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Posts posted by Lannig

  1. If you miss the cutoff it is not the end of the world. You will have to download the files and update manually. Not really a big deal.

    Yep, I saw this in a page a few clicks away from the link provided by OP.

    I'll dig into this when I have it at hand later today.


    Hoping that this update doesn't prevent having our own .mobi files not downloaded from Amazon.

    We all have our "personal" documents don't we?

  2. AFAIK Chromecast costs around 2000B in Thailand.

    Will it do the job? depends on what job exactly. If you mosty watch movies on Youtube, yes it definitely will.

    From other streaming sources, generally it will too because you can send the contents of any Chrome tab over. You need a computer with good specs for this to work smoothly, though e.g. not a 5 years old laptop.

    If you watch AVI or MKV movies off your hard disk, there are Chrome extension to play them over the Chromecast, but in my experience they're not 100% failure-proof. Some file formats are not supported.

    Chromecast client software lives within Chrome, so whatever computer which can run Chrome will support the Chromecast. I'm currently using mine from PCs running WXP, W7 and W8.1.

  3. At the risk of drifting off topic since this is no PSG forum... (sorry if I do)

    Thought they had already won the froggy league, in which event it would be no surprise if they played their B team and just rotated in 3 first teamers for some match practice. I guess he's taking the alternative approach and telling them all to go out and get some excercise; the unhappiness act probably just necessary cover for the cameras?!

    European level competition must be so much easier for these mega teams and particularly when you combine it with being dominant in the 5th equal league (I put it on a par with the Dutch Eredivise and that maybe doing the cloggies a disservice).

    Oh yes they have won already, but the team that played and lost against Monaco Sunday was definitely no B team.

    They have set themselves a goal of reaching 90 points in the Ligue 1, so I'd assume that they're not willing to play the remaining matches as mere exercise. I don't think Blanc's frustration was faked.

    Anyway, I can assume that motivation will run much higher when playing against ManC.

  4. By the way, I agree that unemployment rate is low. I obviously can't give a percentage, but below 1% sounds about right. I have a hard time finding staff for my business, let alone keeping them for longer periods of time ( it has gotten better though smile.png )

    Don't know what kind of business you are running, but the issue might be finding educated, skilled, trained people which makes a whole lot of difference.

    When I watch around me, I can see a high number of people with low education level and no bankable skills that are unemployed now because they've lost their jobs due to the economic downturn (end of contrat and not renewed, shop has closed etc.). They do need to work for sure, though.

    I'm pretty certain that none of them are counted in the unemployment figures because they don't register anywhere as such. Why would they? no money from the government to be expected.

    That makes me dubious about these unemployment rates...

  5. The same infrastructure that allows farang to get hospital care regardless of whether theyre able to pay.

    Huh? where? AFAIK even in government hospitals we have to pay for the care.

    And I find this generalization a bit offensive for all of us who have actually worked legally and paid taxes in Thailand, like I've done for several years.

    My employer provided a health insurance so I wasn't costing a baht to the government when I was receiving healthcare. And I did pay taxes, quite some. Probably much more than many Thais earning at least as much money as I did, like e.g. shop owners.

    To get back to the general idea of the topic and the article: expatriate experience, to me there were two completely different experiences, almost like living in two different countries:

    - before I worked in Thailand and now that I don't anymore, coming only on vacation

    - when I worked in Thailand

    On many aspects, I had a bad quality of life during my working years in Thailand. Hence my returning to my home country.

    Low salary, fragile status, lack of any safety net in case of job loss, I could end up on the streets very quickly, difficulty to get proper healthcare at a reasonable price. Plus the fact that living and commuting in Bangkok and surroundings is not the nicest place on Earth, if not for anything else but the pollution (air, noise etc.)

    Now that I come back to Thailand for vacation in places I like, with enough funds to live comfortably and the safety of my comprehensive health and travel insurances and a solid job waiting for me, well, I do recognize Thailand as a bit of paradise indeed.

    Well, until things turn really sour politically-wise and the country falls apart, but that's another debate,

  6. Just to cheer you up a bit ManC fans: PSG has been beaten 2-0 by Monaco yesterday evening, and while playing at home on top of this (first time this season and much more).

    Their performance was abysmal and they really did deserve to be beaten.

    Monaco really doesn't have an impressive attack usually, their standing at 2nd position in Ligue 1 is mostly due to their defensive play.

    Their planting 2 goals to PSG would mean much if, like many people, I wasn't inclined to think that the PSG players' minds were already in Manchester and that they didn't give a crap about this Ligue 1 match.

    I'm sure Laurent Blanc was very unhappy (and he did seem so).

  7. Free WiFi works OK.

    Well... depends. Last time I flew out from Suwa in late January wifi coverage was broken in a large section of the departure floor after check-in.

    Connect to wifi OK but can't go anywhere after this.

    The ladies at the information desk told me that it had been like this for a couple of days already.

    I had to walk to the other end of the airport, opposite of my gate to find a place where wifi was working.

  8. I really do fail to see the reason behind this post!

    If you have an extension of a Visa, you know that you have, by law, to make a 90 day report.

    By making this post, you obviously have the ability to use the internet - therefore you also should have the ability (if unable to physically attend your local Immigration), to make the 90 day report on line!

    This would be correct if the online reporting actually worked.

    For many it does not.

    I have tried from 3 Different Computers to report on line without success! many times! trying to save 1000Baht of fuel.

    As an IT professional, I must say that this on-line reporting service is the most broken and amateurish web site I've seen in quite a while. First, AFAIK it's only usable through Internet Explorer which is by itself a red card in 2016. With all the fancy animated icons and flashy colors but badly broken functionality, it looks like some personal blog page hastily brought up by a high-school student over a rainy week-end.

    How do the Immigration Service expect to be taken seriously when they don't spend some money to have the web service designed by a good company? There certainly are many businesses in Thailand able to do a proper and well-designed site that will scale up and the cost wouldn't push the country's deficit in the red. The current site has obviously been developed by rank amateurs.

    Or is this thing only for the show and they don't really want people to use on-line reporting because this leaves less opportunities for arbitrary requirements for documents and possibly asking for tea money? I have to wonder.

    • Like 1
  9. There is an official Thai transliteration scheme. Blame the newspapers and government officials if they don't use it. Don't expect the average Joe Thai to even know it exists.


    And this transliteration scheme has some very silly provisions like transliterate mute syllabes and don't alter consonants to reflect their actual pronunciation.

    Here comes Suwarnabhumi which brings up confused looks from taxi drivers when rightly so pronounced "soo warna boomee"

    So no wonder people often want to deviate from the official scheme and use their own, causing even more confusion.

  10. Any other fans of the so-called "kraut rock"? the progressive psychedelic german music of the 70s (and 80s too)?
    Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream and of course Kraftwerk.

    Moondawn is the absolute top for me... can't listen to this one without getting high... without the help of any additional substance (well at least they're not required)

  11. Since this comes from Windows Scripting Host I'd be surprised it has anything to do with Firefox.

    Looks very much to me like a leftover of some VBScript malware that was once automatically launched by some mechanism (could be a scheduled task like MJCM suggested). The script file (fofa.txt) is gone, probably eaten by your a/v software but the startup link subsists. Hence the error popup.

    If it comes at regular intervals, a scheduled task is the likely culprit. Have you checked them ?

    You may want to install this Microsoft utility (autoruns): https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb963902.aspx

    Then run it and browse through all tabs (particulary "Scheduled Tasks") until you find a reference to something that includes the lengthy hex string (64F68C35-...), then uncheck the box next it to.

    I wouldn't hope much for a malware detector to automagically find this leftover because it's not malignant per se and it probably doesn't carry a recognizable signature.

  12. I drive a lot in Thailand (a pick-up truck), mostly along the main highways but also on some countryside roads. Not much in town.

    I find it mostly without worries these days. I remember the late 80s/early 90s... it was wild then, especially with not many 4-lane highways.

    The main source of trouble is the terrible potholes that can sometimes shake the car so much you can hardly hold the wheel and the silly things it makes people do when they avoid them. The Bangkok-Khampeang Phet highway for example has become worse and worse over the past 5 years or so. Too much government money for maintenance roadworks converted to Benz cars, swimming pools and 3D home cinemas I guess.

  13. ^Definitely didn't want Barca, Bayern and Real.

    Would have preferred not to have drawn Athletico or PSG.

    Would have been happy to draw Wolfsburg or Benfica.

    City, having had a poor season to date, I assume will be underdogs for the tie.

    I was impressed by PSG at Chelsea and think as a footballing team they are slightly ahead of us right now. If our erratic team 'show up' for these games (looks like Premier has gone for us so they might be up for these games), I could see us doing it.

    Currently heart says City win, head says PSG.

    And you? What do you think?

    About the same about avoiding the big, big guys tongue.png

    PSG has been playing very unequal in the last matches (I discount the meaningless 9-0 against poor Troyes). They've even been beaten for the very first time in Ligue 1. Aurier is dearly missed in the team IMO (not a hint that I think he should be forgiven for what he's done, can't wait to see what Blanc is going to do though). The outcome of their matches against Chelsea is somewhat flattering I'd say, having watched both matches. They did well, but not as much as the score says.

    Anyway Ligue 1 is so weak that even a team which massively dominates here is not much more than a match for ManC where they currently sit in Premier League.

    It's going to be a tough confrontation I think. I don't see a clear advantage for PSG.

    I see ManC having a better team fighting spirit as well. PSG's team spirit is not that good. There has been a big clash between Zlatan and Van de Will recently, and the Aurier case does not bring a good spirit either.

    • Like 1
  14. Hello ManC fans.

    Just curious, what's the general feeling about facing PSG in the C1 semis ?

    (French, as my avatar suggests, not a PSG fan by any means but well, for once we have a team doing well in the C1, so might as well get interested...)

  15. TECLAST tablets are inexpensive, widely sold and seem to get a lot of good user feedback. Several of their models have both Android and Windows.

    If you are "Googling" tablets, you will get a much larger selection if you use "9.7" rather than "10" as that is the more popular metric dimension.

    My experience matches this. I've been using a dual-boot (Windows 8.1 and Android 4.4) 8" model from them (can't recall the model number and I don't have it close) for a while and I have nothing but good things to tell about it.

    Well, apart from the screen being too small for Windows. At least for my eyes that are over half a century old now. I should have bought the 10" model.

    It was cheap too, 100 euros or so.

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