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my friend I

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Posts posted by my friend I

  1. Chownah is correct.

    What kind of springs u looking for-watch springs, bed springs, leaf springs, tie to your feet springs-????

    I would like to make some new springs. We are building a luxury pushcart - a Lincoln rot kentinental :o

  2. Hi sunlovers

    We will be vacationing in your island home during the Thai New Year. We are planning on making our own grass skirts up here before we arrive so that we don't look like tourists.

    Could someone tell us what length of skirt is in fashion this season.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas to all


  3. SP Hotel & S House are the same place. Doubt they r on the net. When u get to Thip Sukon Hotel turn left up steep hill . About 10 yards u find S-House on the right.. The room prices vary - sunday is a low price day.She got it for free when she separated from her American partner. :o

  4. I think its normal that CR have many checking points. CR share border with Burma and Laos...obvious a drugs route include illegal traffic of all kinds.

    Just take your id card or a copy of your passport on yourself should be fine. They're just doing their job. Although i've been asking for my Thai ID people still think i'm a foreigner (i dont look like Thai according to many peoples).

    I didn't mean to suggest I had a problem with the checks.

    But I didn't understand why there were none in E-sarn. There are the same concerns there with drug smuggling - in Khemmarat they had two drug sniffer dogs & they body searched everyone.

  5. You need to take your own food & drinks on the boat. U can resupply at Pak Beng.

    Don't order a bread roll from the hotel there tho - get it from the independent vendors in the morning, at the dock area.

    Take a cushion

  6. Seat pitch is advertised as 72.5cm, or 28.5 inches.

    You can pay an extra Sing$25 when you are booking to upgrade to a seat with extra legroom ie 97.5cm, or 38 inches.

    Interestingly the seat upgrade cost for flying in Oz on Tiger's new service is A$25, or Sing$32 - Australians must be richer!

    These r for exit row seats. Even if u have booked & paid u will not b allowed to sit there unless u meet the selection criteria; able to understand hostesses instructions, strong, not caring for kids,etc

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