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Everything posted by iLuvThai

  1. I'm Canadian I see no apologies needed. And I don't care what anyone says, the USA is way better off with President Donald Trump then without. And yes I am guessing this topic was posted as comedy maybe. Play nicely.
  2. I know you guys don't like to be reminded of this but it's my duty as a Christian to tell everyone. As tragic as this was, it's an accident in thru the eyes of the world but in reality it's a appointment with destiny. Everyone dies. It's just a good thing we don't know when or how. So being prepared to meet the creator is the best thing any of us can be. Hebrews 9:27-28 KJV [27] And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: [28] so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
  3. What's just as bad as a pedophile? A pedophile sympathizer and there are a few in the comments here sadly.
  4. As a long haul truck driver for 40 years trucking all over North America, I can say it with absolute confidence. SPEED KILLS. It use to be the number one cause of all accidents only to be replaced by distracted driving, but not by much. Sitting at the airport in Canada right now waiting to come back to Thailand for the winter. If you see me driving in Thailand I'll be the one everyone is passing. Be safe out there. VID20241124093206.mp4
  5. I eat Oatmeal cereal every morning and it works for me. I'm in my 60's and I've had issues with this most of my life. If you make it a habit just to sit on the toilet for as long as it takes even if you don't feel the urge to go, chances are the urge will come if you can just relax and the other person that suggested the Squatty Potty, that also works.
  6. WOW quite the comments. I'll just add what does age have to do with anything, people if all ages die everyday. Everyone has an expiration date, the good news is most of us don't know when that is. Or I guess it could be bad news if your not prepared to meet God.
  7. As a driving instructor in Canada a man that drives when I'm in Chiang Rai province, I can conclude that most drivers from everywhere are terrible drivers when in other countries and some even in their own homeland. Driving on the left side of the road is something I'm not accustomed to but I only drive in the day light hours with my Thai wife by my side. I stick to the speed limit and use my signals always even though I'm the beginning I was always activating the wipers. Many drivers will pass me on hills and curves with double solid lines. My point is as a driving instructor I'm not claiming to be perfect but I've trained many foreigners and the MO is always the same, if they drove in their homeland they need to still do training in Canada (Class1) unless they came from USA. They still drive like they're home. I guarantee to foreigners coming to Thailand are guilty of the same. Funny story to end my rant. One day I just got into the office for lunch. A lady walked in asking if we are a driving school of course I said yes and asked her if she was looking to obtain her Class 1 license. She said no, car license (Class 5). I said we only teach truck drivers and said you don't have your car license, as she looked to be late 20's. She said she and her husband just arrived in Canada from Mexico a few months ago with a Mexican drivers license and that she actually challenged the road test and failed. I asked why? She was told at the end of the road test that she failed because she NEVER used her turn signals. Her response to the examiner was, I didn't think you had to because no one else did. I said Welcome to Brandon. Drive Safe and Be Well.
  8. I always thought you couldn't take a job away from a Thai person for example I have a CDL license here in Canada but when I come to Thailand if I was able to get a work permit could I drive tractor trailer?
  9. I think you're looking for attention building a house like that photo. Do what you want is your money, but I'm pretty sure changing someone's financial thermostat in Thailand is probably not a fantastic idea. Knowing you can Provide for your families needs is in my opinion a better use of resources because you can live humble and still do everything you might want to do. If you want to spoil her, take her somewhere awesome and stay in and stay in a 5 star resorts. Again you'll do what you want but I know what I would do if I had that kind of bread. Be well.
  10. I came here for the comments.
  11. It never fails to amaze me why anyone would jump from a perfectly good air plane or in this case, a building.
  12. Women never seize to amaze me. Hoping she wouldn't catch her husband cheating like he has before, she stabs the girl friend. Not that I'm advocating violence, why wouldn't she just kick him to the curb?
  13. I'm curious if anyone knows if Thailand has any hours of service rules for commercial drivers, log book rules or anything along those lines. With a 01:00 crash I wonder if the driver was up all day then schedule to make this run without any rest beforehand. Terrible situation reguardless of the cause. R.I.P.
  14. I asked my Thai wife what color she would call that car, she replied with a color I've never heard anyone refer to a vehicle ever in my 61 years. She called it "Blonde." That's not too far off from yellow and she never read the story. ????
  15. A Farang guy that's been living in Thailand for many years that I follow on YouTube might have the answer you are looking for. https://youtu.be/mMhFbSJL6BM?si=jDdmSuO8KG59cVjr
  16. This story has a easy solution. Everytime he comes by, tell him you're on your Way to a church meeting. To learn about the saving Grace of Jesus Christ, and he's more than welcome to come with you. If that doesn't have him running in the opposite direction, ask your wife how she would feel if you went golfing or name your entertainment of choice while she had to entertain this dude by herself. If she doesn't realize that he's a couple of tomatoes shy of a thick sauce now, maybe she will after a few hours alone with said individual. Good luck and btw of course don't leave your wife alone with him. And secondly this is not intended to offend Christian as I'm one, I just know that most non-believers want nothing to do with the subject of Jesus Christ. If he does want to go with you you better know how to find a Church and fast.
  17. Not just a Thai issue. If you don't believe me, watch the 3 part documentary on Netflix called Don't Pickup the Phone.
  18. I'm truly surprised that Google does not know the answer to this question no matter how I ask it I'm hoping somebody here, especially a Canadian can answer this question. Can I Thai citizen, in other words my wife, apply for a US visa from Canada or does she have to do that from Thailand?
  19. At night time when turning a semi into the road from a stop with a load on isn't a fast action and sometimes at night you may see head lights down the road but you can't tell how fast they are coming. Add to the equation that to many people drive with there eyes on the smartphone and this is one of the biggest reasons for accidents like this, distracted driving. I've driven truck for 37 years and seen far to many similar accidents. I've also been to Thailand 5 times and the majority of drivers I've witnessed drive faster than the speed limit. Look up and live.
  20. Yeah I didn't get that sentence either. In fact I was thinking it looked exactly like my money.
  21. From all the places in Thailand I have been in the 5 times I've been there, the infrastructure is bicycle friendly. I ride a bike here where I live, you couldn't pay me to do it in Thailand. Plus as a long haul truck driver in North America for over 30+ years my experience with bicyclist had not been a pleasant one. May she rest in peace.
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