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Posts posted by Lannig

  1. I have never heard of a person in Thailand receiving a notice in the mail for a driving infraction. I have never seen a Thai driver cited for running a red light.

    Well, try harder. A friend of mine has received a very sharp and nice picture of his car just past a red light (he said orange tongue.png ), shot from above but with the back number plate very visible. Along with a fine.

    They do it quite a lot in Bangkok at least.

  2. Guys, don't underestimate the usefulness of learning Chinese.

    I'm an IT guy, old school but if I had one useful piece of advice to give to today's students in the IT field it would be: learn Chinese.

    Tomorrow's major job provider will be the mobile industry and as of today I already see that when developing system stuff for e.g. Android (not talking of apps here) there's a lot of untranslated chinese documentation in the parts close to the hardware.

    I really think that having reasonable control of Chinese will be a real plus for IT people at least (don't know about other industries) in the years to come.

    As for this "learn English" app, I'm very skeptical. If learning a language without the help of someone teaching you was possible we'd know it. Most of us who have tried to learn a new language from scratch using whatever application know that unless you're a genius, you can't get past a certain level. At least I can't and most people I've seen trying as well.

  3. the victim obviously craved some posthumous recognition as well.

    If the article and this thread gives him some of this, so what?

    He had a message to get through. It's being done. Nothing wrong in this.

    I have read the two lengthy articles from his blog and they do make a lot of sense. I respect this young man's decision and his desire to let people know how and why he has reached his decision.

  4. This certainly matches my observation, although kid obesity seems to be gaining quite fast upcountry too.

    Something that strikes me is that overweight kids really are, I mean, very very obese. Much more than in Europe at least (can't speak for the US). Hardly any "a bit roundish" kids in my place upcountry. Only thin ones and huge ones.

  5. Well, one reason I can see is the fear of losing face.

    it's a trait that many expats living in Thailand seem to share with the locals.

    These untruths are a way not to admit e.g. being ripped off to the bones by their GFs/BFs, that the only reason why said GF/BF stay with them is their money.

    Many other reasons, like self-reassurance, but this one seems obvious to me.

    (not that I consider myself immune to this, mind you)

  6. Please stop calling cancer an "incurable disease". It's not always, far from that. In developed countries nowadays 10-year survival rate is well above 50% altogether and rising year after year.

    People who have been diagnosed with a cancer or cancer survivors may be reading this thread. Actually I'm quite sure there is at least one.

    Using such langage definitely is not being nice to them.

  7. Had been coming to Thailand for 10++ years as a tourist, made friends, found love, enjoyed the relaxed way of life, the culture, the weather (well, except march-june), the wonderful places, the food, the cheap cost of living. Heaven on Earth to me.

    Then I decided to move and work there (in Bangkok).

    That was a different country I lived in: pollution, traffic jams, hard work and low salary, poor and expensive healthcare (I was getting old), very fragile work, unable to afford a nice place to live, unable to save enough money to plan for a retirement so I would basically end up on the streets at 60+, not enough money to take care of my beloved ones as much as I would, my Thai coworkers all being nice, friendly and easy people but an also my everyday's nightmare to get real and consistent work done (I'm in the IT business). Lots of worries then... I decided to go back to my home country after 8 years or so, leaving people I loved behind.

    Now I've been back as a tourist for another 10 years. Visiting my beloved ones several times a year. Thailand has changed in all those years, some for good, but not all. I quite often miss the late 80s and 90s, seemed nicer then. Still, I am quite happy when I'm in Thailand, if not content 100% of the time.

    Just my experience.

  8. How long before "someone" suggests that the two ladies were "unsafe because wearing bikinis", "unless they were not beautiful"?

    According to the automatic timing on your post, 13:39 on Monday, Feb 29, 2016. To the minute.

    I think that you missed my point. These were definitely not my words nor my thoughts!

    The quotes are from Gen. Prayuth, speaking of the Koh Tao case.

    He has apologized for this later due to the massive uproar caused by his statements.

    I don't think he will come up with the same thing this time, but I wouldn't be surprised that some other official does, possibly in a more subtle way (not that difficult!)

  9. Wow. I did expect to be flamed for my former post but not up to the point of seeing insults come out right away.
    Won't even bother replying to those. And with 40+ likes to my post, seems that I'm not the only "dinosaur" around, right.

    We have known this for decades in the West which why corporal punishment was abolished nearly 50 years ago in the UK.

    Yes, we certainly have seen what laxist education and parents giving up has given us in the west.
    You know, I feel safe most of the time when alone, surrounded by teens while in Thailand. Even in so-called "bad" places.
    There are so many places here around Paris I would run away from if left alone with a group of 12+ year-olds around me. And these are not even the worst places.

    Yes, a slap in the face of a kid is a worst case scenario, when all else has failed. But it works, most of the time. And no, it can't be compared to real abuse. I work at an hospital. I have seen what real child abuse looks like.

    Parents still have the right to use to this admittedly last resort here in France i.e. a slap, preferably on the butt. Not for long I've heard. How stupid.

    Feel free to flame away, my fellow liberals and leftists (that's what I'm usually considered as being)

  10. +1 to this, except for:

    Handshakes between your mobile and the provider use packets of data

    These mostly aren't IP traffic and not counted against your data allowance. Well, maybe some very, very little IP traffic but that's negligible.

    On the other hand, just every news, wheather or stock quotes widget, Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Line or any of the zillion apps that run in the background will generate traffic that's counted. Whether you open the app or not. As long as you have mobile data turned on.

    • Like 2
  11. In my experience, the K-Bank Android app is 100% useless. It works only on *some* Thai 3G networks.

    And last time I've checked it was only very partially translated.

    It doesn't let you do anything you can't do from the web K-Cyber Banking site anyway (AFAIK).

    As a previous poster mentioned, you can change your OTP password mobile phone # at an ATM using your credit/debit card. Much easier.

    On the other hand, the amount of things I can do from the K-Cyber Banking web site compares very favourably to what my local bank's web site (or app) here in France lets me do. And much, much faster too (like real-time inter-bank money transfers).

  12. Imobile is produced by Kyocera, while Tinno mobile also doesn't produce Cherry, so you will not find the Wiko phones under other brands and for sure not the 2 mentioned above.

    Wrong on both aspects.

    I had found an exact clone of my Wiko Cink Slim as an I-Mobile. Can't recall the exact model, but believe me, I've been hacking Android phones long enough to be able to tell when two devices have 100% the same hardware.

    That was back in 2012 though, so things might have changed since then.

    As for Cherry, there are several threads on Android forums where people are telling about installing Cherry stock firmwares on Wiko devices or vice-versa. This was only for a particular couple of models of course, not as a general rule.

    When you install a factory firmware meant for model X of brand Y on model Z of brand T and everything, and I really mean everything including tactile, camera, sensors etc. works without a hitch, well you can be pretty damn sure that both are rebrands of the same model from a common OEM. There are just too many combinations of LCD screens, digitizers, cameras, G-sensors and they way they are configured for this to be a happy coincidence.

    As for not finding Wiko phones under other brands worldwide... give me a break smile.png just do a quick Google Search.

    The Rainbow (first 3G model) for example exists under at least 3 ou 4 different names and brands in different countries.

    On the other hand I can't be sure that Wiko rebrands only Tinno devices. They might have other providers as well.

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