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Posts posted by indothai

  1. Again, I heard this from my wife who's friend of a friend of a friend told her.... so, it could be a delayed April fools joke.

    One thing that did catch my attention was the engine size? Why? Max speed on the toll ways are 80 km/h anyways, my Scoopy-i can do that tandem, heck, with some tail wind I can hit 100 km/h. So, I don't understand the engine size limit.

    BUT, even if it's true. it would be a matter of time before some idiot with slippers and a 300 baht helmet goes on front page after getting run over by a 18-wheeler, 5 pickups, 8 sedans, and a 3-legged dog. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it but at the same time..... i'm cringing.

    • Like 1
  2. I've got 2 LCD TV's.

    One LCD is connected with Truevisions box and can view HD channels.

    The other LCD is connected to the condo system, which is crap,...not clear etc.

    The one connected to Truevisions, I'm going to leave alone. But the other that is connected to the condo system, I may need to get one of those DVB-T2 tuners.... but as Pib indicated, I should go dig up the specs on my LCD's first to see if it can support digital terrestrial reception.

    Anyone get the coupons yet?

  3. I'm willing to bet that Thailand is going to find ingenious ways to FAIL the switch over. Don't get me wrong, they will eventually turn off analog by force.

    The Americans switched from Analog to Digital to reallocate analog signals for other communications and provide expansion for the local Television stations. Aside from potential money making scheme, why is Thailand doing this?

    To be in trend?

  4. Generalizing way too much. Some PEOPLE are careful and meticulous with their work, some are just slack-asses and slobs. Just because you live in a developing nation, does not mean all their citizens are native-primitives. (note: I'm not pointing a finger at you or your wife).

    But as with the first word I used. Most humans do generalize, thereby simplifying the complicated to help "process" their surrounding environment so that they can quickly interact with other humans... but to make matters worse, humans have categorized themselves by "culture" and "behavior" that can seem insensitive between groups.

    Why do most Americans wear shoes in their homes? I never lived in the UK or Australia, so maybe they do as well? (Most Asians will find this rather "dirty")

    Why do most Asians wear sandals/flip-flops in public? Most Americans may find this rather....inappropriate?

    Being "luk khreung" has nothing to do with lacking Carefulness or Meticulousness, it just means the poor kid needs to learn multiple cultures in his/her household, something that will take time. So, a "luk khreung" will end up knowing and understanding much more than the average person.

    You know. It doesn't hurt to help explain and teach about culture. And just because it's done at a home, does not make it culture... that can be called personal habit.

    And most importantly, the culture you are following does not make it a de facto culture.

    *note to self, it's Friday...

    • Like 1
  5. It's the common word-of-mouth syndrome passed down from person to person, but as I understand, it is because the septic system in the typical Thai homes (country side / up country) are not built to handle toilet paper. Obviously, the word would go all the way up to malls, hotels and condos with signs being posted not to flush toilet paper down the toilets.

    Those "bum guns" are actually used as the primary form of washing/cleaning your bum. Then you'd use the toilet paper to dry yourself afterwards, and tossing the toilet paper in the bin. Unfortunately, as buildings become modernized, and depending on developer, may not add the "bum guns" to the toilets. So you can imagine the typical Thai using the toilet paper to clean themselves and tossing the paper in the bin (yuck!!).

    So, what's the bottom line?

    The septic system in Thailand are unknown. Meaning, it can vary from being modern to extremely primitive. It's fair to assume that if the toilets don't have a "bum gun" then you can safely flush the toilet paper.

    I think it's safe to assume that the history of a "bum gun" came from Bidets (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bidet).

    • Like 1
  6. I just bought the Honda Scoopy-i Club 12 with the CBS thingy. The sales had a hard time trying to explain to me how it works, but I did try the following scenario:

    In a standard parking garage, cement ground/surface, and not speeding excessively, normal parking garage speed :

    - Applied just the front brakes only and the scooter would dive as normal.

    -- At one point I did manage to lock the front wheel and almost ground the scooter.

    - Applied the left lever and the scooter feels to stop better, less of a dive.

    -- I did try to apply the left lever as hard as I could but never did get to lock up any wheels before coming to a stop. ( I was in a parking garage so I was watching my speed, ie not speeding.).

    On the street I'm still mostly using the front brakes, old school mentality kicking in. Whenever I can, I try to "test" the CBS on the street.

    I never owned a bike with ABS, owned bikes in the mid to late 90's, CBR's, FZR's... so I've been taught to use the rear brakes sparingly.

    I still need to get used to the CBS thingy, mentality of it all I guess, not trusting it and afraid that the rear wheels will lockup and slide out.

    I do wish Honda would put out some tech data on the CBS thingy...rather than the "laymen" explanation found on the inter-web.

  7. Well, I wish I came across this post before buying my scooter. The lady that sold the bike to me did say something like I have to bring the bike to only that shop to have it services/repaired or fixed. That did raise a red flag, but this being my first bike purchase in Thailand I didn't think too much about it.

    My questions,
    If something is wrong with my bike and needs fixing, will Honda cover it under warranty?

    I'm waiting for my Blue Green book, will I be the 2nd owner? They said I will be getting the book in 2 or 3 weeks.


    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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