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Posts posted by Lannig

  1. These banana boats operators are becoming increasingly common in popular places where people come to beat the heat along rivers during the Song Karn period.

    They've appeared a couple of years ago where I was in central Thailand. They operate in incredible conditions, the jetski , an old model with open blades of course, cutting through (almost literally) masses of people playing in the water when leaving they stand or returning to it, just yelling "move away" with large arm movements. Incredible. I'm waiting for the first fatality to happen.

    At least for now there's only one of them operating, so the scenario of this tragic accident couldn't have happened there. For how long?

  2. This is why I never shop at weekends in Thailand. It's treated more like a family outing than a function.

    Well, if there were huge queues at the checkout, I'd guess that these people did actually buy something didn't they?

    Anyway, this looks like any Ikea next to a major metropolis. I certainly avoid going there on sundays, especially if rainy.

  3. As do I (the UK) and, as I've said before, my experience is the complete opposite of yours.

    Regardless of ISP, browser and device used.

    one has to consider if it's anything to do with the functions used....

    I notice huge difference in the number of posts between Lannig and 7by7.

    I'm a long time TV user but I post irregularly. I've been through long periods of total silence. However I browse a lot and as of the past few months, I've been fairly active posting. No trouble experienced while posting.

    I have noticed that frequently my replies/topics come up 2 or 3 times - this should only be possible with a 14 second gap.......I just get a message saying I cannot post for 14 seconds and then when I go on line it has appeared twice or even thrice.

    I've had this happening on other forums. It typically is a timeout receiving the HTTP response from the forum to the post action. Your post actually is received by the server, but the response it sends doesn't reach your client within the allowed timeout. You therefore have the impression that your message didn't make it through, and usually repost. Hence the duplicates. Root cause is poor connectivity between your machine and TV server IMHO. Don't know if the whole of UK has routing issues with that particular hoster in Singapore. I'm in France and again, no problem here.

    when typing in a reply the cursor ends up about 2 or 3 lines above where it should be etc etc.......this is not speed, as people keep trying to tell me, it is incorrect functioning of a "button".

    The WYSIWIG editor can go a bit berserk sometimes. I've had mispositioned cursors on occasions too, but a page refresh normally fixes it.

    I normally switch to the BBCode mode when replying to messages with a complex, nested structure (such as this one).

  4. Ouch. Nightmarish story typically Thai-style.

    I'm fairly convinced that they did break the wifi antenna cable that runs from the mainboard to all around the screen framing. Such bloody poor service from an official service centre :-(

  5. All I could get this morning many times since 4 am........... PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 01F0A94A

    No idea what that is about ? use True ADSL..... 50km north west of BKK

    Edit: Normally get this often .......... ERROR This site cannot be reached

    yet turn on a VPN = loads fast 1st time.

    Hum... a message coming from PHP would normally indicate a server-side issue. PHP is the interpreter that runs the forum's code on the server. This message is weird however, I have never seen it and it seems unexpected to me that an access violation message would be pushed verbatim like this to the user's browser (and not like some generic 50x server error). In this particular case (access violation from PHP), I would say that neither your ISP nor your computer/browser are to blame IMHO.

    As for the "cannot be reached", well I'd say that there's a network routing issue somewhere between True and Thaivisa's hoster.

    I usually browse TV from my home country in Europe and it's been remarkably stable and responsive over the past few months. Right now I'm in the LOS (TOT) and no complaint whatsoever.

  6. Shouldn't it be "if you have back-to-back visa exempt stamps"?

    If one stays abroard 1-4 months between entries, it shouldn't be any problem to have many of these stamps, should it?

    People working a rotation outside the country and doing an entry every 2 months have been pulled to the side. A recent one was working 4 weeks outside the country and 10 days here and got questioned and was told to get a visa.

    Thanks for the tip. Well, hasn't happened to me yet, but I'm usually in Thailand only 2 to 4 times a year, exceptionally 5 times, my time spent abroad usually is much over a month so I guess that keeps me below the radar.

    I can reply to these questions and prove that I'm a real tourist anyway, I have more than enough income in my home country.

  7. I'm confused. If it's free, then what kind of cash would you like to get back?

    Probably some kind of promotional gift from the operator I'd say, giving you half a gig of data to use over 2 days.

    I've never been subscribed to a plan by error myself. Got bitten by automatically recurring plans though, but that was clearly my fault for not catching that they were recurring.

  8. One thing you won't see is anyone from Thailand on that list!

    Wrong on that one, In fact, the Panama Papers include at least 780 names of individuals and another 50 names of companies based in Thailand. Why would you think no Thais would be involved ?

    Umm, because everything is clean and above board in Thailand. it was meant as a bit of scarcasim. I would have had to rethink my whole view of the country had there been no names from Thaiand on that list. What would surprise me is if anyone from Thailand were to be called to account as a result.

    I think that's it's so easy for rich people to evade tax in Thailand that they don't even need to offshore their assets.

  9. I would reverse the two words. "krong" is the generic term for filter, so what it filters should come after, just like in French and unlike most Anglo-Saxon languages.

    Thais more commonly use the word "benzin" in my experience for fuel (เชื้อเพลิง). Provided of course it's not a diesel car, in this case it's "nam man solar"

  10. Is the Play Store "not working" or just not there?

    Lenovo phones sold for the Chinese market often don't have all the Google Services Framework (not only Google Play)

    Adding it is possible but non-trivial and requires rooting the phone.

    On the other hand, like Burl Ives said, there's often the possibility of installing an alternate firmware, either one official Lenovo firmware for the western world, or some custom firmware.

  11. 4G is supposed to be significantly faster than 3G. However it's more sensitive to marginal reception conditions.

    You may try browsing through the settings menu and see if you can find something that lets you select 3G/WCDMA instead of 4G/LTE as the connection mode for your SIM. Some phones have this option.

    Then, there could be many other reasons also, like AIS having messed up the 3G->4G migration of their equipment in your area or more people pumping on the operator's links to the antennas in your area due to 4G, overloading them. Your phone could be at fault too (is it a good brand?), some cheap chinese phones have flaky 4G firmware.

  12. Last year's Songkran was already dull last year in my place (small town in the central plain).

    Possibily due to restrictions imposed like no water dousing "stations" along roads, only within the limits of the ampheu and moobans, no storage of alcoholic drinks at these "stations" (not visible anyway), no big loudspeakers allowed... and others I've forgotten.

    By the 2nd day's afternoon, not many people were playing anymore. First time I see this in 20+ years there.

    With likely water restrictions, it's going to be even more dead this year sad.png

  13. Wouldn't surprise me indeed.

    It happened to me in the past. I was not affected (tough skin?) but some people in the household were (especially a young kid).

    Symptoms close to what you describe.

    Cheapest brand washing powder (the one in yellow bags) from Big C clear culprit.

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