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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Perth man remanded over fatal Thai shooting

    In a video conference hearing at Chiang Mai Local Court, Chiang Mai police captain Somsak Pamthong requested Douglas be held without bail to allow police to conduct forensic investigations into the shooting.

    Captain Somsak said that even though Douglas had admitted shooting the American and had surrendered himself with the weapon to Chiang Mai district police, Thai law required bullets and casings found at the scene to be matched to the weapon surrendered by Douglas.

    A couple of comments:

    1. "Perth man" - and the guy has lived in Thailand for 28 years?

    2. Compare the non-bailing of Douglas (which I believe is totally appropriate) with the bailing of the murdering copper in Pai. One can only shake one's head :o

  2. OK! so now let me see if I now have this right

    1) An O-A visa is issued only by a Thai Embassy, and certain Consulates, in your own country.

    2) An O-A visa is also known as a "long stay visa" and is also unofficially referred to as a retirement visa!

    3) An O-A visa comes in Single entry or Multiple entry flavours, valid for 12 months.

    4) The Multiple entry visa can be managed in such a way as to be effective for almost 2 years

    5) Just prior to the final expiry of the O-A visa, if one has the age, the credentials and the wherewithal, all duly accredited and within the time constraints, one applies for an extension of stay for reasons of retirement.

    6) An extension of stay for the purpose of retirement is not an O-A visa (or indeed a visa of any kind)

    Almost right, except for number 5) - if you mean the "final expiry" of the non O-A visa = (almost) 2 years.

    The original visa expires after 12 months. The second period of 12 months is on a permitted to stay stamp, not a visa. It is at the end of that permitted to stay period that you need to apply for an extension of stay for reasons of retirement.

  3. I used to think BBC but their reporting now is not up to par - often their facts are out of date , often showing the previous days closing prices for markets in Asia which are already up and running . and their < BBC World > programming is a disgrace . CNN is better but with an American slant .

    I was watching a program on UBC tonight showing a shot of Notting Hill in London , it was possibly Brent Cross but not Notting Hill , so what and who do you believe ?

    On tv not a lot ? papers FT ? Internet ??

    Here, of course :o


  4. I can remember back in 1960s London, when it was safe to walk the streets, neighbours actually spoke to each other, no irritating in your face mobile phones, drug dealing was a rarity, people done you favours without asking HOW MUCH? And there was no such virus as AIDS.

    Most enjoyments except smoking didnt involve risk of life.


    Glad I`m no longer in my 20s just starting out.

    The party`s over folks.

    Maybe your party is over, distorted. But I am sure many others would argue there's is just beginning :o

  5. Now this is bizarre, but does point out something which many don't realise, and that is libel is a criminal matter, not civil, here. It also make discussions by the parties difficult since they can easily fall foul of the strong contempt rules. It may not be the case in this matter, but since it makes it virtually impossible for any member of the Oriental to comment {or enter into discussion} upon the 'old State Tower' place, it does give the plaintiff room to manoeuvre.


    PS they've always styled it as all lower case characters.

    And bizarre in another sense - I believe that in western (adversarial and maybe other) justice systems, only a real person (not juristic person) can be libelled.

  6. Are you for real?

    What is it you are, I assume by your question- disagreeing with?

    That Mr. Tankae was a sexual terrorist- he wanted to quell the power Hanna had over him - sexual power, so he butchered her.

    Or the comment about traveling with a man?

    Women are more in danger from their mates than any other source.

    Perhaps you're confused by my suggestion that his religion may have contributed by stifling his natural sexuality. If he's Muslim , masurbation is forbidden, correct? ( If he lived in Malaysia he wouldn't even be allowed proximity to a woman who wasn't his wife)

    Maybe he was in the woods mastubating and it would have ended with that relatively harmless activity, BUT NOOOOO-

    he had to made to feel guilty and ashamed for this most natural of acts..Because of a religious screed pioneered by old goats who can't stand that women have something they want- P**ssy!!

    (So women should be covered up tightly so as to be unable to use the sexual power they have??)

    Allah forbid she be topless on the beach . Kill her!!!

    Isn't this conjecture even remotely possible?

    Hi MustaphaMond

    Assuming and speculations are a constant trive of any press agency worldwide, sometimes more in LOS, due to the language differences. Who expects that a newspaper can forward correct information of events? It is mostly hearsaying and missunderstandings!

    Chef, these appear to be Mustapha's assumptions, speculations, hearsay and misunderstandings (nothing to do with any press agencies). :o

    Hence my original question.

  7. I don't feel that sex was the motivation.

    He is a largely built man, as far as Thais go. A big knife wouldn't

    have been needed to rape.

    He needed big knife for another reason.

    A Sexual Terrorist I think he wanted to kill, that he was suppressed sexually for so long it just came pout in a murderous rage at a young woman that excited him in a siuation that he waited for. Mr. Tankae's religion was not reported. I would like to know if he was raised muslim with all its taboo on masturbation and unusually supressive mores on sexuality.

    The police seem to have a

    chauvinistic view toward Ms. Backlund's choice to sunbathe with

    nothing covering her upper body on an earlier date ( as is done all

    over Phuket Island by European tourists, male and female.)

    How to lobby for the maximum penalty under the law for Mr. Tankae?

    It certainly appears pre meditated. homocide. He surely would have killed her after a rape if he's kill her for resisiting.

    Just how many women has he attacked before?

    So women, I would suggest you not feel safe under any circumstances

    while traveling alone. Anywhere. (And if you're traveling with a man..hel_l, he

    might kill you too.)

    Are you for real?

  8. Also, a week before I left my home to come here, I had to call 911 3 times in 24 hrs. and just the other day somebody was shot right in front of the place I used to live.

    I saw a guy who had been stabbed or shot inside Pantip Plaza on Friday probably die right there on the street. It was about midday and there were hundreds of witnesses.

    We seem to have deviated!

    What about the (murder) stats, tud? (Refer to post #186)

  9. Around where I live I think all the sliding windows and doors (aluminum) are custom made.

    The extruded metal fame is bought to the premises and then cut to size and fitted in the window/door space. Ditto the frame for the glass, and the glass is then cut and fitted. If you want sliding insect screens, they are assembled off site, and then fitted.

    Look for a shop/factory with lots of extruded bronze coloured framing, and tinted (generally bronze also) glass inside. Go and ask them.

    Good luck.

  10. Travelled to Khon Kaen today with TGF and her 8yo son to get passports for them - her second, his first.

    To backtrack a little, yesterday we had to go to the Amphur office in Ban Dung to get an official paper declaring that TGF was the sole guardian - (the charming father had pissed off during the pregnancy, never to be seen again). This was a simple exercise, involving an elder sister of the TGF, and the assistant Puyi Baan going to the office, and declaring "dad" was in places unknown. Fortunately the TGF had also had the foresight a number of years ago to have the son's surname changed into her family name - without this, the process at this stage is rather more complicated I understand.

    Anyway - back to Khon Kaen. Arrived about 9.15, and the 3 stage process started with filling out the application forms, a cursory check, and then get a number and wait (a bit like in the bank).

    Took a seat in an adjoining room, and waited for a maximum of 5 minutes. Then an interview, detailed check of the papers, photos, finger scan - all up about 15 minutes. No need for certified copies of documents - each interviewing officer has a PC, printer, document scanner, fingerprint scanner and camera at their desk.

    3rd stage is to pay the bin - TBH1000 for the passport, and 35 for EMS postage. All over in about 1 hour.

  11. //Just a tip if you are retired you are entitled to withdraw your super as a lump sum immediately

    Wow, i have never heard of this before.

    I believe that law pertaining to lump sum supa withdrawals was revised by the former Federal Treasurer Peter Costello as from 01 October 2006 and that any withdrawals by a retiree (must be out of the work force) 55 yo and over would be tax free.

    Not quite correct. Between 55 and 60 withdrawals are subject to (a concessionary rate of) tax.

    After 60, no tax (unless the superannuation is being drawn from a previously untaxed fund eg public servants and some others).

    • Like 1
  12. Ok GH, You've denied everything, (well of course I have denied saying what I have not said) but let's have a look at your post and see if your denial pans out. - Yes let's do jus that.

    Indeed there are and it is an oft noted point that Foreigners in the vast majority of cases wind up with the darker skinned women. The oft noted point is encapsulated in the question many Thais are keen to ask 'Why do Farangmen prefer dark skinned Thai women'.

    The answer is not as simplistic (or even as vaguely racist) as the Daily Mail's reasoning - It's all down to the fact that foreign men on the whole don't get to meet the fairer skinned Thai women, this on account of where the majority of foreign men in Thailand meet Thai women.

    And that choice in itself tells us not so much what their 'complexion' preferences are and a whole lot about their 'options' and their own self worth.

    You first paragraph just states a question; "Why are most foreign men in Thailand with dark skinned women?"

    Your second and third paragraphs offer your answer to the question - (Correct, I have expressed an opinion on this 'Forum') clearly talking about foreign men picking up prostitutes. (An incorrect and assumption you make yourself, I do not mention Prostitutes - though I am pleased to see you have stepped down from your previous use of the word 'Whores' - and I don't mention them either) You are very literally saying that foreign men only get to meet dark skinned Issan prostitues. (No I am not, and to be precise if I 'LITTERALLY' say something then I would have to do just that - Say those exact words - I have not - but you have)

    You're reinforcing your stereotypes (that can easily be seen I agree) by saying that bad foreign men go to bad places and meet bad Thai women:

    I'm doing nothing of the sort - I have not called foreign men bad, I have not called any places bad, I have not called any Thai women bad - these are terms you have chose to use.

    It's all down to the fact that foreign men on the whole don't get to meet the fairer skinned Thai women,

    And that choice in itself tells us not so much what their 'complexion' preferences are and a whole lot about their 'options' and their own self worth.

    If you want to be dishonest now, and change the meaning of your words then that's your chice, but please tell me why foreign men on the whole don't get to meet fairer skinned women, and where are the places that the majority of foreign men in Thailand meet Thai women?

    Currious that you should say I am changing the meaning of the words I have used - I am not - You are, it is you yourself that has added a derogatory context (and might I add offense terms and language in YOUR posts, claiming that these are my statements) - They are not, they are yours.

    As for justifying why foreign men don't get to meet fairer skinned Thai women - Why should I justify what is clearly true? I'm making an observation (often shared by many Thais), I'm not dictating other people's choices.

    As for where the Majority of Foreigners meet Thai women? Quite logically in the tourist service industries of the Hotels, Restaurants, Bars etc and predominately in the areas where the Majority of Foreigners visit and stay. That is a neutral obsevation and is not a judgement of comment on whether these are good or bad places to meet women. Like I say, I am making an observation, I am not dictating other people's choices.

    Whilst your answering questions, please answer me another; what does the foreign mens choice of meeting place tell us about their 'options' and their own self worth?

    It says a lot. A newly arrived foreigner who may lack any prior knowledge of Thailand, Culture, Language or have any pre-existing contacts within Thai society is going to have limited options of where and when he can interact with Thais (and particularly of the oposite sex). Personality, intelect, age, physical attractiveness and of course disposable wealth also impact on the options any individual has (anywhere on the planet). But clearly options are not wide open and hence limited.

    That is not to say there are not options, of course there are, and it is in the choices from those options we may see 'self worth'. Some will choose to make an effort to integrate, learn the language, join social groups or activities where they have a chance to meet local people on an equitible basis. Others will choose to purchase companionship/friendship either by direct payment or perhaps as often with their largesse. I think such behavior is an indication of self worth.

    You can deny it all you like. (Well I will deny saying things I did not say) You can backtrack and attempt to use nice words (as opposed to offensive terms of your own choosing) to hide your orginal meaning (a meaning that you assume but is not there in what I have said) , but it's still very clear (only if you add your own assumptions) . You are saying that bad foreign men go to bad places and meet bad Thai women. (Again I have not said anyone is bad - You have) Your use of pretty English words does not hide your thinly veiled stereotyping. (please - Your stereotyping - it is you that has added the missing offensive and stereotipical terms)

    Now, I don't care about all of that too much beacase it is a truth that a lot of foreign men come here to meet Thai prostitues (Self worth issues I wonder?) that are, in the majority, darker skinned Isaan 'types'.

    What I do care about is the way that you suggest that the white / Chinese women are better than the dark Issan women. Another denial is coming from you no doubt, (Well of course it is because I have never said such a thing - You have) so I'll show you a couple of ways that I read it:- Please do.

    1) don't get to meet the fairer skinned Thai women. Fairer skinned is an interesting choice of words. I would say lighter or darker skinned, you're saying fairer, as in better. (you think to mut)

    2) whole lot about their 'options' and their own self worth. You are saying firstly that it is a bad option to choose a darker skinned woman, and secondly that their own self worth must be low to choose a darker skinned woman - because lighter (sorry fairer) skinned women are better? (I'm saying nothing of the sort - You are - It is YOU who has said these things - perhaps it is you who believes these things - or perhaps you have a need to think that other people believe these things?)

    Your email has two main areas:-

    1) Insult foreign 'Pattaya Man' types. (No the meanings and words you have added to what I have said - identifiable as the things I actually did not say - are an insult to 'Pattaya Man' - Who ever he is?!)And

    2) Insinuate that white / Chinese Thai women are better than dark skinned Issan 'type' women.

    To remind you - I never mentioned White Chinese Thai Women, Nor did I mention "Dark Skinned Issan 'Type' Women! - Once again - these are terms YOU used in YOUR post - They are YOUR WORDS and presumably express YOUR THINKING

    The first point I could care less about. The second point is insulting and common amongst rich Bangkok Thais, but I wouldn't expect from your good self.

    Well you didn't get it from me did you?! - You dreamed it up all by yourself.

    If I've misread between the lines then please accept my appology. Appology Accepted

    However, I tend to think that you're unwilling to have the strength of your convictions. My Convictions are many, my thoughts on this topic are in the posts I have made above IN THE WORDS I HAVE USED (not in the words and terms you chose to add)

    Don't worry Heng and ThaiGoon will come to support you soon...

    I don't need support and I certainly do not need offensive words and terms adding to my posts - but I have accepted your appology on that so I'll let it go ... for now... just don't do it again.


    You deny saying anything... does your original post have a point at all?

    Your using your argumentative skills rather than honestly supporting your view point. Easy to do, but serves no purpose. I still belive that my comments are correct and that you have made a couple of very thinly veiled attacks.

    Totally agree.

  13. What a sad thread this is.

    Firstly for the needless death of a young woman.

    And secondly for those irrational posters who seem to make all their judgments based on press reports and personal prejudices. Complain one minute about how useless the Thai police are (perhaps they are right in some cases), and in the next breath assume that it must be a fit-up when the police do catch somebody.

    Let's not wait and see what actual evidence the police have, and perhaps make a rational, informed judgment after that. Far better to go off half cocked and vent in a forum.

    You should take a long hard look at yourselves!

  14. There is a good shop in Oxford St , Leederville, on a corner (? Salisbury St) on the right hand side heading towards Scarb Beach Road. My TGF reckons there was Thai stuff in there she couldn't get in Thailand.

    In Northbridge, another good shop in Brisbane St, nearly at Palmerston.

    And finally, south of the river - Yee Seng in Hulme Ct, Myaree.

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