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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. There seem to be a lot of ignorant comments here whereby all Muslims are tarred with the same brush. Do you see the Muslim majority in Phuket slaughtering their Buddhist brothers or killing foreign tourists? What about the Muslim population in Thailand that exists in all provinces, has lived here for hundreds of years and are proud to be Thai? Are they killing their neighbours?

    In all religions there are fanatics

    who will mis-interpret and twist the meaning of the Holy scriptures of that religion. Mohammed taught his followers to love and respect the Jewish and Christian faiths, but that 'fact' seems to be ignored by the fanatics.

    I have studied (and continue to study) Islam in Thailand, the Jawi communities and the groups involved in terrorist activities in southern Thailand. My own view is that these killings have little to do with Islam and the demand for autonomy/independance in the deep south. Many of these splintered and ill-managed terrorist groups have minimal knowedge of the politics and history of the region. The killings have more to do with common crime, extortion and creating a state of fear.


    Fanatics??????? is that what you call these lunatics who murder innocent people in the name of their religion? Sorry I dont see other religions with any of these "Fanatics"

    Maybe this will help, Simon.


    1. a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics.


    2. fanatical.

    [Origin: 1515–25; < L fānāticus pertaining to a temple, inspired by orgiastic rites, frantic, equiv. to fān(um) temple + -āticus, equiv. to -āt(us) -ate1 + -icus -ic]

    —Synonyms 1. enthusiast, zealot, bigot, hothead, militant. Fanatic, zealot, militant, devotee refer to persons showing more than ordinary support for, adherence to, or interest in a cause, point of view, or activity. Fanatic and zealot both suggest excessive or overweening devotion to a cause or belief. Fanatic further implies unbalanced or obsessive behavior: a wild-eyed fanatic. Zealot, only slightly less unfavorable in implication than fanatic, implies single-minded partisanship: a tireless zealot for tax reform. Militant stresses vigorous, aggressive support for or opposition to a plan or ideal and suggests a combative stance. Devotee is a milder term than any of the foregoing, suggesting enthusiasm but not to the exclusion of other interests or possible points of view: a jazz devotee.


    1. an insane person.

    2. a person whose actions and manner are marked by extreme eccentricity or recklessness.

    3. Law. a person legally declared to be of unsound mind and who therefore is not held capable or responsible before the law.


    4. insane; demented; crazy.

    5. characteristic or suggestive of lunacy; wildly or recklessly foolish.

    6. designated for or used by the insane: a lunatic asylum.

    7. gaily or lightheartedly mad, frivolous, eccentric, etc.: She has a lunatic charm that is quite engaging.

  2. You've got to remember that massage parlor king Chuwit is backing the PAD - he's sent lots of dollars and some da_n fine ho's along too! If Sondhi is going to be locked up again he's going to have some great company!

    You should worry more about Pojaman who did just receive a 3 year sentence, same as Samak with a 2 year jail sentence and more coming up and a whole bunch of others lined up for the slammer.

    How much do you get paid to post such rubbish?

    630 baht per post!

    629 baht too much.

  3. I believe it is two years residing in Oz immediately before you can claim.

    That is not my understanding.

    As I read it, you need to be "resident" in Oz at the time you apply for the pension. The residency qualification involves a number of tests - which may include the length of time living in Oz. Once you have established that you are a resident, CL will then look at whether you qualify in terms of finances, assets, length of time in Oz, etc etc.

    Once you get the pension, you can move from Oz, and continue to get it without any requirement to live in Oz thereafter.

    If I am mistaken, I am happy to be corrected.

  4. Poor old Quaint Ass not having a good run at the moment.

    Aviation watchdog orders review of Qantas

    Thorough review: Qantas has been involved in three incidents in just over a week.

    The Civil Aviation and Safety Authority (CASA) says it will be carrying out a thorough review of Qantas, following a series of mid-flight dramas.

    The latest incident occurred on Saturday, when a Qantas 767 flight to Manila carrying 200 passengers, was forced to turn around after the pilot discovered a hydraulic fluid leak.

    A week earlier another Qantas plane bound for Hong Kong was forced to make an emergency landing in Manila after a blast blew a hole in the fuselage.

    CASA spokesman Peter Gibson says there is no evidence to suggest there are operational problems, but it is important to make certain.

    Mr Gibson says additional checks on top of the normal routine will be carried out over the next two weeks.

    "We will be focusing on key areas, such as maintenance, safety systems within the airline and the way Qantas is managing recent incidents," he said.

    Continued here:


  5. Last weekend, as I was travelling on a train, there was a fly on the outside of the glass window, and it kept its grip even when the train was doing about 70 mph. It only flew off when we slowed down for the next station. It did seem to adopt a position that aided its adherence to the glass, but a more scientific explanation from anyone would be appreciated.

    I don't think any science is required to explain this. Obviously the fly had a ticket for that station, and de-trained accordingly.

  6. I am not totally familiar with the Thai customs laws, but the situation in some other countries is as follows:

    Where something is disassembled, and imported as parts on the same vessel eg all the parts packed into a container, Customs has the ability to notionally assemble the parts, and charge duty according the the identity of the assembled equipment - even if it is not 100% complete.

    If you were to progressively import the parts on a number of ships over a period of time, you would be (theoretically) charged the duty on the individual parts.

  7. So, now the PAD are parading their injured pawns around in front of the cameras in Bangkok. Nice....!

    I sometimes wonder if for some TV "platinum" members, the status of "fools gold" might be more appropriate.

    Well, for an "advanced" member, you don't have a whole lot to say about the PAD parading their pawns in front of the cameras in Bangkok instead of assisting them in recovery. Not surprising in the least....

    As a "senior member" my only comment is that it seems to be part of the normal political process to make what you can out of the thuggery of the opposition (and their cheerleaders on TV).

  8. So, now the PAD are parading their injured pawns around in front of the cameras in Bangkok. Nice....!

    I sometimes wonder if for some TV "platinum" members, the status of "fools gold" might be more appropriate.

  9. I did a lot of research on this subject before I left Oz to live in Thailand. The clear winner was ASUS, which I duly bought one of, and have been happy with ever since.

    Asus make a lot of the hardware which is installed into other brand name laptops and PCs, and also manufacture laptops which are sold under other (well known) brand names.

  10. The Thai Side:





    Phrea Vihear


    The Cambodian Side:





    1 - 4: Associated Press

    5 - 6: Reuters

    very strange pictures.....

    Why "strange" h90? :D

    look quite normal tahaan praan and Cambo regulars to me. :o

    Seems the Cambodian side are quite happy to give access to AP and Reuters up the cliffside or is the Thai press blockade not quite as rigid as they would like to admit?

    I was thinking that this could be the next Ban Romklao, but there the media really were blocked from taking pics or reporting on what turned out to be a really nasty little war with chemical weapons used and plenty of body bags (600 by some accounts) sent back to Pitsanoloke under Chavalit's guard. Hopefully, this conflict won't come to that, and nationalistic fervour can be minimised. :D

    Strange.....looks very different than european military...

    Different guns on the Thai people (even a AKA if I am not wrong).

    The cambodian carry their weapons in a strange way.....look like camping.....

    But I don't know about Asian armys, just look strange to me.

    I'm pretty certain some of those Thai soldiers aren't normal soldiers but their version of elite Army rangers and special forces. Thailand does have a very competent well trained special forces unit that is regularly involved in operations along the border. They also train a lot with U.S. special forces and navy seals.

    And John Rambo by the look of the guy in the purple headband :D

  11. I went to Pattaya once, never again.

    There I was, walking down Beach Road, smiling at the girlies, when some b4st4rd gave me a spin kick to the back of the head.

    By the time I'd picked myself up, he was running towards Walking street with his knuckles dragging along the broken pavement.

    Was he wearing a baggy green cap, with a crest on the front, and carrying a cricket bat under his arm?

  12. Thanks Jacks, do you happen to know about non-digital 120 Medium Format cameras? (6cm x 6cm)

    I am going to ask my university if there is any way to bypass the tax on these cameras because it is for school and the Freeman Asia foundation, but im open to any suggestions =)

    Thanks again for all your help!

    I assume the camera fits into Tariff Heading 9006.59, which has a duty rate of 5% (maybe even exempt, but I cannot read the Thai script in the Thai Customs Tariff).

    There is also a duty exemption if the camera fits into the following category:

    The under mentioned articles, if accompanied with the owner or temporary imported and to be re-exported within six months

    (a) - ( c) not relevant

    (d) Photographic and cinematographic apparatus and sound recording machines, imported by persons temporarily visiting Thailand for the purpose of taking photographs or recording sound, but photographic films and plates or articles for recording, imported for such purposes must be in accordance with the conditions and quantity specified by the Minister of Finance

    Again, I caution this is only the law. Thai Customs may choose to (and are notorious for) ignoring their own laws.

  13. Follow this link to find out how much you have to pay, around 100% of the perceived value. eg: If the camera is valued at 200$ then the customs duty would add up to 200$.


    Take no notice of this link.

    Cameras are not subject to 60% duty, and there is no surcharge/special duty, interior tax or excise tax.

    Unfortunately people who have no idea what they are talking about sometimes stumble upon a webpage, and think that it applies to all cases.

    It doesn't!

  14. Lotion and shaving cream - yes, in less than 100ml bottles.

    Razors (for wet shaving) - you appear to have been living without any form of news information for the past 7 years. Nothing remotely sharp allowed, which includes nailclippers, nailfiles, combat knives, throwing stars and Gillette Triple Blade & pretension strip razors.

    You will need to buya razor after your flight - many airports have shops that will sell you a razor for wet shaving.

    Electric razors (battery and 110v) are probably allowed in-flight, but you may be required to prove that it functions as a razor during security control.

    Futher reading.

    Hmm............I think the OP needs to do his own research on this item.

    I have travelled extensively through Asia in the past 7 years, and never seen a safety razor challenged by airport security.

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