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Posts posted by HansumFarang

  1. 5 minutes ago, Slip said:

    This reaches new heights.  These guys must be scraping the bottle of the recruitment barrel.

    "But, but, but John Major...."  Waah waah.


    Even fullfact.org cheerfully admits that John Major was up to no good.




    Facts aren't your thing, presumably. Stick to the jokes ????







    John Major prorogued parliament in 1997 to delay a report into Conservative MPs taking bribes.


    Major’s prorogation in 1997 had the effect of delaying a report into Conservative MPs taking bribes until after the 1997 election, whether or not that was his intention.



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  2. 3 minutes ago, Bruntoid said:

    Not at all predictable response - it wasn’t hers to return - your spin based theory has been rubbished with facts just accept it 


    Oh, and where were your links to the quotes where Gina Miller "condemned" the donation? Am I supposed to take your word for it? This was the closest thing that I could find.



    Miller told The New European that she regarded attempts to bring down a government other than through an election or a referendum as undemocratic, and says that toppling May is the last thing the country needs at the moment. But she also described Soros as a great philanthropist and humanitarian, and called for transparency not only with regard to his donations, but in all political funding – “which is certainly not the case for Leave funders, with an apparently illiberal destabilising agenda”.


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  3. 16 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    So somebody is alleged to have given Gina Millar some money.


    Hiw did that influence the ruling of 11 Supreme Court Judges?




    But now you mention it - Gina Miller was one of the parties who brought the case to the Supreme Court. She gets several mentions in their judgement.



    JUDGMENT R (on the application of Miller) (Appellant) v The Prime Minister (Respondent) Cherry and others (Respondents) v Advocate General for Scotland (Appellant) (Scotland)


    Since she brought the case and her lawyers submitted evidence, yes, those donations may well have made a difference to the ruling. Here's a link to the ruling, since you don't seem to have read it.



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  4. 3 minutes ago, Bruntoid said:

    But you are ill informed - when the donation was made as you have stated Miller CONDEMNED it as undemocratic and the organisation of being secretive. She also went on to to say publically that ALL backers should be revealed for the sake of transparency.


    Its amazing what you find when you remove the spin. 


    And that was when she gave the money back was it?



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  5. 3 minutes ago, Bruntoid said:

    Of course she has - her legal bill will be enormous but to believe it is from currency speculators makes no sense whatsoever unless they had insider knowledge of the verdict (infact she’s on record as slating Soros for using Brexit to speculate) - which I guess a woe is me conspiracy theorist is about to announce


    I already posted the link for you:




    "The biggest individual donor is international financier George Soros, a Hungarian-born US citizen, who has given Best for Britain £800,000 in total so far, with £400,000 of that coming since the start of the year through his pro-European Open Society Foundation."


    I couldn't care less that George Soros is the individual in question. Having a foreign currency speculator influencing British politics is not a good thing - and I only mentioned that in response to somebody who suggested that foreign billionaires had financed the Brexit campaign.

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  6. On 9/13/2019 at 2:44 AM, kellersphuket said:

    It's not nonsense at all.

    They do this in Phuket all the time.

    They wait on the road from Karon to Patong, only fining foreigners.

    Your statements are factually incorrect.


    Yes, I know the road well. There is a little police hut just before the hill leading out of Karon (going past Centara). I was fined there by the police 2 years ago and given a receipt, along with 7-8 other people - we queued to pay our 500 baht fines at the hut.


    Most of the people in the queue were Thai. So in fact it is your statement that is factually incorrect.


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  7. On 7/10/2019 at 5:58 AM, Loiner said:

    No, it’s all about the extra numbers. From 59m in 2000 to 66m now is about 12% extra bodies. UK taxpayers should not have to bear the burden of this but that’s where the costs fall.
    China can do what it wants.



    I take it there were no births in that period, only immigrants, and FYI I am also a UK taxpayer'


    Of course China can do what it wants, that is why it is 30/40 years ahead of the UK, only the naive think the UK is progressive. Brexit will only push the UK further behind the world leaders.



    The white British population fell for 10 years according to the BBC:




    China 30/40 years ahead, what a joke, ask the Uighurs if they think that China is a progressive country ............................








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