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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 6 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Its the Phi ta Khon in Loei last year. I got up at 2am to go to the temple to observe the religious and spiritualist ceremonies.

    Oh you “GO Loei” 

    Remind me about this song. “Bpai Loei”

    * not really mean that. But is joke. 

    It mean “go quickly” but just joke.. about Loei.


    everyone know now this song....


  2. 1 hour ago, Thainesss said:


    Is this how tough you were when the Japanese threatened to invade your country during world war 2? 

    They help us beat France. Get the land back they steal.


    After that, we kick them out. 



    1 hour ago, Thainesss said:


    Nope, you guys went belly up like a scared dog and allowed the Japanese to operate a death railway in your own country killing thousands of western prisoners of war

    Why not you guys come to help them? 


    1 hour ago, Thainesss said:


    Along With with declaring war on the USA and Britain so the Japanese didn’t completely take over your entire country. 

    Britain did bomb us.



    • Sad 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, dimitriv said:


    We let you live here ?  We have the right to live here.  Living together when married is a human right according to the United Nations. An agreement that was also signed by Thailand.

    Not farang live here have the Thai wife. We let them also.


    16 minutes ago, dimitriv said:


    That simple document is something Thai people should be ashamed of.  Other countries should impose the same rules on Thai people. 


    >> The Thais are peaceful and loving, but are not cowards in war.


    Sometimes when people ask me about Thai culture and Thai people the first thing I say:  With their mentality they will never win a war ????

    Never lose.



    16 minutes ago, dimitriv said:

    >> We are ready to die for freedom, security, and prosperity!


    Most Thai people I know are even afraid to express their opinion about politics, afraid that something can happen to them. That is not freedom.



    Wrong. I think they not want to talk to you about that, if you think that.

    i like Thanatorn. Future Forward.

    Read thai forum, millions the people talk about opinion.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


    Correct. Just like the Japanese from Japan in WW2. There is no nationalism in Thailand. Baht moves everything, corruption rampant, and influence is openly purchased. 


    If you loved your country so much you’d spill your blood cleaning your own house, but y’all never do. Too hard. Odds too unfavorable. 

    My house clean. No blood.


    20 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


    Anyway who cares. Thailand is for Thais. Let them have it. 

    You just say it for China?


    20 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


    Just offends me that if you come to my country, you’d be respected and treated more fairly and with laws applied regardless of social standing or country of origin, yet you don’t feel the same towards others. 


     I look your other comments.


    ”I rarely post about Thailand unless its my direct and factual experience, and never post about anyones politics other than my own and my country. 

    And id certainly never attack someones politics that have nothing to do with my own or my country. 

    Yet this forum is FULL of know-it-alls and trolls who make it their past-time.” 




    You guys are always so outspoken of what America should and should not do like your opinion matters one iota, yet always feel so compelled to voice your opinions no matter how off-putting it is while at the same time getting visibly flustered when the same nonsense is given back in kind. 


    Your country kill woman and kids with bombs on their house in Laos, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Cambodia etc

    You have mass shooting everyday, kill yourself.


    And now you complain about Thailand?

    You think maybe you “offend” this people when you kill them for no reason?

    Say hello to Donald.


    Maybe you should look at my music thred. Help you relax a bit.

    • Sad 1
  5. 55 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

    It appears you have not noticed, the Chinese own and run Thailand. So much for your national pride.


    As for your remarks on us foreigners; how long will it be before the Thai government come begging Daddy Farang to save their failed economy when it collapses again as it did in '97 when we bailed you out with a 17 B $ loan?


    Chinese? From China?


    Or Chinese Thai? 


    What remarks? 


    Thankyou Daddy.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

    If you want to make trouble in Thailand you will lose.


    I think so.


    33 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:


    Words of wisdom? I hope that one day people will wake up and understand that not all are the same. 


       I've had a problem with one guy and five of his friends kicked my ars_e so badly that my own wife didn't recognise me anymore. ( No bar girl wife, btw)

    You tell me already. They say bad about your mum who die. I remember.


    33 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:


       That's not fair, don't you think?


    No, not fair. Terrible.


    33 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:



    And I hadn't started an argument. 


    Why do your fellow countrymen never fight alone?


    They do sometime.

    But will always help there friend. 

    Is not only thai like that. I see euro football gang. Farang biker gang. Same.




    33 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:



    Could you please explain that to me? Thanks a lot. 




    I don’t agree fighting. 

    I am a woman. 

    Man like fighting. (Some woman also, but more it the man. Farang and thai)

  7. 1 minute ago, NCC1701A said:

    the point of my comment was to show how I as a farang living in Thailand contribute to the direct betterment of the Thai people. 

    I as not really addressing the TM30 issue. 


    How is the rain? where do you live? 


    Have most rain in Thailand. Last five days, so much.


    But today I Phangnga. But same. Heavy.

    • Like 2
  8. 42 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    Hello Yinn, how are you today?


    I am fine thankyou.

    Weather not so good here today.


    42 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    In my case, I spend the same amount in the local Thai economy as four or five average Thais. 

    about 75,000 to 90,000 baht a month directly to the Thai people. and in my case I am bringing in foreign currency to Thailand, US dollars.

    I have dramatically improved the lived of many people here. 


    100% goes to Thai people. I don't expect anything from Thailand in return. 




    I understand how you think. But I disagree that.


    i go to Nepal last year. I spend a lot of money. But is all for benefit me. So I not the feeling I “contribute” anything. I get what pay for.

    100% goes to Nepal people. 


    I not expect to change the Nepal law because I spend money there. There country, so is up to them. Same I go Laos, Vietnam and Malaysia before. 

    If I go holiday USA am I “contribute”?


    I think the money you spend in Thailand is the good value for you. You very happy.


    Thomasbkk help build that school in Bangkok. He not get something, he do for some thai people, not for himself.

    He not like me, but, I admit it that is “contribute”. 

    But I think it expect to much to change the law.


    *** maybe I understand the translate of “contribute” wrong way****


    We have 30+ million foreigner come thailand this year. Impossible to control everyone sure. And SOME will be the bad guy, sure.

    Some guy who live here long time already will do bad thing. Sure.

    eg. If you drunk drive, kill the thai and run away. The police know that where you stay, because the TM30. 


    Maybe our law not perfect, but only simple form. Just name and adress. 


    If I want go USA for the holiday, must go Bangkok before, pay money, so much document about bank, live where, have the meeting with them and just because I young, female Thai person, maybe they say NO!

    Is fair? Or not? 


    If I can go USA, only must do a TM30, not go Bangkok before etc etc I would be happy for that. Easy.



    • Sad 1
  9. 2 hours ago, puchooay said:

    I have just been informed that the existing condition was gastric ulcers.


    Having researched further is appears that this is caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). 


    Many causes of this infection, an infection that Doctors believe affects half of the world's population. Interestingly, one of the causes is living with someone who has the infection.


    As I posted in my previous post, the girl's father died of the same/similar ailment 6 months ago.


    So it seems that eating Somtam, spicy food has been proved not to be a cause of ulcers, was not the cause of death but may have aggravated and existing condition.

    Thankyou say the true story. Too many fake story.


    I recommend not eat blaraa. Can get liver fluke from raw, fresh water fish.

    The Issan people have number 1 in the world liver cancer because liver fluke from blaraa. 

    They know about that, but many refuse to stop. Like a cigarette smoker.


    There are more than twenty style of somtam. I never eat the blaaraa one. If they boil the blaaraa it kill the fluke worm. But I never trust them. Who know?


    Also the field black crab can cause problem. The blue swimmer crab one ok, because from the sea.


    i also ask the seller to clean the “krok” and “saak” before make my one. Because I worry the liver fluke maybe still in it from the last one for other customer. 


    The liver fluke worm not kill you quickly. But make you have cancer. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, kellersphuket said:

    Do you even know the backstory as to why you where allowed to keep your precious independence?


    I bet you don't.

    I do. 

    Too smart for France and England

    King number 5, and many more reason.

    Is very complicated, long story.

    Many brave war hero. 


    i am sure you don’t know, but only believe the simple farang version. If can read thai I will send you a link.

  11. 2 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:




    Lol hypocrite, you think everyone in Issan is a sex worker but if he complains about nigerian DRUG DEALERS you <deleted> on his leg?

    read my post again.


    i clearly say not all issan women are sex worker. You just like to argue. 


    i think I know if people say that why you angry.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Chazar said:

    No thats plain wrong and you are  slipping into ridiculous answers because you dont like some if  not  all of  my  replies


    Free speech. Up to me.

    5 minutes ago, Chazar said:



    , so   how about Arabs? Indians?




    5 minutes ago, Chazar said:



    Russians, could  you  tell a  Russian form an English man to  look at?



    5 minutes ago, Chazar said:




    is a  Russian a Farang?


  13. 1 hour ago, zydeco said:

    I used to take over 30 Thai students to the US for a month every year. Not one of them ever was refused a visa. When they received one, it was good for ten years. Students from my 2010 class are still using their visa from those years to travel back and forth to the US. 

    Yes easy if go with farang.

    sex worker the same.


    But try to get visa without farang. Headache

    • Sad 4
  14. 17 minutes ago, Chazar said:

    you  would do well to separate "you " as to "another country"  because you  lump together anything not Thai with maybe an exception for local  surrounding countries as one country "farangland"

    Farang land start in England/west Europe.


    but they go to Australia and kill the native, rape and takeover. So Australia in farangland now.

    same in Canada.

    and USA. But also take the Africa slafes.

    and New Zealand


    And some other place. Like that.



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