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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 11 minutes ago, KhunKenAP said:


    As with  most Thai's reading English is not a problem. Problem is spoken English. How can they learn to speak English from teachers that can't speak it.


    In my 20 years in Thailand, I have never had a problem if a wrote something down in English, if I said something in English it was a best 50-50.






    You are correct.

    if study English a lot easy to read, more easy than listen.


    Because when read, you read at your speed, when listen you must listen at the speaker speed. 


    But it I sure Prayut can not read English book. I sure he not read this book. He claim it before he read two English book in one night. Impossible

    He lie, sure.

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    1. I maintain residency in multiple countries. I have business and property in Thailand and earn significant money. 


    2. I am married, not a sex tourist. 


    3. I could die anywhere. 


    4. I meet my friends in nice countries, not Thailand. None of my friends want to come to a dirty place. 


    5. No

    Thankyou for answer. 


    1. Success farang business in Thailand.  Good.


    2. Where your wife from? She don’t like thai people same you?


    4. Think you in pattaya? I not want to go that dirty place same. Terrible.



    So you you live in Thailand to make money. Must live in the dirty place for income. 



    If you don’t need income, where you like to live the most?

    • Haha 1
  3. 6 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Lets be fair. Given lax training and education they may not have been idiots, rather uneducated and hence unaware of the dangers and precautions necessary. The real idiots are the hiso Thais or hiso wannabes that think sufficient training of labourers is not justified due to the fact they consider them as members of the lower classes. And there are a few of those on TVF unfortunately.

    The boss went in also. He in hospital now. Up to the boss to train the worker right? 

    The boss not a hi-so. If the hi-so he not going to work in a hole. 


    Funny how about some farang think anyone who is not the sex worker, and have education or success business is a “hi so”. They just normal people work hard. Not lazy. Not loso. 

    They just soso.


    They don’t understand real hi-so, never will meet hi-so, because hiso don’t talk with loso Farang or woman like that.

    Farang like that get jealousy and imagine everybody not loso is “hi-so”. 

    Blame all the loso problem on the hiso. Loso is lazy. 

    • Sad 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

    Nobody has suggested you hate Australia. The nature of you post suggests you live In Thailand but do not like Thai people. Please correct me if my assumption is incorrect.

    Today whitecrismas right this on the other thred.

    He love thai people right?

    He lost his house here.



    Then how come Thais can cheat and con?




    • Haha 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

    I have 2400 friends on Face Book 90 percent are Thais including Thai politicians and I don't

    live in Thailand anymore  

    How many Thai politicians play Facebook with you? 


    They should be work for Thailand and the Thai people, not play Facebook with farang in Australia.



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  6. 1 minute ago, emptypockets said:

    All good questions Miss Yinn. I suspect his 30 'friends' are all from Facebook.

    It really does make you wonder why some people remain in a country, any country, where the don't like the people.


    Wait for the answer.

    maybe should ask also


    6. Which 30 country they from? 


    4 people like/laugh his post. Maybe just thaivisa friend? Colinniel etc.

    • Like 1
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  7. 56 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    Very long answer.

    i just ask if you can read thai?

    yes or no, will be enough answer. 


    If you can read thai I will send you the link to help you. 


    48 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

    I think you are the one that needs help on the reports substance with the relevance to my earlier post and please keep to the subject matter in future which let me remind is not about Issan that you attempted to introduce or which Thai newspapers are available which appeared were further attempts to "flame" again on your part in my opinion, rather it was specifically about the loss of 3 lives and my subsequent comments on the levels of workers compensation in Thailand.


    So “no” right?

    • Sad 1
  8. 58 minutes ago, Genmai said:

    @Yinn First I have to say that your photos are absolutely stunning. It really does look like paradise. I've never imagined Thailand could have a crystal clear lake where you could swim. The other photos are amazing too and I'm sure that me and the other members here would love to see more.

    Because we care. We work together. I clean the plastic and foam that come from the ocean on the beach. My friend help. The orbortor help.

    I pick up Thai rubbish, but also from Indonesia (a lot), Burma, Malaysia, and even Australia etc. 

    we do not throw rubbish on other people land. Terrible thing to do.


    58 minutes ago, Genmai said:

    Unfortunately your comment -

    - applies to you more than it does to me. Where you live is NOT typical or representative of the rest of the country. And I can prove it.



    This is a research paper titled "Assessment of Air Pollution from Household Solid Waste Open Burning in Thailand" written by three Thai professors from Thammasat, Mahidol and KMUTT. The paper was published last year.


    There's a lot of interesting information there but the following sections are especially relevant to our discussion.


    From Section 3.1 -


    Further down in the same section -


    And lastly this map from 3.2 showing the amount of household solid waste generated per year on the left, and the amount of waste burnt in open areas on the right -




    From those 3 pieces of information we can conclude the following:


    1- Burning household waste on their own property and outside of their own property is the Thai's most common way of trash disposal, accounting for 53.7% of all disposal methods. Note that only 23.7% of Thai people choose to properly collect waste in bags and dump them on authorized sites. Also note that elsewhere in the paper they describe how even a significant percentage of the waste that is collected is incorrectly processed and burned anyway in large open dump sites. So basically if it doesn't get burnt by your Thai neighbor it's likely to get burnt by the local government.

    I not sure I understand everything exactly.

    But that map, with the red area of south issan, show to me that we not the same.

    you say we are, I tell you that already.

    issan people shy to say to other people, south people not shy. Somebody disturb my house with smoke, I will say.



    58 minutes ago, Genmai said:


    2- Plastic and foam makes up the largest % of composition of the household trash that is burnt.

    What your country do with that? The plastic that can not be recycle and the foam? 



    58 minutes ago, Genmai said:


    Now please locate your house on that map (hint - it's in the pristine tiny blue section on the bottom left). Now look at the rest of the country.


    This paper proves what all of us expats have been saying all along and people like you continue to deny. Thai people love to burn trash. If they don't burn it at their own house they burn it outside of their house. If they bother to dispose of it properly it's burnt at an open dump site anyway. Most of that burnt trash is not leaves and branches, no, most of it is foams and plastics. You are living in a tiny special section of the country which is not representative of the other areas. Thailand not everywhere same as you. Please stop lying.

    I did say you live the wrong place. Everywhere different. The map show that.


    58 minutes ago, Genmai said:



    No smoke is good for you. But inhaling smoke from leaves is far worse for you than lighting a mosquito coil. If you disagree please provide evidence. 

    "...burning one mosquito coil would release the same amount of PM2.5 mass as burning 75-137 cigarettes. The emission of formaldehyde from burning one coil can be as high as that released from burning 51 cigarettes."

    "The estimates shown above are derived based on the assumption that pollutant concentration in the room is homogeneous. In reality, concentrations actually inhaled by room occupants may be higher than the estimated concentrations because the room air may not necessarily be well mixed and the source (coil) may be placed in close proximity to the breathing zone (the bed level during sleeping). In houses using mosquito coils, children usually sleep in small rooms. To prevent them from excessive mosquito biting, the windows of their rooms are often closed during sleeping hours. Thus, the predicted indoor concentrations above are likely to be very conservative and underestimate actual concentrations..."

    "Researchers have found that the gas phase of mosquito coil smoke contains some carbonyl compounds with properties that can produce strong irritating effects on the upper respiratory tract--for example, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde (Chang and Lin 1998). Because coil consumers usually use mosquito coils for at least several months every year, cumulative effects from long-term exposure to the coil smoke may also be a concern....Epidemiologic studies have shown that long-term exposure to mosquito coil smoke can induce asthma and persistent wheeze in children"



    58 minutes ago, Genmai said:


    What part you disagree with exactly?



    It's really funny that a Thai should tell a foreign expat to look at a map. Sorry @Yinn, Korea and Japan are EAST Asia, not NORTH Asia ???? . I guess they don't teach you that in Manee Mana.....


    North east Asia actually. The Thai call it north Asia, but you only understand what the English speaker tell you.


    we are in thailand. Look on thai language map. I know you won’t understand that farang not always correct.



    58 minutes ago, Genmai said:

    Still I'm not sure what your point is? Japan has just as many mosquitoes in the summer.

    Not true.

    at all. Problem with farang, they think they know everything, and local people all stupid. Don’t want to listen.




    58 minutes ago, Genmai said:


    Nobody burns. 

    But this strange Japanese building hides a dirty secret. This is actually the Maishima Incineration Plant, where 900 tonnes of rubbish is hauled in from around Osaka and burnt every day.



    58 minutes ago, Genmai said:


    But let's say all of this is false. Let's say I'm wrong,



    58 minutes ago, Genmai said:


    all the expats are wrong, the 3 professors are wrong, and you're right. Ok. Imagine I'm living next door to you. You're burning leaves. I DO NOT LIKE the smoke drifting through my house and I DO NOT WANT to be disturbed by you. So I ask you to stop burning. What will you do?

    I would not do that.

    we don’t do it everyday. Maybe one time for one month, it really reduce the mosquito a lot. About two hour for one month enough to reduce. They fly away, because they hate it.


    you want your neighbor all get Zika, dengue and malaria? So selfish.


    i will take photo next time I do it. I think you don’t understand. Really funny that a foreign expat should tell a thai about mosquito.


    also you talk about burn rubbish, I tell you is only leaf. Plastic is toxicity. And when we do it, I don’t stay there and breath it.

  9. 22 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

    It was a US paper on Thailand or can did you not read the title which was

    "Occupational Injuries and Illnesses and Associated Costs in Thailand"

    Even if you had a modicum of academic nounce you would have read that to start with. When I did a CBA for a korean company potentially investing in Thailand in 2016 this was the only reliable source of information regarding Thai compensation and ancillary costs there was ( and still is not I understand). Clearly all that is way above your understanding yet you attempt to resort to low level retorts. Yes it is in English or perhaps you have not yet grasped Americans , the sponsors of this report, speak English and by the way this is an English language forum. However you should note that the report was authored by 2 Thais Phayong Thepaksom and Sathirakorn Pongpanich.


    I appreciated that potentially  the understanding  of the report is way beyond your comprehension, and it is a bit heavy in its reading, and  judging by your comments I was right you do not have the slightest understanding what it was referencing and discussing, unless you have not even attempted to read it. So please  don't bring in irrelevances regarding Issan when the OP subject is about people dying in a workplace accident and my subsequent comment, supported not only by historical reports but the paper I attached.


    We know your social aspirations illustrated via your previous posts indicating your distain for Hilltribes people and even bar staff by many of your earlier disparaging posts but these people who died may only have been low class in your social circle, but to me that is absolutely irrelevant what social class they belong to. When compensation for their deaths is the discussion point and frankly even 1,000,000 baht as compensation, assuming their families ever get it, is measley compared to the human life lost.




    Very long answer.

    i just ask if you can read thai?

    yes or no, will be enough answer. 


    If you can read thai I will send you the link to help you. 

  10. 14 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    There should be a law


    You want the law?

    what if the girl only 16 years old?

    14 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    that women should come out with their accusations within 3 months.


    P.S.: If he raped a woman 20 years ago then she should have gone to the police at that time and he should have been prosecuted and possibly jailed at that time. 

    Law to protect man do rape? 

    And rape child. 

    3 month? 

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  11. 1 hour ago, geoffbezoz said:

    As you claim to be a Thai with a university education ????, well your statements made in previous posts anyway, I have pre-supposed that you have at least read some articles in the Thai newspapers, over the last 10 years.  

    You ever read thai newspaper?

    You read thai? Which newspaper they have in the issan village you live?


    The link is english. Talk about dollar, not baht. 

    Is one million each dead guy, or one million for everyone?

    What happen the boss not have?

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