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Posts posted by yuyiinthesky

  1. Now before you start bashing Cambodia for not allowing to criticize the government, the so very democratic Germany is doing worse, locking up even lawyers:



    Coronavirus lockdown: German lawyer detained for opposition


    A large number of well-established doctors and lawyers in the German-speaking countries have questioned the constitutionality of their governments' stringent confinement measures, which are commonly being referred to by the English loan-word der Shutdown (as there is no precedent for what to call the situation in German). These measures have begun to be challenged openly on the streets of Berlin. The medical and legal dissidents number in the dozens. None, however, has paid such a price for that freedom of speech as the German medical lawyer Beate Bahner, who has been committed to a psychiatric institution for publicly disagreeing with the measures and policies followed by the German government.


    Source: https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/coronavirus-lockdown-german-lawyer-detained-opposition

  2. It doesn't matter what the Swedish charges are, that's an independent issue. It doesn't matter if we like Julian Assange or not (I don't). What matters is that a journalist should not be charged for publishing news.


    If we allow Julian Assange (multi-awarded journalist) who is not a USA citizen and who was not in the USA when he published news to be extradited to the USA to face 175 years imprisonment and possible execution, then we no longer live in a democratic society. To allow Julian Assange to be extradited for his publishing in the public interest would place every woman, child and man in western society under USA extraterritorial authoritarian rule. History proves that this always leads to the next brutal dictatorship which will assassinate, execute or permanently silence any person that publishes evidence that exposes the “authorities” criminality.  


  3. 56 minutes ago, chessman said:

    If cases of lung cancer started to double every few days then smoking would be banned very quickly.

    So you are saying that the current volume of lung cancer is acceptable, the tax income cigarettes generate is worth it? I hope that's not what you mean!

    • Sad 1
  4. On 4/14/2020 at 11:53 AM, AussieBob18 said:

    More people are dieing of lung cancer every day (20+) than are dieing from Covid19 a day (2-3) - and yet buying cigarettes and smoking is still legal and has not been shut down.  It is all not rational.

    May be due to the tax income from selling cigarettes. More tax seems to be more important than avoiding lung cancer, at least as long as nobody complains about it.

  5. You might want to read more about this first before rejecting it:



    The technique uses antibodies from the blood plasma or serum of people who have recovered from COVID-19 infection to boost the immunity of newly infected patients and those at risk of contracting the disease. These antibodies contained in the blood's serum have the ability to bind to and neutralize SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.


    Casadevall—a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of molecular microbiology and immunology and infectious diseases at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine—published a paper on the proposal today in The Journal of Clinical Investigation.


    "Deployment of this option requires no research or development," he says. "It could be deployed within a couple of weeks since it relies on standard blood-banking practices."

    So this could indeed help.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Bats -> Pangolins -> humans.



    A group of researchers believes the deadly coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, may have  passed from bats to humans through an intermediary animal, the pangolin.


    So far, they know the virus is zoonotic, meaning it jumps from animals to people. And genetic research has all but confirmed that it originated in bats. But scientists believe that another animal most likely served as the intermediary between bats and humans.


    That animal could be the pangolin, a scaly, nocturnal mammal with a tongue longer than its body.


    A group of researchers from South China Agricultural University found that samples from coronavirus patients were 99% identical to samples of the virus taken from wild pangolins, according to China’s official Xinhua news agency. Their research hasn’t been published or confirmed by other experts, but scientists say the results make sense, given what we know about the animals.


    Pangolins are often poached for their keratin scales, which are used as ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine. Their meat is also considered a delicacy in China and Vietnam.

    Many sources, here just one of them: https://www.businessinsider.sg/what-is-a-pangolin-animal-spread-coronavirus-to-humans-2020-2


    So yes, origin is bats, but no need to eat bats, but to eat or be in contact with infected pangolins.

  7. 7 hours ago, Thailand said:

    Thanks, it is important to understand that there are more diseases around than this virus, diseases which are killing more people than this virus, and that every single day.

    I wish there would be only half the effort put into fighting tuberculosis, malaria, influenza than into fighting this virus.

    I'm sorry for every single one having to die, but that includes the huge number of unnecessary deaths from diseases other than Covid-19.

    • Like 2
  8. 21 hours ago, Badrabbit said:

    and driving without a mask on

    What a nonsense, why would I need a mask when sitting in my car, alone or with the ones living with me? Even on my motorbike, with my helmet on, for what shall a mask protect me or others there?

    Oh you're one of the ones even sleeping with the mask on, I understand. 


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