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Posts posted by yuyiinthesky

  1. 20 minutes ago, TheDark said:

    But there are also some mutations / strains of the covid-19 virus, which are thought to be a lot more deadly than the original one.

    I think this is nonsense. The impression of more deadly or not are simply created by the way deaths "from Covid-19" are mixed with deaths while also having a Corona infection, but not from Corona, are counted and put in statistics. Add to that lousy healthcare systems like in Italy and New York, killing Ventilators, and there you go.



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  2. 5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Dr Manoon Leechawengwong should be arrested and locked up, for spreading panic among the masses. Completely ridiculous predictions, damaging to the mental health of the people, and reckless, to say the least. There are totally different dynamics at work in Italy. 

    Very well said. Arrest him for spreading false info about Covid 19.

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  3. 14 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    There is a risk that must be taken into account: If Thailand got the early Wuhan version, and most people have had it as asymptomatic, it could create a false sense of security due to perceived immunity for other strains, an immunity that might not be there at all. 

    It is April 22, please stop repeating this old nonsense. It doesn't matter which one you get, they are same same same same. It is known by now why the Italian death numbers had been so high, and it had nothing to do with different Corona versions, in most cases not even with any Corona virus.

  4. 7 hours ago, Logosone said:

    Who was the most alarmist?


    It was Neil Ferguson. He was the one who posted a paper saying that 2 million people in the US would die, 500,000 in the UK would die. It was based on this hyper-alarmist modelling, of which Ferguson later tried to weasel out of, that Boris Johnson then put in the place the policies that he did.

    Yes, this guy and his false models influenced the decisions of many countries. The damage he did with his mistakes is immense.

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  5. 21 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

    what country do you support at the Olympics or the Football World Cup?

    For a long time now I focus on supporting and cheering up good athletes, which inspire me with their performance. Countries? No, I don't care where they were born, just what they do.

    May be I listed too much to John Lennon's "Imagine".

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Monomial said:

    Explain mathematically or logically using mathematical heuristics why it can not infect 100%?

    Have a look at any explanation of herd immunity. Once the virus runs out of candidates to infect, it runs out. That is happening when every infected person infects less than 1 uninfected person.

    The herd immunity value is different for every virus depending on how contagious the virus is, the R0 value. For SARS-CoV-2 the herd immunity level seems to be 60-70%.




    R0, pronounced “R naught,” is a mathematical term that indicates how contagious an infectious disease is. It’s also referred to as the reproduction number. As an infection is transmitted to new people, it reproduces itself.

    R0 tells you the average number of people who will contract a contagious disease from one person with that disease. It specifically applies to a population of people who were previously free of infection and haven’t been vaccinated.

    For example, if a disease has an R0 of 18, a person who has the disease will transmit it to an average of 18 other people. That replication will continue if no one has been vaccinated against the disease or is already immune to it in their community.


    Three possibilities exist for the potential transmission or decline of a disease, depending on its R0 value:

    • If R0 is less than 1, each existing infection causes less than one new infection. In this case, the disease will decline and eventually die out.
    • If R0 equals 1, each existing infection causes one new infection. The disease will stay alive and stable, but there won’t be an outbreak or an epidemic.
    • If R0 is more than 1, each existing infection causes more than one new infection. The disease will be transmitted between people, and there may be an outbreak or epidemic.

    Importantly, a disease’s R0 value only applies when everyone in a population is completely vulnerable to the disease. This means:

    • no one has been vaccinated
    • no one has had the disease before
    • there’s no way to control the spread of the disease



    (from https://www.healthline.com/health/r-nought-reproduction-number)



    Researchers think that the R0 for COVID-19 is between 2 and 3. This means that one person can infect two to three other people. It also means 50% to 67% of the population would need to be resistant before herd immunity kicks in and the infection rates start to go down.

    (from https://www.webmd.com/lung/what-is-herd-immunity#1)

    In short, the effective contagiousness of a virus sinks when too many had the disease already, and the "disease will decline and eventually die out". It cannot reach 100%.

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