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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Come on, Emperor....we're waiting for you with bated breath!!! :o

    It does prove his initial point though, so he should be given credit.

    What initial point - about "rogue customs officials"?

    The fake police have been arrested at the airport - the real police have done their jobs.

    Meanwhile, the (perfectly legal) excise officers are still doing their legally sanctioned work at the airport - questioning potential cigarette smugglers, and imposing the legally prescribed fines on the transgressors. Those without cigarettes go on their merry ways.

    So, with bated breaths we still wait................. :D

  2. China has been playing this IP game with the US for years now, and, on the street at least, nothing has changed. You can buy pirated new release DVDs in the middle of Beijing for less than you pay in Thailand or Lao.

    China has been threatened, cajoled, bullied, sweet talked etc etc and just says we are taking it very seriously, and look how many DVDs and handbags we have seized this year. Then they have a "crackdown" for a week, with the obligatory TV news footage of a bulldozer running over some seized DVDs, and the sellers become more discreet. And lo and behold, one week later, everything is back to normal.

    Suggest Thailand does the same :o

  3. I have spoken to a mate who is in the thick of things between Customs and the importers.

    There is a real sh1t fight going on - I suspect the importers are starting to fight back against the arbitrary and completely unsupportable values that Thai Customs has imposed for many years. These matters are covering under an international valuation agreement to which Thailand is a signatory, and so there are rules.

    As they say in the news article, it will end up before the World Trade Organisation disputes committee, with Thailand likely to get a flogging.

  4. You have chosen to ignore all posts from: jackspratt.

    You still following me around? :o

    Tud I don't have anyone on my "Ignore List", which means I choose to read ALL posts, even yours. And sometimes I choose to respond to certain posts, including yours - but not for your benefit, because I know you have me on ignore.

    Hardly "following around".

    You, on the other hand, have vowed in this Forum on a couple of occasions to place me on "Ignore". Despite this, you have an uncanny knack of still responding to my posts, and most recently, perhaps having a hand in one of my posts "disappearing".

    I also note you viewed (for the second time) my member profile at 1.07am this morning. So who is following who around?

    Time to get real, old sausage :D

  5. Yes, it will be very interesting how she explains to the US government that her attempted fraud ( silly little mistake, cause she's Thai ) has backfired, and now would like to move on to greener pastures. She needs absolutely no proof, her mouth will be quite sufficient, along with the signing of a small statement confirming her facts. This will probably lead to prosecution here in the LOS, because the US government doesn't think fraud is a silly little mistake. The government attaches don't get paid on a per case basis, so its of no extra cost for them to file these charges here. Smart girl, go for it, shoot off your mouth. You know the saying "give them enough rope to hang themselves"? I certainly hope she never gets a US visa.

    Seems to me things are a bit ar_se about here.

    Based on the story presented in the OP, the woman has not attempted a fraud - she is getting nothing from the US government. The "husband" is the one who has attempted the fraud, and she may have assisted him.

    And it will be up to the Thai authorities as to whether on not she is prosecuted, not US government attaches.

    The husband would seem to be the prime instigator, and if anyone should be in the dock, it is him.

    As for a US visa, based on her current experience, that may be the last thing she would want.

  6. "But Thailand imposes up to 300% import tax and excise tax on imports such as cars, yet exports cars made in Thailand to countries, where there are no import taxes at all. Fair?"

    I hope you're not suggesting that there's some kind of equivalence here. There's no getting around the fact that although Western nations preach liberalism in world trade this is only in as much as it benefits their exports; when it comes to imports, especially from nations on the periphery of empire, protectionism is the rule.

    Would you care to back this up with some data?

  7. Who are Quantas, never heard of them. Are they some rip off of Qantas, you know the Australian National airline, that stands for Queensland and Northern Territory Areial Service?

    Ohh just went to the Quantas website and guess what it redirects to the Qantas website.

    And what exactly is an "Areial" service.

    Ohh, just looked it up on Dictionary.com, and it redirects to "aerial" :o

  8. Sometimes predictability can be a bit depressing.

    When I began reading this thread, I found it gloriously refreshing but could not help waiting for the hammer to fall.

    Then Bendix showed up...

    As experienced as most of us are on these forums, why do we allow the 'beasts under the bed' to alter the flow of any working, reasonable thread? If all it takes is one crude poster to alter the flow, what does that say about us?

    It seems you started reading the thread at post #30.

    If anything was predictable, it was post #29.

  9. I think that the warnings are quite simple. When you visit your sweethearts home, you must think outside the bedroom! look at your surroundings! would you walk around certain areas of your home town at night with a belly full of homebrew, flashing your cash?

    No of course you wouldnt.

    Would you live in a village like the old days with no lock on your door? What about building a great big flashy house in a village built of tin and old wood, where your neighbours go out to buy food with 100 baht and sit half the day drinking local gut rot and have to catch the 5 baht bus into town to borrow more money from the bank? While you drive into town in your brand new pickup just for a beer with the boys everyday or to pick up a loaf from the Big C?

    But of course the neighbours are lovely! half are family and the others love you more when you share a case of beer with them!

    But then you get pissed off with them after a while, 'cause they are always round the house. You don't mind the local gals sitting with the missus, giving you the eye!

    Put the boot on the other foot!

    You have just cancelled every males chance of a wife or keeping one ' cause now they all want a farang and his money! big house, new car etc.

    What are the chances you might piss off some local nutter?

    Sure find a lady, marry her and then find a housing estate move in, wife can visit family, you have a resellable house, and poss neighbours who have a income.

    If she insists on family give us land behind their house, or I must live in the village(Hmm! is that where you met her??) are her intentions for your future or theirs??

    Sure give the pig food, and you won't have to hold its head down in the tough for it to eat!

    A dog will wag its tail! a: because its pleased to see you? b: because its hoping for something?

    What??? What are you talking about?

    I suspect when he wakes up with a huge hangover, he will ask himself the same question, and wonder how he could have ever written such incomprehensible nonsense.

  10. I was just wondering if Aussie Visa - you know, the forum set up by Thais living in Australia - has long winded and often wildly speculative posts on rapes (or murders, or assaults) of Thai or other foreign women by Australian men.

    Or even domestic rapes ie of Australian women by Australian men, and go on to say what an unsafe place Australia is for females.

    Just wondering.......................

  11. So basically you are saying that the government should not respond to the concerns of the "vast majority of Thais" that have a genuine concern?

    No, what I am saying is that extra-judicial murder of people by Police Death squads is an unacceptable manner in which to deal with the problem.

    Do you have any understanding of how bad the heroin problem is in the north or the impact that yaba is having on alot of families?

    It's wreaking havoc with the economy in some places where the drug trade corrupts everything it comes in contact with.

    I understand only too well that millions of Thais are addicted to yaabaa and that Thailand remains a major trafficker and consumer of illicit drugs.

    Don't forget many of the prominent Thai families have grown rich and powerful from the drugs trade.

    When you have a deadly tumor that's growing out of control sometimes a bit of healthy tissue gets cut out along with it.

    But it's not just a "bit of healthy tissue" is it? More than half the murdered had nothing whatsoever to do with the drugs trade, and their number included women and children. Not to mention the Narcotics Control Board found that there was absolutely NO EFFECT on the drugs trade in the long term.

    Unfortunately, this is the best that can be done.

    Absolute and utter nonsense.

    Gotta say .........................takes a deep breath..........................I totally agree with tud.

    (There, that didn't hurt a bit, did it?)

  12. didnt they just pocket, err i mean spend, 70 million baht to restart dmk ? :o

    One or two airports

    it doesn't matter but just get it right on how to get from one to the other

    caught the bus from S to DM and bus driver to my self and my thia wife that he could nly drop us at train station and we had to walk over the over head bridge to get to the domestic airport

    we new it had been closed since airport closed

    only in thialand

    How did you know that?

    If you are talking about the overhead bridge, it certainly hasn't been closed. In fact I caught the bus recently from S to DM, and walked over the the bridge.

    So thialand incorrectly blamed again!


  13. I think that "law" to have them on all the time is sponsored by the industry - you need four times as many lightbulbs (and man hours to replace them - some cars are next to impossible to DIY such as new Beetle) and it wastes gas, too.


    Even if correct, I imagine the "gas" "wasted" would probably amount to a litre or two per year. Hardly a good trade off against the safety factor in having the lights on.

    But I guess that must explain why many motorbikes, and some cars, refuse to turn their lights on even at night.

  14. Booking well ahead is obviously a vital component of getting a cheaper fare on an LCC.

    Whenever I am looking at a Perth flight, I check out Tiger. However I find that after adding in S$25 on each leg for a decent seat (legroom), and perhaps the extra for 20kg rather than 15kg of baggage, there generally isn't much difference to a full cost carrier.

    In fact, while recently pricing flights to Perth in mid June (returning early July), Tiger (after the add-ons) was actually $50 more expensive than SQ. After you factor in baggage handling, going through immigration both ways, meals, booze, seat comfort, entertainment, etc, and it is a no brainer. It was about $100 cheaper than TG.

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