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Posts posted by Lannig

  1. You might be able to upgrade the CPU too for not much money

    Unlikely for a notebook, especially that old.
    Luckily it's a desktop.

    Oops. My bad. From the very beginning I thought that OP had mentioned a notebook. Sorry.

    In this case JIB had such memory for sale online, then. But that's not relevant anymore since he's solved his problem.

    Apologies for the added confusion.

  2. My only experience with Qatar Airways on a roundtrip CDG-BKK wasn't bad. Actually, it was even better than with Etihad which I used to flight regularly at that time (1 year++ ago): newer aircrafts, better service on-board. Cheaper.

    The only serious drawback was Doha's airport and its very, very long bus rides between aircraft and terminal. Very few facilities in the terminal either, no free wifi at that time.

    Things have probably changed, I've heard that they were to have a brand new airport, just not sure it's open yet.

  3. I frequently fly from Europe to Thailand and these days I exclusively fly Emirates because they offer the best choice IMO.

    Flying the quiet and roomy A380s is a real plus.

    Dubai isn't a bad airport for a transfer, even a longish one (there are places to sleep, showers etc.)

    On-board service, in-flight entertainment are really close to the best you can hope for in economy class IMHO.

  4. As you've probably guessed, the bottleneck sits at the the international pipes of 3BB, especially for traffic from the US.

    Try another ISP. I don't think there's much else you can do on your side.

    You may also want to carefully examine the offers from the various Thai ISPs. They might have premium subscriptions that give you higher QoS priority over "ordinary" customers. I can recall that ToT had such so-called "Gold" subscriptions at some time.

  5. Again, not always. Not all quad band world phones seem to work here on AIS or DTAC. No problem with True yet though.

    Never had the slightest problem with either DTAC or AIS when using phone or 3G sticks coming from Europe.

    Well, actually I did sometimes with DTAC, because they still use 850 Mhz in rural and semi-rural areas, which some of my equipment didn't support. Note that True does, too.

    On the other hand AIS only uses 900 and 2100 Mhz.

    I'm only speaking of 3G here. I don't use 4G yet. Maybe that's what you were referring to?

  6. In my own experience AIS is way better than True when it comes to signal quality and stability upcountry.

    Never had a problem roaming in Europe with AIS (or with DTAC for that matter, I have both) whereas a True SIM never ever registered on any network here, despite my explicitly calling True's hotline to activate roaming before leaving Thailand.

  7. Thai language: it really depends on what the OP expects.

    Indeed, few of the phones sold in Europe or US will have the Thai language available in the settings for all phone menus to be in this language. Interestingly, the cheapest Chinese rebrands often have it more than brand phones.

    However, all phones can display web pages and messages in Thai, and composing Thai text is easy too, just install a dedicated Thai keyboard. The (free) "Keyboard ManMan" found on the Play Store is very popular among Thai people.

  8. All French AZERTY keyboard have special symbols as 3rd function on the top row.

    The special symbols there are obtained by using the <AltGr> key (right to the space bar) simultaneously.

    Your keyboard looks like a very standard French keyboard BTW.

    These are not easy to find in BKK but last time I have discussed with a French expat friend of mine, he said that there was a shop in Panthip Plaza that was selling them. He hasn't needed to buy an AZERTY keyboard in quite a while because I bring one over from France for him from time to time.

    While being French myself, I prefer using QWERTY keyboards and I use the Wincompose freeware to type accented characters through combinations e.g. <Ctrl>-<'>-<e> gives <é>.

  9. Both CDMA and GSM? link please? I have yet to see a phone that does both. These are completely different standards, nothing to do with whatever bands they support. GSM phones use SIMs, CDMA phones don't.


    Desimlocking a phone is completely unrelated to rooting it. Rooting a phone doesn't desimlock it and rooting is not always required to desimlock a phone.

  10. I'm not speaking of dedicated forums, but general Android forums. If you compare the percentage of users experiencing serious trouble in the Wiko section and the section for another brand in the same forum, I think that you can get an idea.

    I've used 3 Wikos phones over the past 6 years or so. Overall, my experience is mixed.The Rainbow was a real bargain, but still not without some annoying quirks I had to live with. The Cink Slim and the Five sucked.

    I think that my experience pretty much reflects the general feeling about using Wiko phones. It's kind of a lottery. Their huge list of models has some gems and quite a few lemons.

    Even within a given model, it's still a matter of luck. Their quality control is quite bad and you can get a phone with serious defects and their customer service sucks monkey balls, sometimes being plain dishonest and refusing warranty. Having the phone replaced/fixed is a real hassle for most people who have had to go through this.

    Last but not least, they release very few firmware updates and apart from a few exceptions, no major version upgrade. Only fixes.

    I've had both Wikos and I-Mobiles and if I had to choose between them as a resident of Thailand, I'd definitely go with the real local brand with a long history rather than with a newcomer. But these are just my two satangs.

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