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Everything posted by BuddyPish

  1. The Fed has repeatedly refused to allow an audit of its gold reserves, because it doesn't have them. The Fed has been using bullion bank proxies to manipulate gold prices for decades via naked shortselling on the COMEX. There are some seriously in-depth explanations online. China has the largest reserves. It's the largest producer in the world and it doesn't export and single ounce. It's official reserves are considered laughably understated. I wouldn't be surprised if it one day announced it has 20,000 tons of the stuff
  2. Sorry but I'm afraid that's not true. Forex traders trade solely on indicator-based technicals - most have no idea why price is doing what it's doing and even less understanding of economics. The market is run by a highly sophisticated AI-controlled algorithm and it only moves up and down to absorb liquidity above old highs and below old lows and to rebalance inefficiencies in how price was delivered. When it's not doing that, it's trading sideways going nowhere.
  3. LOL, wrong. If the effects were short term, gold wouldn't be so grossly undervalued.
  4. It doesn't have "a life of its own". It's the most manipulated market in the world with bullion banks engaging in routine and massive naked short-selling of paper contracts on the COMEX to suppress the price on behalf of the Federal Reserve. Gold ought to be well over $20,000 an ounce but if it was then the dollar would likely not exist as a reserve currency. Gold is the anti-dollar China is the world's largest producer and it doesn't export a single ounce. It's also one of, if not the, largest importer of gold too. The Federal Reserve has repeatedly refused to allow an inventory of the 8,000 tons of gold it's supposed to hold in Fort Knox, most likely because it doesn't have it any more - it's mostly been leased out to help suppress the price.
  5. Sorry but I'm afraid YOU are the clueless one . . . . probably because you've spent 19 years on this forum. Of course it's manipulation. When the yen gets too weak, the BoJ steps in and sells dollars to buy up yen to arrest the decline. That intervention IS manipulation. Now you might take issue with the use of that word but that's of no consequence to the market or its participants. You can call it what you like but it is what it is.
  6. ALL currencies are manipulated. That's what central banks do and none more blatantly than the US Federal Reserve, the BoJ, BoE and the ECB. What is quantitative easing if not deliberate manipulation?
  7. You joke but there are many migrants who live here on 15k a month. Just wait until the authorities here decide to raise the financial requirement to qualify for a long-term visa/extension like retirement or marriage.
  8. Western currencies are weakening as the prospect of interest rate cuts make them less attractive to investors. Perfect example is the Bank of England cutting 25 basis points yesterday; that's reflected in today's GBPTHB cross. Fed expected to cut next month The rate cutting cycle has begun and typically, western currencies weaken so if your finances are vulnerable to small fluctuations in the Thai baht's exchange rate with the currency your income is denominated in, you'd better be prepared to tighten your belt.
  9. You can think what you like and continue with the insults; it only serves to highlight what kind of person you are. Now off you go and cry some more about exchange rates. Maybe being "respected" on a forum of curmudgeons is all the validation someone in your position can get so, by all means, revel in it. Most would say it's pretty pathetic and that you should get a life; ANY kind of life
  10. I didn't say I cared because obviously I don't but I do think it's a bit selfish and inconsiderate to hope for the baht to collapse just so you can stretch your pension. It's not Thailand's fault you have to live on a shoestring, is it? When are people like you going to face facts? Thailand isn't a retirement home for poor westerners. It doesn't set the exchange rate with whatever currency your income is denominated in; the market does.
  11. Whenever I read sentiments like this, I assume that the author is having difficulty living comfortably with the exchange rate.
  12. Nothing to do with you being born white. It's the crap coming out of your mouth; suggesting that people from the UK without English-sounding names have a greater disposition towards criminality than those with. An asinine notion since people with English names are responsible for some of the most heinous crimes here in Thailand.
  13. Yes they're all here fiddling with children or dealing gear in Krabi and Phuket or punching out septuagenarian security guards trying to help them
  14. Oh excuse me but what else were you referring to when you quipped "excellent examples of the UK immigration system"??
  15. Obviously making reference to their ethnicity as if that's a factor. What was the filthy white British paedophile, Richard Burrows, who was deported back to the UK after hiding out here for 30 years? Was he fleeing persecution? What about the white British "teacher", David Brown, who fainted upon being arrested earlier this year for sexually assaulting several of his 4-7 year old pupils while working at an international school? Is their Britishness authentic enough for you?? Are their names British enough for you?? Should we regard all white males here as paedophiles because of the actions of a few? You people and your bigotry disgust me. You love to deflect from the filth that ostensibly "real" British are up to in this country
  16. When are the dinosaurs on here going to realise that names don't determine nationality. Anyone would think that people with "real" English names simply don't commit crime here.
  17. Nitpick much? Who cares if it's registered in Thailand? If it doesn't do it for you, fine; use whatever floats your boat but whenever I've asked for "generic Cialis", I've never been offered "Talafil". Frankly, I'd sooner trust pharma from India than Thailand but YMMV
  18. "Just a few times a night" might be bearable for you but I'd think that most men would regard that frequency as something of a nightmare. Lifestyle changes were irrelevant for me since I was already a gymrat, going 5 times a week, taking various herbal supplements like pygeum and prescription meds like "Urief" and Cialis. After 4 months of intermittent self catheterization, I couldn't stand it any longer. Got a consultation, chose Rezum and was legs akimbo on the stirrups 10 days later. Woke up with a Foley catheter which I kept in for 2 weeks (the worst aspect of the entire ordeal) but since then, it's been voiding bliss. Forceful flow, no retention, no ED, full ejaculatory function, wake up once a night to relieve myself, 6 hours after head hitting the pillow. It'll be 2 years post-op in September and I couldn't be happier with it.
  19. Apcalis Name of the active ingredient is tadalafil. Just ask for generic cialis. 400-500 depending on the pharmacy you use
  20. That's not good at all. You must be pissing 50 times a day if all you can pass is an eggcup full. Last thing you want is a distended bladder. If it gets too stretched, it loses its ability to contract/empty properly and you'll have to use a catheter every day. Worse still is hydronephrosis which is when urine backs up into the kidneys and effectively waterlogs them. This can seriously damage the kidneys and if left too long, you're talking about kidney failure and dialysis for life or a kidney transplant and immunosuppressants for life. Too important to leave to the NHS. If you've got the money, throw it at this problem ASAP after a consultation with a competent urologist either here or in the UK.
  21. Why? It's unlikely to clash with what I said.
  22. Even if the US Treasury Department had the high moral ground to label anyone a currency manipulator (it doesn't), it wouldn't be for the reason most foreigners think. Most foreigners, particularly those from Western countries, think the Thais prop up the baht, keeping it stronger than it should be and they bemoan the impact that has on the buying power of currencies they bring in. Wrong The US treasury believed that the Thais were keeping their currency too WEAK and using that to gain competitive advantage for Thailand's exports. If the yanks had their way, the USDTHB exchange rate would be closer to 26 than the near-37 it is now. I think foreigners would have far more to bitch about if the exchange rate went that way. Worth remembering that the US is the greatest currency manipulator in the history of the world. It issued trillions of worthless government bills, notes and bonds to sell to creditors in return for paltry yields in order to artificially suppress interest rates during the decade of QE.
  23. So not dealing with any aspect of my comment; just attacking me and telling anyone who can be bothered to read how comfortable you are as if I suggested you were indigent? You need help.
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