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Posts posted by egg

  1. for fishhooks and all the others who asked for copies of the letter, Will get them to you all as soon as possible, did not expect such a huge response, a comment there about pensions being paid into an australian bank account, the only accounts that CL cannot access or remove funds from is a mortgage account, check online issues of courier mail, from january, an old lady in brisbane had been supposedly overpaid 11 dollars a month for a number of years by cl, centrelink removed the overpayment from her bank account, clearing the account of funds and closing it ,poor old dear only found out about it when she recieved her statement, she went to an rsl ombudsman who proved that centrelink were in the wrong, pensioners need protection from centrelink clowns!!

    Hi Nignoy

    l was going to pm you but l thought you maybe snowed under with pm's ,,,any chance you can scan it and post on here ,, or is that not allowed ,,, could save you a lot of finger work



  2. this is an edited peice l got in an email ,, l am not sure of the source or its validity,,,,



    weekly allowance $253.00 $472.50

    weekly spouse allowance $56.00 $472.50

    additional weekly

    hardship allowance $0.00 $145.00

    l cant verify this ,, but it would not surprise me ,,, if it is correct ,, its a bloody disgrace

    that didn't come out quite as l wanted ,,,, the first figure is what is paid to OAP ,, the second is what is paid to illegal immigrants/refugees in Australia

  3. this is an edited peice l got in an email ,, l am not sure of the source or its validity,,,,



    weekly allowance $253.00 $472.50

    weekly spouse allowance $56.00 $472.50

    additional weekly

    hardship allowance $0.00 $145.00

    l cant verify this ,, but it would not surprise me ,,, if it is correct ,, its a bloody disgrace

  4. whats going on here ?? ,, l am seeing forecasts with temperatures down to 16 degrees during the day ,,, l am getting tired of putting my cool weather clothes away and then having to get them out again ,, are we going to get the same as what we had 2 weeks ago ??

    more snow in CM ??? global cooling for sure ,,,,, :unsure:

  5. Air Asia no thanks, remember the added costs and Stanstead is not an easy airport to get out of late at night, cause if I remember correctly the train stops at a certain time.

    thats fair enuff ,,, you have had the experience ,, l haven't ,, yet :)


  6. if you guys are flying to the UK , have you looked at Air Asia prices , l have seen cheap fares to London (at least l think they are cheap),,if you keep an eye on their website they seem to have some good deals ,, l have never flown long haul with Air Asia but will find out what they are like next month when we fly to Aus



  7. presuming you have a 12 month extension of stay and you will be back before you have to apply for another extension , your 90 day report will begin again when you arrive back in Thailand ,,l think that is right ,, if not someone will correct me



    l forgot to add ,, that you must have a re-entry permit before you leave

  8. there's not a thing on there l dont understand ,,, l just want to know if it is for real,, the last one was stuck in the passport

    Surely the words

    there is no evidence in your passport. It will be checked electronically by your airline prior to boarding and on your arrival in Australia
    tell you that.

    maybe someone has trouble unerstanding the word "nothing" ;)

  9. Anything written on the cardboard? What are ticket boxes?

    Is there a letter?

    My GF's last visa was electronic, no visa label in the passport. She received a letter outlining the conditions, validity, etc.

    l have been trying to attach a photo ,,, but it doesn't want to stick :angry:

    a coat of arms at the top ,, then


    you have been issued a visa to travel to Australia as a

    box ticked ,,tourist

    there is no evidence in your passport. It will be checked electronically by your airline prior to boarding and on your arrival in Australia . Your visa allows you to make

    box ticked ,,multiple entries

    this visa is valid for

    box ticked ,, twelve months

    from the date of this slip

    We wish you a pleasant stay in Australia

    12 Mar 2011

    thats it ,, l hope it is understandable



    What don't you understand about that?

    there's not a thing on there l dont understand ,,, l just want to know if it is for real,, the last one was stuck in the passport

  10. Anything written on the cardboard? What are ticket boxes?

    Is there a letter?

    My GF's last visa was electronic, no visa label in the passport. She received a letter outlining the conditions, validity, etc.

    l have been trying to attach a photo ,,, but it doesn't want to stick :angry:

    a coat of arms at the top ,, then


    you have been issued a visa to travel to Australia as a

    box ticked ,,tourist

    there is no evidence in your passport. It will be checked electronically by your airline prior to boarding and on your arrival in Australia . Your visa allows you to make

    box ticked ,,multiple entries

    this visa is valid for

    box ticked ,, twelve months

    from the date of this slip

    We wish you a pleasant stay in Australia

    12 Mar 2011

    thats it ,, l hope it is understandable



  11. Repeated references to "Oz style sausages" but no details as to what the hell that means. What diffentiates an "Oz style sausage" from an English, German, Italian, American, French, Polish, etc style sausage? Has it got Vegimite added?

    we could be on a winner here mate ,, "vegemite snags" ,,,, they would sell like "hot cakes" , but there lies another question , how do hot cakes sell ?? ,,, better get onto that Sausage King ,,,, l can smell money ,,, sorry ,is just my toast and vegemite :whistling:

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