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Posts posted by yuyiinthesky

  1. For the ones who know how to run traceroute:

    if you look at the routing of traffic from a 3BB connection to the Internet outside, it is very chaotic. They seem to have a lack of available IP addresses, and route you through a complex chaos of 3BB routers with private IP addresses, before you get to a router with a shared public IP address. 

    Here a shortened example:

    Tracing route to xxxxxx [xxxxxx]
      1     2 ms     1 ms     2 ms
      2    10 ms    10 ms    10 ms
      3     9 ms     9 ms    11 ms
      4    14 ms    12 ms    13 ms  mx-ll-110.164.0-108.static.3bb.co.th []
      5    20 ms    17 ms    16 ms  mx-ll-110.164.14-220.static.3bb.co.th []
      6    14 ms    12 ms    15 ms  mx-ll-110.164.14-246.static.3bb.co.th []
      7    13 ms    13 ms    13 ms  mx-ll-110.164.1-19.static.3bb.co.th []
      8    13 ms    17 ms    13 ms  mx-ll-110.164.1-21.static.3bb.co.th []
      9    36 ms    36 ms    36 ms  mx-ll-110.164.0-243.static.3bb.co.th []
     10    37 ms    37 ms    36 ms  mx-ll-110.164.0-189.static.3bb.co.th []

    Even after 10 hops you're still in the 3BB maze, and the latency is getting quite high.

    Sometimes it has drop outs, unfortunately.

    Speedtests, Fakebook and Youtube are not a good way to check. Access to Fakebook and Youtube is always optimized, with local caches in place.

    Speedtests too, they are made working first, and often only show what is possible if traffic is optimized and prioritized.


    • Like 1
  2. On 11/22/2019 at 12:58 AM, Traubert said:

    Naturally he's innocent.

    Glad to see that also you understood that the accusations for "soliciting prostitution" are just the cover to give an excuse for his kidnapping and torture. Simon Cheng's employers in the UK embassy also understood it, and expressed that very clearly (as you can read in the article).

    Interesting that you know that "
    soliciting prostitution in Shenzhen  ..  is half the price it is in Hong Kong." You've been there? Done that? Why didn't they "nick" you then?

    If "soliciting prostitution" would be a fair reason for arresting and torturing in Thailand, then most expats in Thailand would be, as you say it "thrifty lads", and in danger ???? ???? ???? 

  3. There is still hope, not all officials and party members in China agree with the mass detention and ethnic cleansing of Uighurs.



    The leak "confirms in black and white, in the party's own words, its conscious and systematic extrajudicial mass internment of Muslims in Xinjiang," said James Leibold, an expert on ethnic relations in China and a professor at Melbourne's La Trobe University.

    The documents show that "there was resistance on a local level" with local officials who disagreed with the policy facing punishment or being purged, Leibold told AFP.

    Additionally, he said, the fact that the documents were leaked is "a significant indicator that there are many inside the party who think this is an unwise policy and wish to hold Xi Jinping and Chen Quanguo accountable."

    Quoted from https://www.dhakatribune.com/world/east-asia/2019/11/17/leaked-china-documents-reveal-no-mercy-to-uighurs



    The documents also shed light on the party's punishment of one official, Wang Yongzhi, who was investigated from 2017 to 2018 for disobeying party orders.

    Wang released on his own initiative more than 7,000 people from camps in Xinjiang, and feared that "rounding up so many people would knowingly fan conflict and deepen resentment", according to a confession by Wang leaked to the Times.

    Poor guy, getting punished for doing what's right.

  4. On 11/18/2019 at 10:58 PM, Traubert said:

    And any other western myths about China you particularly like.

    I know you try to deny it, claim it's a western myth - but the truth came out, the official Chinese instructions confirm all. 
    Leaked Documents Show Xi Jinping’s Secret Speeches About China’s Uighur Crackdown
    Around a million Uighurs, Kazakhs and other Muslims have been bundled into ‘de-radicalisation camps’ in China.
    Just 2 links you probably don't want anyone to follow.

  5. 9 hours ago, webfact said:

    British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab condemned China’s treatment of Simon Cheng, a former employee of Britain’s Hong Kong consulate, who said secret police beat him seeking information about the protest movement.


    "We were shocked and appalled by the mistreatment he suffered while in Chinese detention, which amounts to torture," Raab said.

    More about that: BBC: Simon Cheng tortured in China


    If even innocent observers working for the UK embassy get tortured, once they are in the hands of China, I hope God has mercy with the trapped students. Nobody deserves to get tortured.

  6. On 11/12/2019 at 12:39 AM, Traubert said:
    On 11/11/2019 at 8:03 PM, yuyiinthesky said:

    Quoting Coremouse:
    "It's believed the man was"
    "It is widely known separists have"

    Yeah, sure, if you 
    believe the fake news made in China.

    You cant have it both ways mate. Either the Chinese report or they dont. None of this news is reported in China and the international press are in full attendance.

    Fake news does not necessarily mean news reported by the press, but much more the fake news posted in social media (or sites such as Thaivisa) by state sponsored troll armies.


    • Thanks 1
  7. Very much tempted! 
    I'll get it sooner or later, no doubt

    Switching to Macs was the best decision for me, productivity wise. Less time spent getting the PC to work, more time doing productive work. It's as simple as that.

    No need for the full specs though.  16 or 32GB RAM / 512GB SS is more than enough for me.

  8. 19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    “I’m not saying all the violence is right, but the values they are striving for are always right,” said Liu,


    19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    LAW, 63:


    “I have been crying watching the footage at the universities.”


    “We are hopeless and helpless in Hong Kong now. The British did not give us democracy, but we did have our freedoms. We need help from the rest of the world.”


    19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    The government is trying to turn Hong Kongers against the students and all the protesters. But if they just listened to the protesters none of this would happen.


    19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    But when you see traffic police shooting at students how can you be reasonable? I want the world to know that Carrie Lam has destroyed this city and Hong Kong police are acting like Chinese police

    19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    But you see on TV, police beating up children, Hong Kong’s children. Is that reasonable? What is wrong with what they are demanding? We all want to return to normal, but how can the government do that if they don’t listen to what Hong Kongers have been asking for.


    The people of Hong Kong. Not much to add there. I wish you good luck!

  9. 9 hours ago, Selatan said:

    On Hong Kong's future, the solution to their problems is adopting the socialist system as practised on the mainland which the Hongkies really hate.

    And if the people of Hong Kong don't want that? Then force it on them? Re-education (concentration) camps?

    As said earlier, I can fully understand if they don't want that. I wouldn't.

    Did you ever read George Orwell's book 1984? You should. It might give you some more ideas.

  10. 35 minutes ago, Selatan said:

    Didn't you read the posted links about fake stories given by asylum seekers?

    Actually I did, and there is no mention of Uighurs there, but it says: "Of course, thousands of those claims are legitimate."

    So, if anything, the link you posted does confirm that the reports about sexual violence against and forced sterilization of Uighur women in the Xinjiang concentration camps are legitimate.

    Bringing me back to my point, that I can understand, and sympathize with, that the people of HK not want to live "in" a country which does such horrible acts.

  11. 2 hours ago, Selatan said:

    The re-education centres were built to try to reverse the effects of extremist teachings and to also provide skills to the trainees so that they could be gainfully employed later on.

    You seem to know an awful lot about these concentration camps. So you're saying that the sexual violence against and forced sterilization of Uighur women and removal of Uighur children are simply re-education methods "to also provide skills to the trainees so that they could be gainfully employed later on"?

  12. 7 hours ago, Selatan said:

    Maybe my English is not that good, but what nonsense genocide are you talking about? How many millions of Uyghurs have been killed so far in those re-education camps?

    I find China's approach to anti-terrorism to be very humane. Maybe cowboys like guns too much. The Middle East is totally ruined by the cowboys.


    Even if you call them "re-education camps", and even if a huge troll army does the same, they are like the concentration camps of the Nazis. History repeats once again.

    Quoted from Wikipedia: "that "at least a million but likely closer to three million citizens" were imprisoned in detention centers in a strong condemnation of the "concentration camps".[4][5] In August 2018, a United Nations human rights panel said that it had received many credible reports that 1 million ethnic Uyghurs in China have been held in "re-education camps" "

    Sounds like genocide to me.

    "anti-terrorism"? These millions of Uyghurs in these so-called "re-education camps" have nothing to do with terrorism. Nothing at all.

    And even if, you find it "humane" to rape and force sterilization in these "re-education camps"? I don't.

    However I agree with you on the cowboys ruining the Middle East, with Trump's betrayal of the the Kurds only the last example of it.

  13. Just have a look at the genocide at the Uighurs to see what can happen to you when you're living "in" China.

    Seeing that I fully understand that the people of Hong Kong, especially the younger generation, want to stay outside of China. They have my sympathy. Good luck!

    • Like 2
  14. On 10/26/2019 at 11:08 AM, phycokiller said:

    time it was legalized. when they cant get real meths they just sell fake substitutes with unknown long term health and mental effects, but in my observation are likely worse then meths even tho they are in many cases they are legal

    Legalize crystal meth??? Utter nonsense! Obviously you took too much of that brainkiller already!

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