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Posts posted by Thaifriends

  1. 1 hour ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


    Well, what other 'caveat' can I impose? In as much as it is even a caveat and not simply a clarification of statement. I don't know EVERY single British person, not all 67 million of us, not even close, so I will talk about the things that can be discussed - existing policy.


    I mean in terms of political, social, charitable aid and immigration policy - we are and have been for many years ONE of THE MOST liberal, tolerant and welcoming nations IN THE WORLD! That is provable on many levels, not least of which is the fact that we are often the #1 destination for asylum seekers (real or fake) and economic migrants who could very easily stop in southern Europe where they enter, but instead make the desperate struggle to get to Calais and then across to either the UK or north into Germany and Scandinavia


    Again - totally uninformed and erroneous points fella! And by the way I have met 4 or 5 utterly racist, bigoted Canooks over here! - Ergo: the majority of Canadians are xenophobic jam-rolls, right!? ???????? 



    Sorry, getting off topic now.

    I am not sure on recent numbers of asylum or investors but asylums were given to crook politicians, murderers and thugs who stole in billions from their respective countries. Majority of Panama leaks money trail in billions goes to .......? GBR


    For someones sake, realize the reality. Why all the ill gotten money goes to the UK.

  2. 3 minutes ago, michelsavage said:

    Double pricing made me lose my temper, once at a wat in BKK, and once at a WWII museum in Kanchanaburi. You see, double pricing is ethically and philosophically wrong. It creates two classes of humans: the Thai and the non-Thai. And because this procedure is often based upon the looks of the visitor, it opens the door to race profiling. A Myanmar citizen, or Lao or Cambodian may very well benefit from looks in the area of double pricing. But if you are European-looking, you're rich and you'll pay three to ten times more. Moreover, double pricing, set by the government itself, gives Thai merchants permission to adopt such a racist procedure in restaurants, in stores, and in hotels. We all know Thailand is xenophobic, and I will not go into the reasons why. But if the Thai government sets THE example, why should ordinary merchants do otherwise. What Thailand sees of the outside world (other than through Western films) is the image of a bunch of lightly colored people who are filthy rich. I travelled for six years on a motorcycle with my Thai wife everywhere in Thailand. Every day, as we prepared to book a hotel/resort/room, my wife went alone first (me hiding in the bush) to get a price. Then I would show up. Double pricing is lifestyle, it's expected, it's normal life. "Milk the tourist, bleed the expat, exploit the White. That is the norm here. And it will not change until Thailand experiences a deep, fundamental, explosive revolution. Thailand must grow up, and that will hurt.

    I know a person who do the same as you do to get better deal. Its TH or TIT. Did you see at Pattaya on street seafood prices? Chinese tourist flock to those as if free. One can have a dinner at a decent restaurent in that price

  3. 7 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    A Kuwaiti man is not a farang, and there's plenty of Arabs in Pattaya still. I'm pretty sure some of them are good business for the 'boys.

    Get some education. In Thailand it is modified for white boys.

    Actually it is a Sanskirt term "Farang or Farangi" which Thai use as well including so many other Sanskirt.


    It means "foreigner" regardless of color or size of the person ????

  4. 4 hours ago, bowerboy said:

    We have a nice pool in our village (gated village, moo ban or whatever you would call it).


    I regularly see 4 and 5 year old children swimming in the pool completely unsupervised...and I don’t mean Mum at the pool but head buried in iPhone. I mean parents at home while 4 and 5 year olds “swimming” in the pool. None of them can even swim...they jump in and can just barely make it back to the side without drowning.


    And these are 1. Middle class Thai families and 2. Kids of guys who work offshore and whose wives take care of the kids while they are away.


    If it is that bad in that socioeconomic group then god help the lower socio ecomonmic group.


    Totally unforgivaeable by the Leuk Kreung families in my view.

    I have seen even supervised by both parents but they were non stop on phone browsing or just passing time like many do in BTS od MRT

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes officials are already opening talking about treating this case as DOMESTIC TERRORISM so it sounds like they are already convinced it was his manifesto. Remember, he's alive and reports are that he is talking. If that was his manifesto, it's fair to assume he probably confirmed that already. 


    The current occupant of the white house is scheduled to speak on the two mass shooting events today. It will be interesting if he mentions domestic terrorism. I think we can bet the house he won't say white nationalist terrorism. 

    Occupants of the white house, what a disgrace!

    He won elections by dedication and noe he is Commander in Chief of the US

    When Obama's clown were making jokes on Trump's face when he was not even nominated by the Republican's (if remember correctly) calling his hair like squirrel sitting on it etc etc. I said very openly that he will contest election now with full force, spend his own money and is likely to win also. Many laughed at me????


    Now world is laughing on Clintons. ????

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  6. 3 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    No wrong. The Swiss have 27.6 guns per 100 people and the US 120.5 per 100 people. The Swiss homicide rate is around 3 per 100,000 people, similar to Austria, less than Finland and nothing remotely like the US at 10.2. The "Swiss deflection" is a standard NRA line and utter BS. Try reading up on Swiss guns ownership, the Swiss have Army rifles at home because they have national military service, and remain reservists until their early 30s.  


    " By the way majority of US jails are filled with blacks and Latinos." ............I can't avoid the feeling that it gives you some pleasure writing this. The fact is that if you go back to for example the 1930s, you would find that almost all the prison population in the UK were white males. What did they have in common with todays prison population in the UK and indeed the US. Answer they were mainly uneducated, poor people, who were committing crimes out of desperation. Claims of a causal link between ethnicity and crime (When other factors have been eliminated)  have been comprehensively debunked by social scientists.

    Cant compare directly with numbers when the area of the US is far far larger then the tiny Swiss. I do not feel pleasure to write on blacks misery. They are responsible on their own situation and we are talking of 2019 not 1930, Sir.

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  7. 12 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

    I don't know if the things have changed but I don't remember being asked for a no-criminal-record when applying for work permit. For permanent residence, yes, and in my country they had no idea what I was asking for initially, but I am confident it was never asked for during WP application. I have shared it (as I had it handy) during last WP application now some 3+ years ago, but was never asked for. Maybe someone else can confirm this?

    Now need police crimnal record check for 1 year visa extension

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  8. No need to worry. Simply go to the police headquarter and obtain your clearence. If there is no case against you in Thailand then they will give you certificate. UK case is finished and you have served the sentense.


    It might have been a problem only if there are request from UK home ministry to extradite or an Interpol warrant, which I think is not applicable in your case.


    So relax as its good for cleaning up the expats who have crimnal record in Thailand.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    When people have nothing to lose, they lose it. The ease with which guns can be acquired in the US just makes it easier for the unhinged to take their revenge on other members of the precariat.


    This massacre says more about the increasing gap between the rich and the poor in the "land of the free", and the devastating economic and social consequences, than it does about racism or white nationalism.

    Most armed nation on the earth are Swiss. Are they mountain Cow Boys?

    Problem is not to have weapon for self defence but frustration among youths. Some have higher courage to do bad things and some have less. Both end up in jail. By the way majority of US jails are filled with blacks and Latinos.

  10. 10 minutes ago, BangkokBaksida said:

    "The assailant, identified as Connor Betts, a 24-year-old white man . . ."


    I can't remember the last time I read an article about a crime committed by a black person in which it was mentioned that the perpetrator was black.  I guess it's only allowed to identify whites by race when they commit crimes.  Identifying black criminals as black is racist.

    Yes this is going on since Rodney King case. Read newspaper or online US news, most of the crimes are by black people. Mostly want to become victim of discrimination and dont get higher education. Whereas thousand of miles away some South Indian village boy reach US on merit and becomes top executive of a company. 


    Young blacks have to work harder then others then only can achieve. Hopes should be high!

  11. 4 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    No Obama wanted to reward illegal immigrants.


    Noticeably when referring to Trump you miss the adjective illegal and refer to immigrants. Why not start accepting there is a big difference between legal immigrants and illegal ones who entered as criminals?


    I wonder just who is feeding all these various assorted nutters and organizations. Surely couldn't be the left, could it? Nah, they'd never do such a thing. Left wingers never believe then end justifies the means do they................ oh wait ........................... read history.

    Majority of Asians especially South Asians reach US legally, get legal citizenship, pay taxes, work like dogs. Then one person crosses border illegally and gets right to stay to legalize, BS!


    Important point is: South Asian legal migrants are mostly educated, speak English as well, compared to the border crossers.

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  12. 41 minutes ago, GalaxyMan said:

    You must be on drugs. This is a political issue because it is all being promoted and encouraged by the Dummy in the White House. Trump is the White-Nationalist/Supremacist in Chief, The Racist in Chief, The Liar in Chief, The Serial Assaulter of Women in Chief. His base and the entire GOP are unabashedly complicit. Disgusting situation. Just when you thought nothing could make a Dumbocrap seem like a good alternative, along comes Donny.

    Why dont you run for POTUS from you keyboard ????

    Also get elected with some Jomtien Russian expat who might be a hacker and rig your computer ????

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  13. On 8/2/2019 at 11:40 AM, Megascott said:

    I actually had this happen to me in Cambodia, OK, not a fancy restaurant, but I digress. Four (what sounded like) German male backpackers, full tattoos, Dreadlocks, Man buns, 5 day shitter pants and all, ate a whole three course meal at the table next to mine at a Siem Reap Curry restaurant, at the conclusion, one of the party asked ME for money to pay the bill. Of course, I said no and they walked out without paying. Nice touch, but then again, most backpackers aren't like this.

    Some 30 years back a huge size Dutch guy sitting sharing table with me in a busy restaurent left without paying. He looked well off and was dressed well also.

  14. 2 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

    In Hua Hin last night the police called my wife and told us to close the bar immediately. She drove around, and Soi 80, and Bintabaht were closed. This was at 7:30 p.m. 

    We closed, and then noticed bars in Soi 94 closing one by one.

    When she asked the police they said they were expecting something.

    However, the stupid thing is that the restaurants, and food courts were all open.......figure that one out.......Bummer really as Friday is our busiest night......:sad:

    Its good to have precaution and after all money isnt more important then humen life. Stay alert and be happy ????

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