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Posts posted by Lannig

  1. It the rule says "a person over X years of age or older should be seating next to a minor" (X probably being 18 or 21) like I think there could well be, being a little bit knowledgeable about commercial aviation things, then this flight attendant has just done her job and you have absolutely no right to complain. It's a good thing that you did not attempt to interfere with her applying the procedure, because that could well have ended up with you and your sons being offloaded from the plane.

    She had a perfectly good reason to do this, and you are perfectly allowed to use another means of transportation if you don't agree with the safety rules. Sorry.

  2. I don't want to scare you but do visit a doctor ASAP if you have a lump down there.

    It could be something worse. And I know what's I'm talking about, believe me...

    Don't waste too much time trying to find out which place is best. Go to any place that can schedule you for a testicular echography ASAP.

  3. At this stage his finger nails are intact,

    as we go down the adjustment road

    and severity increasing

    he will find it very hard to pick his nose with his elbow

    "... and severity increasing ..."

    Is it really?

    Not according to the article and Worachai's statement. Both parties seem relaxed, even friendly. .

    New to Thailand, aren't you? Still haven't learned that a smile means absolutely nothing here?

    As for looking relaxed, I'd venture that this was part of the deal for letting him out.

    I'm sure sure that every single word of what he's said when out has been carefully negotiated with those who were detaining him.

    Now will he stay on the line in the future? I very much doubt so, so he might well be "invited" again, maybe for a longer time and in a not so "friendly" atmosphere.

  4. At BKK airport on the lowest floor, to the left of the Airport Link station entrance are four or five booths including SuperRich which give enhanced exchange rates.

    They have queues of people changing money so will have no shortage of your preferred currency.

    Best way to bring funds to Thailand too, bring in your local currency, change it on the Airport Link currency booths and pay it into the airport branch of your bank. It costs me 60 baht to deposit 50,000 into Kasikorn airport branch.

    That's an interesting bit of advice. I do the same at every trip except I change my euros at the KBANK branch and it takes forever because they insist in xeroxing every banknote.

    Are SupeRich's rates at Suwa the same as the (standard) rates you get at your KBANK branch?

  5. It looks like the old, well-known problem of the Windows Update daemon going wild.

    Dates from the XP days, still not fixed in 7.

    It's part of SVCHOST.EXE which is a "muli-services" binary.

    Try stopping the WIndows Update service and see if the computer's load goes back to normal.

    If if does, delete everything from C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution (but not the main folder itself) while the service is stopped, and start it again.

    This should fix it for a while, but it may come back later. Repeat, rince etc.

    On the other hand, your SVCHOST.EXE image might have been massively compromised with code-injecting malware. But I'd place my bet on the WIndows Update bug.

  6. Yep, these no-name phones have virtually nil second-hand value. Better give it to some kid.

    Android Marshmallow eh? well, these cheap Chinese brands are also well known for pushing out Android versions that are far from being ready for prime time (read: full of unfixed bugs). Thing is, they seldom if ever provide updates. I'm rather conservative when buying myself, avoiding the bleeding edge Android versions.

    I actually have two I-Mobile IQ models myself, an old IQ4 from the Android 4.1 days and a somewhat newer IQ5.7 running 4.3. Both of them are fairly stable, neither of them have ever received a single OTA update from I-Mobile. I only use the older one as a small wifi tablet when in bed.

    I prefer having many of these cheap phones to use and hack at will instead of buying a single high-end expensive one as well.

  7. I'd boot up a linux live cd, use dd to make an exact image of the whole drive on a fresh disk, then use fdisk and/or testdisk to try and fix the file system.

    If that's gibberish to you, try and locate a local nerd.

    This will only work if the disk is still online and blocks can be read from it. Not the most likely situation I'd say based on what Dario reports.

    You may want to install EASEUS Partition Master (http://www.partition-tool.com/) and see of the disk shows up at all and if any partition is recognized. This could give some hints about its actual status: failed hardware vs. data corruption.

  8. Thanks for the tip. As many I first heard of this "God mode" shortcut for Windows 7.

    Well, after the fun of watching this trick work had died, I never actually used it. Too many things in there, too crowded, with a classification that's not natural to me.

  9. I'd try Bino's solution (or mine, as remote as it seems) before engaging into a firmware update operation.

    That's something nontrivial and you can make the disk unusable for good if you mess up.

    I don't think that the error you're showing has anything to do with a faulty cable. It says that it can't find the driver for that particular device.

    This SES thing is entirely optional anyway, check this article from WDC's site: http://support.wdc.com/KnowledgeBase/answer.aspx?ID=3739

  10. Some people say it's an urban legend, but keeping the failed disk one night in a fridge (in the fruits/vegetable section, no need for super cold), properly wrapped in a sealed plastic bag with as little air inside as possible and plugging it back has allowed be to make it usable enough to recover my data twice.

    Once fully and once very partially, to be honest.

    These external hard disks, especially the cheap ones in plastic cases, suffer from very poor heat dissipation.

    In tropical countries, this can mean much shortened life expectancy.

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