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Posts posted by TooBigToFit

  1. Something on this topic.


    The largest study yet of children with COVID-19 suggests that males and infants may face a higher risk of infection and severe illness - BusinessInsider




    One of the stats from BI in the article "Of the children with COVID-19, 57% were male, suggesting that "biological factors" could make men more susceptible to the virus. " 



    I wonder what the male/female ratio is in Thailand based on age. I remember seeing some research decades ago that said that Thailand had something off here as there were an abnormal amount of females births to male births. Combine that with attrition from accidents and the rest of it as the population ages, the male to female stats might even be more widened than found in a lot of countries. It may well be that some of the higher death rates seen around the world are simply due to the victims being available. Don't go overboard on my comment. It's just a nobody pondering things. My idea might be connected to the Freakonomics idea related to the economists idea on abortion and crime if anyone read that. Now I wonder how China's one-child policy relates where male babies were preferred in the past. How old would they be now? Okay, enough.

  2. Last night I dreamed I was in some strange prison. It was a bit retro. It probably has to do with thinking about being stuck indoors all day. Sadly most of my dreams in my life end in some sort of failure for me or horror. I guess it shows my outlook at things. If I dream of sex, something will keep me away from the woman who is ready to go in the dream.

    • Haha 1
  3. While Biden and Trump make it to the election? Biden must choose a young white female to be his running mate as they are the most likely to survive the virus. I guess that would be Klobuchar. But he could pick another female and still have a high chance viral protection in her should he died in office. That could be anyone from Kamala Harris to Hillary Clinton if she were up for it. But with the virus younger is better.

    • Confused 3
    • Haha 2
  4. I'd like to see 100 people pulled off the street in Thailand tested to see how many have it... or had it. I'm still confused about Thailand's numbers. The government may just be harassing these people coming from neighboring countries. Thailand may well be infected as badly but most people have no symptoms. Who knows maybe there is something in the environment that lowers the death toll. Thailand seems to be an anomaly.

  5. I wonder with everyone wearing masks if more robberies are being committed by people wearing masks. Are they having more success?  My support goes for the Americans again only because of the Nazi history. I know it never ends but the punishment back then was menial and mostly just the results of the Germans own doing. But then again, Trump might want to be a member of the Aryan nation so maybe the masks should just be given to some small innocent country like Papa New Guinea.

  6. I don't think so. It was just happening this morning. Could it be by thread? Not sure but it did happen. The solution might have to come from Firefox's end rather than TV's. Just happened again right now on this thread! So it's definitely still here.

  7. How about starting a business that offers a special International health certificate to hotels and restaurants that shows they meet certain standards. You could provide a 6-month check, wall certificate, stickers for all the rooms and other facilities as well as online badges for websites and links to a record of your check and certification. Of course this wouldn't work for all hotels and restaurants but it might pan out if done right.


    Other than that, I saw a bakery was selling cookies with funny faces with masks on them.????  How about I survived the Plague of 2020 Tshirts? Lots of assets will be up for sale cheap such as hotels, nursing homes, airplanes, tourist-related businesses, motorcycles, etc etc Plus with the world in massive slowdown, people will start selling their stuff if they are out of work. There is also going to be a trend to buy more locally as many govts were caught off guard on supplies for this. That might have value. Opening a temporary employee business might be strong again. Local online teaching via the net could be a new alternative to going to the tutoring schools. Many kids have experienced online learning now. Using delivery and online sales will increase as a lot of people who never tried it, now have and many will like it. Netflix and other entertainment online should do well. 


    As this cold season fades, the fear of a return or even worse cold season next year will get people to prep for it. Any useful new ideas for that could do well.

  8. I wonder what all these people are doing lingering in Thailand. Does everyone want to stay forever if they could? Are they running illegal businesses. Is a month not enough for a shopping trip or tourist vacation? I get similar thoughts when driving on the congested roads. Where are all these people going? Are they just going out to buy something? Are they all working? Are they leaving the city? Why so many?

    • Like 1
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    • Sad 1
  9. Mike, I noticed that an online link to escorts on another site was still running. There seems to be escort girls providing services not just in Thailand but around the globe right now. The oldest profession never closes its doors. I wonder how many of them will get or spread the virus.

    • Thanks 1
  10. "Why can't people stay alone ?" asks someone who probably traveled around the globe for happiness, love or sex.


    Someone gave me a mixed tape of odd songs I'd never heard before. I always thought this song here's first line was 'I went to Thailand to be lonely.' Just me but many people who come to Thailand do find themselves eventually lonely.



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