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Posts posted by Tops

  1. As an international business owner I can tell you only one thing. Thailand is completely bankrupt !!!

    They need to get foreign money to keep the heads above the rising water.


    Companies really having a struggle to have the international invoices paid by bankingtransfers.

    Over 50% won't arrive in time and are under investigation by B.O.T... Takes a 3 week investigation. We are already paying up the bills till February right now to have our services continued internationally !!!!



    Thailand needs every baht they can lay their hands on. 


    A Dutch saying translated to English: a cat in the corner makes strange jumps !!!
    It says all about Thailand !!!

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  2. In the Netherlands parking a car on a handicapped spot will cost you € 380,-. If there also is a parking meter € 95,- will be added to that. Than you will have an administration fee for each violation of € 9,- each.


    So in the worst way your banking account will be credited by € 493,-. That is about 16,000 - 17,000 ฿ with those ridiculously low exchange rates now.


    In many Dutch cities the car is towed away within 30 minutes costing € 350,- to a government controlled lot and parking there will be € 15,- per hour.


    This happened to me in 2011. Visiting a friend and legally parking on the street with a parking meter after the hours, so free parking. A supplier of a store couldn't park his truck in the spot in front of me so they just moved my car a bit and having the rear bumper just going over the line for the handicapped parking I parked in front of. There were witnesses of this action. One hour later my car was gone. I thought it was stolen but the witnesses told me it was towed away. Ended up paying € 882,- on the spot before I could get my car back. I had to pay on the spot because my car had a licenseplate from another country than the Netherlands.

  3. I am a diabetic and allergic to methformide what you can get in every pharmacy in Thailand.

    How ever I need as a replacement Diamicron and Trajenta. In The Netherlands only € 4.90 and € 7.80 for a pack of 30 days. In Thailand at the whole sale 850 and 1950 THB  for the same 30 days. They're imported and heavily taxed. When getting them in my hospital 1950 and 3950 THB !!! Every time someone is coming over from The Netherlands I have my doctor in NL subscribed them and have them picked up in a local pharmacy.


    Thailand cheap???
    NO F#ck!ng way !!!!

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