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Posts posted by Lannig

  1. Hello folks,

    In a mail I have to send in Thai, I need to refer to these cheap, mostly single-room housing for rent that are common in Thailand.

    I usually hear them referred as "hong teow" but I don't know how to write the "teow" part.

    Probably not the same word as in "song teow" where it refers to the benches at the back of the pick-up taxis.

    Anyone can help?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. So, today I took a bus, a MRT and a bus. When in the bus I took a seat and started playing with phone. I feel a gentle tap on the shoulder and a ticket lady is pointing at a pregnant lady. Ok, she wants me to give up a seat which I gladly do, but there were a bunch of other, younger people and she went for a Farang. To be honest, I felt a bit insulted.

    Wow. I would certainly have felt very insulted by this and I would not have remained without reaction.

    Have you tried showing these younger people and asking why they were not requested to give their seats?

    How humiliating... it definitely demonstrates how some Thais consider us as sub-humans bah.gif

  3. Just to clarify: I wasn't implying that this cultural shock I had experienced during this very sad event was negative (or positve whatsoever).

    It was just a culture shock. I don't judge these people who were drinking and having fun during the funeral. That's the way it goes in Thailand. I just could hardly stand it because it was going so far against my own culture and feelings at that time, but that's it.

  4. Coming back to this thread a bit late... just to say well done, boys. PSG really wasn't C1-class this time.

    Now laughing at all my fellow compatriots who were saying that getting past ManC would be piece of cake.

    Very magnanimous of you, and I hope you enjoyed the games.

    Thanks for your appreciation but that's easy to say for me, I'm really an O.L. (Lyon) supporter.

    Of course I support PSG when they're our only representative in the C1, but watching them lose isn't nearly as painful to me as when OL was pityfully sent home in the first round rolleyes.gif

    Did I enjoy the matches? well honestly they weren't really C1-class either IMHO. PSG has really failed but ManC hasn't been stellar.

  5. Ah... 70s... OK, well yeah things might have changed a bit here since then tongue.png

    Hopefully for good.

    I would rather agree with you on most Thais being honest.

    I've been very seldom scammed in restaurants in Thailand in almost 30 years now (not permanently).

    Most of the time bills coming with a higher price than expected were real errors, easily corrected, or my misunderstanding the menu (like price displayed per weight of seafood and not total price for dish). I do speak Thai though, which makes it easier.

  6. DDR2-667 will work. DDR3 won't, though. Different pinout.

    eBay might be a good option if they agree to ship to Thailand and there's no potential issue with customs (no experience).

    I've checked JIB and BananaIT and they don't have DDR2 for notebooks.

    Can't you have someone in Bangkok fetch it for you at Zeer or Panthip of Fortune and ship it to you?

  7. Coming back to this thread a bit late... just to say well done, boys. PSG really wasn't C1-class this time.

    Now laughing at all my fellow compatriots who were saying that getting past ManC would be piece of cake.

    • Like 2
  8. I bet I know which restaurant this is, the owner comes across as being very pushy to the point of overdoing it...

    But it's not a problem just on Samui, (actually rare here IMO) in my travels around France, that happened to me several times, order something relatively inexpensive and get a bill for the most expensive thing on the menu... of course waiter no speak English at that point. bah.gif

    At the risk of drifting off-topic, may I ask where in France?

    We have rather strong consumer protection regulations here, so you can really make a big fuss when this happens to you. Have you?

    French people don't like being scammed and I would even claim that they don't like watching tourists being scammed either, so you'd probably be lucky trying to find someone help you with the language barrier among the customers of the restaurant.

  9. I'd definitely get a visa. You're tracked in their computers and there's definitely a flag next to your name saying "must have a visa at next entry". Having two passports from two different countries might confuse their tracking a little bit, there's a small chance that you might have two separate identities in their system but really, I wouldn't bet on this.

  10. "Wikos have a pretty good reputation" (I fixed the name for you). Well, come read french-speaking Android forums and you might revise this statement. They're not really a French company either. They're a Chinese-owned company located in Marseille, France.

    Their quality control and service really suck. You get what you pay for, not more.

    I wouldn't go for a bleeding edge Android version with them either, they rush out their firmwares full of bugs and you can expect little to no updates.

    In the entry-level market segment, I see no clear advantage choosing them over local well-known re-branders like I-Mobile.

  11. The only real, strong culture shock I've experienced in Thailand was during the funeral of a small boy from the neighborhood who had lost his young life in a bike accident while riding with his father (father only slightly injured).

    I knew him quite well, he was good friends with another boy from my own family so he was around quite a lot. Nice kid, happy temper, easy and well-mannered. I really liked him.

    I was completely devastated and couldn't hold my tears on many occasions during the (very, VERY long, WAY too long) funeral and I was discretely told by an old lady that this wasn't considered as "appropriate". Tough, really. Just as was seeing people drinking, laughing and playing cards during the wake. It took me enormous efforts not to leave and go cry on my own but I felt that I really was expected to stay, being close to this family. I'm not a religious guy either so I was uncomfortable with this endless ceremony to begin with, but that's a different topic.

    Sorry that's not a fun story... it was over 15 years ago but still is a painful memory.

  12. Oh my... sounds so much like real life. I'm a long-term Kasikorn Bank customer but in my experience their service is abysmal and their staff particularly helpless.

    If it weren't such a hassle to move to another bank now that I don't have the work permit I had when I opened my account there, I would have done it long ago.

    I've almost lost my temper countless times, especially when it comes to their silly, ridiculously time-consuming procedures when exchanging foreign cash.

    I will soon have to renew my debit card because the chip-less version I have now is increasingly becoming an annoyance (e.g. can't use it in ticket vending machines at the movies), your story scares me.

  13. My first car was a second-hand Nissan station wagon, actually a pick up almost completely modified to station wagon, not only the usual hardtop. The rear part had sofa-like seats, air-con, speakers and was separated from the front cab by a window that could be opened.

    The only missing things were rear doors.

    I've traveled over 250,000 km with this one until it really started falling apart. It was quite nice for long night trips (security aspects aside of course, no seat belts or nothing... hey, there were the early 90s...)

  14. Are you flying in through Bangkok?

    Budget at Suwa has really good prices if you book over the internet. You can get a brand new Vigo or Revo for ~ 900B/day.

    Quite OK for 3 people.

    No surcharge if you drop the car elsewhere.

    I use them a lot.

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