because you don't have to pay 35 USD for a visa? I mean if I have to decide to do holiday in Thailand or in Vietnam will would I say "Ohh if I go to Thailand I would save 35 bucks now. So lets go to Thailand."

    Absolutely right. Suspending visa fees is unlikely to boost tourism -But won't do any harm.

    Fighting the now epidemic Dengue mosquito in areas like Phuket, Samui, Koh Tao, Pattaya where the levels of Dengue Fever are at horrific infection rates would be a good start.

    Samui's tourism is "officially" down by 20% which means it is much worse.

    No complaints, but the previously exploding Russian market has almost disappeared. Whilst good for everyone - it's bad for the local economy - the Russians were good spenders despite their appalling manners.

    Seeing the Red vs Everyone faction fights on Western TV definitely deterred millions of timid Europeans.

    The Military's restoration of peace on the streets has brought joy to all decent Thais but the Western Campaign in the media still supports the old 'conflict in the streets' in its rather twisted defence of a "Democratic" system which never existed in reality.

    Ridiculously inflated airfares complete the restrictive practices of EU Governments which seek to keep their "free" populations grounded and spending at home.

    Of all these limitations, the easiest to fix is the Dengue horror.

    Suspend the visa charge - OK thanks but how does a Tour Operator put that in his brochure "No visa charge if you book and fly before........."

    • Like 1
  7. In Samui right now. Hotel normally very busy at this time, nearly empty since we arrived two days ago.

    No, the coup is not the major reason, the news that too many cases of Dengue Fever plus all those NOT reported is Very alarming.

    When we fly into Thailand there are usually no vacant seats, this time Economy was 60% occupied and Business Class around 50%.

    I think in order of importance - a shrinking euro, a disintegrating EU economy, Dengue Fever and the coup are the most guilty contributors to the decline in tourist numbers.

    I was in Pattaya last week.

    Streets, Shopping Malls Restaurants and Bars all stripped of tourists.

    Heck, there wasn't even the standard traffic gridlock.

  8. No need to get a visa and there is a perfectly legal alternative to overstay.

    Once in Thailand, go to any immigration office and get a 7 days extension for 1,900 Bt. No need to give any reason or documentation.

    Just one point Paz.

    Remembering that they are given a "Waiver of visa" on arrival.

    Is it still possible to "Extend" this - 7 days would be perfect?

    If you are not certain - please let me know.

    Thanking you in anticipation,


  9. First of all MANY Thanks for all your input.

    Yes they DO have the possibility of a Tourist Visa - but it has become a hell of a schlep. It's a Mum and daughter on holiday, bad divorce, husband won't sign the permissions required by the Thai Consulate in Belgium - which means getting the custody order WITH a signed letter from an Advocate.

    The visa costs 30 euro and yes it can be for 59 days. The Advocate charges 230 euro for the accompanying letter for the Consulate or they will NOT give the visa.

    The 32 days plus the day of departure (33 days) is due to flights. Either they cut 4 days off the holiday or leave on the 22nd August.

    Overstays: I visited too many foreigners in jail in Thailand to even think about overstay. I had one prisoner who was less than 8 hours overstay.

    Clutchclark - if there is ANY reason why Police may ask for a passport before you 'surrender' your passport and are charged the overstay at the airport - then it is off to jail and that is up to six weeks of pure Hell. So gang canny.

    Paz, thank you, I will reply to your post separately.

    Thanks again to all, Stoffel

  10. A Mother and Daughter (aged 14 years), Belgian citizens, Arriving Thailand (Suvarnabhumi) and Departing also by air on evening of 22 August.

    Which is 33 days INCLUDING the day of travel.

    If they just take the 30 day waiver visa on arrival - can they go to a regular Immigration office in say, Pattaya to extend until their exit date 3 days later?

    Is there a charge for this?

    Is it better to do a visa run ?

    How many days BEFORE the date of expiry should they do the visa extension?

    Thank you in anticipation your assistance,

  11. Despite its many claims to the contrary, the European Union is, itself, an Anti-Democratic and grotesquely, criminally corrupt organisation.

    The Member states of the EU pay lip service only to the EU's bizarre and Kafkaesque apology for a "Foreign Service".

    Could anyone believe for more than a nanosecond, that a British, German, Italian or French company would pause in their quests to sell yet more to their Thai customers?

    The vast majority of the Thai people are thankful that their Army have rescued them from the endless ambitions, corruption and self interest of those who wielded power in their hijacked democracy.

    • Like 1
  12. Most highly recommend the Rajapruek Samui Resort.

    It is located on the West Coast about 45 minutes from the Airport.

    The Rajapruek sits in landscaped grounds, has two swimming pools and is fringed by kilometres of golden sand.

    Thinking of your son's safety, the beach, sheltered by a headland, is VERY gently sloping and rock free.

    A very good Restaurant offering Thai and Western food. The kitchen staff will be delighted to prepare ANY food for you.
    We've known the Chef to send to the nearby Market for freshly picked vegetables if a guest expressed an interest.

    Accommodation is a choice of large rooms with Pool or Seaview.

    These rooms are @ 1500 - 2000 baht (per room) a small charge is made for an extra bed and breakfast for your son.

    Our family chose a lovely Bungalow on the Beach front. You sleep and awaken to the sound of the waves.

    The staff are literally dedicated to your enjoyment and happiness.

    If you need car hire at a good rate Khun Chu will arrange it. Or rent a motorcycle. Go for a Superb pampering Spa treatment. A day's Fishing with Lunch freshly caught. Visit close up the amazing Pink Dolphins. Try snorkeling in beautiful shallow reefs

    We count the days until our return to Rakapruek in July.

    Google Rakapruek and take a look.

    If you need more info email me at xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    We are a family of 3.

    Sent from my SM-C101 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  13. There is no doubt that the EU and its mafia like Commission decide who CAN be Prime Minister in any of its "national" Governments. Greece, Ireland and Italy are all instances of "EU appointed Governments."

    The recent destabilisation of the Ukraine by the EU led to the EU appointment of a weak and vacillating government there and gave the Russians an excuse to 'annexe' the Crimea.

    If the EU had not interfered in the sovereign affairs of the Ukraine would it still be intact - including the Crimea?

  14. I notice half the Foreign police volunteers have wings on their uniforms, is this the elite force they are going to use??

    Ah yes, the wings on the uniforms.....touchy subject.

    If they jump 3 times off a platform which is about 5 metres off the ground in a tethered safety harness.....it ranks as 3 parachute jumps - and then you get your wings.

  15. Really hope for the sake of the country and it's people that this will be the final and decisive move, in which this corrupt institution, what this government is, will be given the final blow.

    Yingluck will be more happy in Dubai anyway, Chalerm will find another country where ear drops will be available, and life can become normal again.

    If a new government will be installed, there first priority should be freezing the assets from the old politicians who were in on the rice program and compensate with the confiscated money all the farmers who have suffered.

    Then the economy will be on track soon, investors will come back and tourism will bloom again to the old level.

    Well, wouldn't that be lovely.

    Injustices exist or even Thaksin's money couldn't buy votes.

    Agreed the "SandMan" is utterly megalomaniac and corrupt and cares only for his vision of himself.

    Agreed that the "Earmeds" man is cursed with the same 'self-visionary' illness.

    The 'Girlie' she has to carry the can. Yes from the same 'brood' but I think not rotten to the core. Just a fairly empty shell which has been used and discarded.

    Bangmod - tragically, I don't think this is going to go away.

    Thai Rakh Thai is where the problems of an unwell man began.

    Thai Wreck Thai could be where he ends it.

    Let us hope not.

  16. Intelligence reports stated that 4 years ago, the man who is behind all this conflict, from start to finish, was seen talking with military leaders and arms suppliers in Cambodia.

    If he is able to arm his Red Army, for it has become ever more communist in every way - and I mean every way - then he could easily start his war through his surrogates, like Jatuporn.

    It is clear that the "Establishment" is afraid of strong action.

    The anti-Democratic forces of both Suthep, whom I think is a not very bright chap overcome with vainglorious ideas of patriotism, and the Reds, should be told to disband immediately by the Army. The Police should be kept in their barracks as they are clearly heavily compromised.

    What the country needs now, any country in this situation, is a period of calm and stability. I believe with great regret, that the only institution capable of doing this is the Army.

    The last time the Army had established a good degree of calm. Then Thaksin set his dogs on the people of Bangkok.

    If it takes 5 years for a peaceful 'interregnum" whose main objectives should be Peace and Stability and a return to Law and most of all - Order and getting the belligerents around the table, it is a short term and worthy goal.

    Nobody decent wants a military Government - plainly they are just not good at it - it is not what they are trained for.

    However, the current impasse paid for largely, by a bitter and jealous Taksin who is prepared to have thousands, perhaps millions die so that he can have his spot in the limelight again, is not tolerable.

    Alas, in Thailand there is NO leadership of the people.

    Though elections have been held - they have been compromised by corruption and such as the rice buying votes scam.

    Like so many on these forums (!) I do not claim any deep insights into the Thai ways - like many I do want the very best for all of them - regardless of the colour of their shirts.

    I do not believe this is possible whilst Taksin is still alive.

    • Like 1
  17. Sorry, from the Netherlands, with a tourist visa

    Travelling from Schipol, with a one way ticket or the return half of a two way ticket will be refused by airline staff on check in.

    Especially Schipol !

    We used to buy our tickets in Thailand because they were much cheaper but for some years now we cannot do this.

    I am told there is a way around it by confirming your seat online and printing a Boarding Pass.

    If you have a resident's permit, proof of residence with full documentation in your passport to show that you are legally resident in Thailand - then you can use a 1 way ticket.

    Tourist visa? Not a chance.

    If you are part of a Tour Group by a well known company (Neckermans, Thomas Cook etc) and it shows pre-booked overland travel or you are joining a Cruise - this might help.

    If you say you have a credit card and will purchase a ticket in Thailand or neighbouring country - they will refuse you.

    Bottom line - check it out with the airline BEFORE your date of travel. Remember too that tickets purchased at the airport cost about double.

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