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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 18 minutes ago, uhuh said:


    But if a Thai wants to show off her education she will roll every r.

    Not show off, just speak well/polite.


    18 minutes ago, uhuh said:


    Unfortunately,  she has no idea where it's a

     r and where it should be l - because she cannot feel the difference.  So she will "overcorrectly" pronounce many l as r.

    I see your post many time before. You always correct. Explain it well. You clever. Sure.


    But I disagree with that one.

    Is easy, if ร then roll,

    if ล don’t roll.


    i am from south.




    18 minutes ago, uhuh said:

    That's how you end up with the profit story.  They really have no idea,  what is l and what is r, it's all the same in their mother tongue, Isarn Lao.




    • Like 2
  2. 13 hours ago, mok199 said:

    What could possibly go wrong


    7 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

    The department of "Rain Making" OMG, can you believe it!


    Oh well when the rain starts falling you can hand it over to the "Department of Turning Water into Wine"


    7 hours ago, Creasy said:

    I’ve got some magic beans to sell the Thai government if they like.


    3 hours ago, digger70 said:

    Successfully, or just lucky that they sprayed the clouds  when rain was on its way?


    2 hours ago, Huayrat said:




    Mock, ridicule, complain and criticize everyday.


    Your country can not do it, we can. We can help you.

    Amazing Thailand.





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  3. 6 hours ago, Yinn said:

    Me same.

    But the adult scare the kid, with power, money. Sometime kid embassment.


    Catholic Church, Michael Jackson, Orbortor guy, Epstein, monk Etc 

    Happen a lot. 


    Onemorefarang want to change the rule, because he like 16 year old from the bar. He admit before on the other thred.


    I think ok kid to say it later. Why not.


    4 hours ago, giddyup said:

    There's usually a big payout involved, it brings supposed victims out of the woodwork. Don't get many reports ten years later of an out- of-work neighbour who raped someone..

    So you think Catholic Church, Michael Jackson,orbortor guy, Epstein not do anything wrong? 


    Google search news today. Every day the same. Not famous, not rich.




    So onemorefarang suggestion you like, this girl should not allowed to complain right? She not complain quickly. I don’t think she do for “big payout”.

    She scared, like I say in my post.

    Lucky you guys don’t make the law.

  4. 45 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Lets make this short: Were men jailed for rape 30 years ago? Yes.

    If the women had evidence 30 years ago they could have used that evidence in a court of law.

    30 year ago police a lot were men. Help each other. Blame the woman.



    45 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    What can a man do now if he is accused without any evidence?

    What if admit? In writing.

    What if 20 woman say same thing about one guy?



    45 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    And let's not forget that times changed.

    Yes, now victim have more power. 



    45 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    As far as I remember a long time ago the word rape was used when a guy forcefully raped a woman and she was screaming and scratching his eyes out.

    Often the rapist have the knife, man is stronger. 

    Scream and scratch they kill you.



    45 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    Real rapist should rot in jail! 


    What about sex tourist with minor? Same?

    obvious why you always defend this.




    Posted May 26 Onemorefarang

    I think more important than the age difference is the age of the girl/woman when you start the relation.

    My gf was 16 when I met her. I was her first boyfriend ever.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, HLover said:

    I would damn sure not wait 10 years to report it.

    Me same.

    But the adult scare the kid, with power, money. Sometime kid embassment.


    Catholic Church, Michael Jackson, Orbortor guy, Epstein, monk Etc 

    Happen a lot. 


    Onemorefarang want to change the rule, because he like 16 year old from the bar. He admit before on the other thred.


    I think ok kid to say it later. Why not.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    If there is no evidence and they still accuse someone and the accused denies it then the accuser should be prosecuted. If i.e. an actor loses a role in a movie because he was wrongly accused then the accuser should pay to him a compensation and a fine. That would be justice.

    So if no evidence they can do it right? 

    I not surprise you think that.


    I think better to protect the kid, not the rapist.

  7. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    16 is legal in some countries.


    As usual, women come out decades later to make accusations that can't possibly be proven, but will ruin a man's life.

    There should be a law that if they didn't report it at the time, didn't have a medical assessment to provide evidence if accusing of rape, and have no proof, other than "he did it", they can't go public with the name, and the court case is not reported till the accused is found guilty.

    You want to protect the rapist.

    i think better to protect the kid.




    what if 20 kid say the same thing about same guy?

    Epstein? Innocent guy right?






  8. Need the bum gun sure.


    Last year we stay on Chwaeng Beach Centara Hotel Koh Samui.


    The hotel nice, is quite expensive, but no Bum gun!!!! We never go back there again because of this reason. Even the all cheap hotel in Thailand have the bumgun. 


    We ask the staff why not have. They say the farang don’t care, don’t use. Mainly foreign customer. 


    For me, this so dirty. If my car go in the mud, should I clean it with paper? Do the good job. Not clean it properly sure. 

    Why don’t farang use it? I don’t understand. 

    • Like 2
  9. 51 minutes ago, Farangwithaplan said:

    Sometimes, but not always.


    Example: I get told that if I walk in the rain and my hair gets wet I will get a cold. So then I ask where the water comes from when I turn on a tap in my room. I get told it comes from a dam. I then ask where the water in the dam comes from. I get told from the rain. I then ask why I don't get a cold when i take a shower. I get told that it is different. End of that conversation.

    when your body gets chilled the blood vessels in the nose and throat constrict (decrease in blood vessel diameter). Therefore, there will be less blood supply and less white blood cell which is needed to fight against the microorganism including common cold virus. If fewer white blood cells reached the nose and throat your defenses against a cold virus are lowered for a short time. Also if the environment is cold air (which is less humid than warm summer air) can dry out the mucus lining of your nasal passages, making it easier for viruses to get in and make you sick.


    51 minutes ago, Farangwithaplan said:


    But I agree with you in this instance. I suspect that the hot feeling is attributed to the digestive system and maybe even acid reflux.  Alcohol is known to increase blood pressure. Personally speaking, I have found that durian also raises my blood pressure. It raises it quite a bit if I eat a lot of durian. Alcohol also raises my blood pressure.  Eating a lot of durian, which I used to do at times, often made me feel uncomfortable a couple of hours after consumption.


    So it is not a long shot to suggest that a person with existing hypertension who eats a lot of durian and drinks a lot of alcohol maybe be at greater risks of things like heart attack and the like.


  10. Thai news talk about Epstein try to get the Thai children also.


    In 2000, the prince is reported to have shared a holiday with Epstein on his yacht in Thailand.



    Maxwell gave Giuffre plane tickets to Thailand, where she was instructed to meet a young girl and “bring her back to the U.S. for Epstein and [her]” — a claim in part corroborated by records of Giuffre’s hotel stay, which she produced.



    • Sad 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Isaanbiker said:

    Durian is quite expensive, do you really think that the bloke ate a lot?

    Montong durian and saliga durian is expensive, but if local durian is cheap. 30 baht per kg. 

    And it get old quickly, if a bit old, nobody want to buy it, so cheap also.

    and if have friend with a tree, it free.





    I've never heard that mangosteen would cool your body down?

    Ask any thai.





    It starts with a fat liver, turns into a liver cirrhosis and then you've got around six months to live.


      Those who I knew who were brought to a hospital never survived it.  Once on oxygen, it's time to say goodbye.


    A destroyed liver does the trick. No matter what you eat, or drink. 



    I agree with that. 

    I not say if you drunk and eat durian will die sure.

    But if you very, very drunk it sometime make the difference if you survive or not.

    Push you over the limit the body can take.

    It happen a lot.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Mitch82 said:

    Yinn, please open your mind. Are you a doctor?

    No. But I eat a lot of durian. First day durian season about 2 month ago, I ate to much. Get hot for about 4 days. 

    Is free, everyone here have the tree. Can not finish.


    i know how I feel, I don’t need doctor.

    are you a doctor? Ask your doctor, he will know.


    3 hours ago, Mitch82 said:


    Search raffles medical group singapore. They studied this and found no evidence linking the two together. Also mangosteen cooling U down is a folk story. Again doctors have studies this and found no link between this

    Japanese study “find” opposite.


    3 hours ago, Mitch82 said:

    . Only that these two fruits are harvested at the same time and commonly eaten together.

    Did you know that Durians are not native to Thailand? They are from Malaysian Borneo originally and imported.



    3 hours ago, Mitch82 said:

    Just like us falangs ????

    Farang come from South America 



  13. 6 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    3. Can speak Thai na. Jing jing. 


    4. You want dance with me. How long dance? I worry many old lady say she like dance but too old already. I buy the very expensive dress, shoes, gold. But she only dance 10 minutes too tired. Then sit down eating too much. 


    How about you? Have a good stamina? I want to dance. 


    I only complain because not very happy sometime. Need lady sweet heart and funny post on Thaivisa to make me happy. 

    Do you know somebody like that? 


    we can go dance together.


    But must check you not the bad guy before that.

    send me your wife phone number. I will ask her if you good guy.


    • Haha 2
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