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my friend I

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Posts posted by my friend I

  1. Top North is on the main road on the left side about 150 meter before the border.

    The hotel Gonzo is looking for is the big one that also has a buffet lunch.

    Sorry, I don´t know the name but it is not Top North.


    Hmmm I am now interested in finding out which hotel it is. I don't normally stay overnight at Mae Sai preferring to come back to CM or stopping at Chiang Rai if I have the time.

    Buffet lunch? Did I miss that in Gonzo's post or is that additional information? Could be worth checking out if I head up there in the near future.

    Ok I am starting to guess now - and wonder if it is the King Cobra Inn next to the King Cobra Guest house. It is closer to the border on the road that parallels the river


    If u stay at the Wang Thong tell them u r interested in buying jade :D

  2. a little bit rich from the boys who disbanded the parliament and threatening with another military coup if the election results won't be in their favour.

    boycotting farce elections is everybody's right, unless the military would like to force ussr-style elections where everybody had to vote and vote for the ruling party.

    200k is hardly big money in politics and this money actually was leaving thailand across the border to myanmar, so connecting it to the upcoming elections is strange

    As the money was winnings wouldn"t it have been coming into Thailand.?.

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