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Posts posted by egg

  1. l planted some spuds on the 1/1/2011 and dug 1 plant up yesterday to see how they were going ,,, got a bit of a shock ,, 2 the size of a baseball and many small tubers ,,so for me , no problems ,l wish l had as much luck with other vegies ,,, we are 100K's north of Udon and Sakon ,,,

    2 years ago l got a few truck loads of rice stalks and let it rot down to nice friable soil , with a little manure mixed in,, the spuds seem to love it,also the small Thai tomatoes and no weeds ,,,,, l imagine in the wet season you would need raised bed with excellent drainage ,,, l would like to know where to get a different variety of spud , although these ones are passable ,, there must be better ones somewhere,,,,,,,, and dont worry about farang food up here ,, if l can find it anyone can

    chok dee

  2. SCC can take on many appearances it seems. My first was like an enlarged mole/nipple which appeared very quickly on arm. Most recent was red rash type appearance which they called Bowens. First just called SCC in SITU. And I never lived in the sun that much. Must have been that convertible 45 years ago.

    thats what you get for driving around in a chick magnet ,,, B) ,,,l bet you would like that convertible now ,well maybe not in this sun,,,,,

    most of my earlier life was spent in the sun from surfing to fishing and just living on the beach and driving many miles ,, the problems l have now are on the right arm (from hanging out the window)and a few on the fingers from the knuckle to the first joint(from holding the steering wheel),, on the face , l put it down a lot to the reflection off the sea coming up under the hat ,,,,,, the thing on my nose looked a bit like a cross between a pimple and a boil,,, smallish and dry , about 6 or 7mm in dia ,,, l could pick the top off and get a clear fluid come out(not puss) ,, not heaps a bit like a pimple ,,, the bowens(l am told) is like l said ,,, a scaley , scabby thing ,,, about the same size (6 or 7 mm),,, but some are very small ,, can really only feel them as rough spots , no bigger than a pin head ,,, the ones on the arm and fingers are like the end of a match sticking out of my skin about 3 or 4 mm ,,,,apparently acinti kerotosis ,,when they look like that cut them out , until then just keep an eye on them ,,,,, jeeeez ,,looking at this one would think l have very little good skin left ,,,,,l hope this is some help to somebody ,,, so far AekUdon is OK ,,, but time will tell


  3. Likely Squamous cell carcinoma in situ (Bowen disease) which they call shorter is SCC. It is more aggressive than BCC but if margins clear should be safe (but I was advised to watch closely if not a wide margin extraction). Normal time for stitch for me has been one week for just tacking together but perhaps longer when have to graft from other areas.

    Hi Lop ,,,laying on the operating table is far from the best time for my brain to work , but l dont think it was SCC ,,,l have a thought it started with a D ,,,, bowens disease is what l have on other areas of the face , just dry scab looking , and this certainly was different to them,,, l tried to contact the surgeon today ,, will try again tomorrow ,,,,,,,, with the first graft back in Aus it was 7 days for the stitches,,, that seems to be the norm ,, but l wont take that for granted , will check up on that as well


  4. the dermo l saw up here a few weeks ago was only to happy to cut into my arm (acinti kerotosis ,, spelling?),,,,,whats the 9o'clock stuff mean? sorry , l am a bit thick sometimes,,well most of the time actually ,, all the stuff l got done back in Aus cost me a total of $5 ,, 1 graft , 4 flaps and numerous excisions ,,, maybe l should have gone back there , but l am happier here,,,,

    l reported to AekUdon on Sunday ,as requested,to be told that it is not BCC (as they said it was) ,, but the next step up (sorry,cant remember the name,but will find out), between BCC and melanoma ,, the plastic guy took about a 4cm by 2cm chunk off my snout and a slice from behind my ear and stuck it on my nose (looking really good ;) ),, l hope that it takes OK and that he got it all in one , l dont really want to go thru that again , next time l will have a few z's l think ,,,, cost came back at 18500Bt ,, not too bad if it works ,,,,,,,,,,,,it worries me a little that he said come back in 2 weeks for him to take the stitches out and get the path results ,,,l told him 2 weeks is too long for the stitches to be in ,,, l will go to the local GP and he can do it ,, but l will go and see the plastic guy in a couple of weeks and pay a bit more attention to what he says .......so thats how it stands ATM ,,,,,,

    cheers egg

  5. l did mine at Sakon Nakhon yesterday and was told the same thing , 15 days before to 7 days after


    Do you live in SN? or can one report anywhere in thailand regardless where is

    his address registered?

    l live in Sakon Nakhon province and as Mario said ,, you must report in the province you live , exception is , if you leave the country and have a re-entry permit ,, your 90 days starts from when you return

  6. l think because l already have a graft on my snout he reckons he could do a bit of artistic work , sort of mosaic or maybe he wants to compare his work with the guy back in Aus ,,,,, l had a biopsy done on a piece of my arm about 3 weeks ago ,, came back as Acintic Keratosis(spelling??) , pre cancerous ,,, 1500Bt all up ,,, l can handle that ,, but have about 10 more to cut out :( ,,,,

    Spaniel ,, how did you get BUPA to cough up on a pre existing condition??? ,, thats the reason l havent taken any out ,, l thought they wouldn't ,, you did well ,,,

    and Lop ,, neither of these guys, a dermatoligist and a plastic surgeon ,, elaborate to much on the biopsy , they dont mention margins ,, just tell me what it is ,,,,,,, its a bit of a learning curve for me doing this in Thailand ,,, l will be sitting down with the plastic guy and asking a lot about what he cut out and what he intends to do to me ,,,

    a life of sun , surf and ,, what was the other? ,, oh yeah ,,, fishing ,,, one has to pay a price l guess ,,,, but l think so far , it has been well worth it B)

    thanks for the replies guys


  7. Cheers. Just trying to cross all the tees for you.

    Interestingly, the Oz Embassy wouldn't allow me to be present at my wifes interview but the British Embassy was OK. On both occasions we had yet to marry.

    I imagine your Oz visas should be easy.

    l hope you are right about it being easy , l tend to agree , ,,strange about the interview ,,,,, the first trip ,, my wife was not even interviewed also we were not married (legally) at the time ,,, she works for the government and has some pretty good references ,, that helped ,,,, but each time is different ,, its in the hands of the gods ,, or at least the people that think they are

    cheers mate ,, every bit helps

  8. l watched India bat yesterday ,, brilliant ,, watched England get to 0/60 or there abouts ,,and ,, you know when you are sooooo tired no matter how good something is one must sleep ?? well it happenend to me last night ,,,,, you reckon l wasn't pissed off when l saw the scores this morning ,,, next time l will have a nanny nap about midday ,,,,,, l can only get it on the net or thru Indian TV and they only do Indian matches so far ,, and in whatever language they speak and that adds another dimension to it ,,,, but so far so good ,,, l think the Aussies will need a bit of luck on their side ,,,


  9. Crows in Loei province are NOT a rare sight. Going from Nong Hin to Muang Loei on highway 201, you often see them on the road eating road kill. They are smart birds and seldom get within range of the Thai's black powder rifles.

    l see them at about the same time every year ,, so not a lot around here ,,,, l remember years ago in another life , when things in Aus were a little different ,, we would drive the car up and down (maybe a dozen times)a dirt road in the sticks ,, passing a crow sitting on a post or whatever ,, the bird would not move ,, just look as we went passed again and again ,, but as soon as we approached with the shotgun stuck out (only an inch or 2) the bird was off long before he came within range ,,, this was done many times over the years and every time it was the same ,, never got a shot off ,,,, l think they have a sixth sense about guns ,,,,, very wise birds indeed ,,, another time , sitting in a popular car park watching 3 crows lift the lid of a wheely bin while the other 600(that might be a bit over the top) of them pulled McDonalds bags and wrappers ,, it was incredible to watch ,,, smart birds ,,, but they should watch what they eat ,,, McDonalds :sick:

  10. Slightly OT but the Oz Embassy in Bangkok may want to individually interview each Thai member of your family if they are Adults. Hence take as much documentation as you can to show them including photos. My wife to be at that time when she applied was OK'd and it helped with the issue of a UK Visa later on. I remember the original Brit Embassy comment to her. "Oh, I see that you have already been to Australia"

    My wife was in Aus 5 years ago ,, no problems with a visa then ,, this time we thought the kids (9&11) might like to go ,, l dont envisage any problems with the visas ,, but having said that ,,, one never knows ,,, we are weighed down with the paper work and l think all bases are covered ,,, but thanks for the info ljerams


  11. just a follow up to the original post,,

    l went to AEK Udon Thanni ,, there l saw a plastic surgeon ,, a Dr Mongkol(l hope the spelling is correct),,,, he seemed to know a little about skin cancers ,, but l got the impression he was just thinking about a quick and expensive bit of work ,,,anyway ,, he cut a piece of my nose out and sent it off ,, it came back as BCC ,,, 6500Bt for maybe 15 minutes of his time ,all up ,,,,now he wants me back on Sunday to cut the rest out and graft some skin ,, an hour as an outpatient and l can go home (another bit of quick,expensive work),,,, :partytime2: ,,,,, the last time l had a graft on my nose l was put under and in for the day ,,,, am starting to crap myself thinking about this ,, l will get a bit more info before the due date ,,, l figure 4 times his time ,, it should be about 26,000Bt ,, in my dreams,,,,,, its a good hospital for this area and the price will probably be a bit over the top but fair enough ,,,, maybe someone is interested in ,(1) the Drs name ,,, (2) ,,, the cost ,,, (3) ,,, what procedure he uses ,,, and (4) if l live or die ,, thats the bit l am interested in ,, even if you lot aren't ;) ,,,,,,,,,,,

    all going well ,, l will follow up again ,,


  12. ljerams and Lop ,, thanks for the replies ,,,, we arrive at and depart from the LCCT at KL ,, l just read something on the Airasia website about the changes for visas to Malayasia ,, l couldn't quite comprehend what it meant ,, so if thats not a problem ,, the only one l have left is the Aus visas for the family

    again ,, thanks for that guys


  13. my family and l (1 Aus and 3 Thai) are flying BK to KL early April,, with the help of AirAsia ,,,we have a 5 hour wait there to continue on to Aus ,,,, do we need any kind of visa to just sit and wait ?? ,the last time was just a change of terminal(with Malayasia Air, or whatever they call themselves ), but l heard things have changed ,,,, l just want to be sure all is OK ,,,

    thanks for any help


  14. my wife and l went to his temple at Udon last weekend ,, it is easy to believe how he accumulated so much gold ,,, the crowds of people , even early in the morning, were staggering , with my lady telling what province every car came from(as if l really wanted to know),,, they came from everywhere,,,,, my wife gave me a full run down of the guys achievements and how the gold was to be given to the Thai government under the condition that it be used for the betterment of lower class Thais,,,,, l want to know ,, do they really believe this will happen ? l know one that believes that , but surely all Thais are not as naive as her ,,, are they ??????????????????????????????? ,, l shouldn't ask ,, l know the answer

  15. l heard my first crow call in LOS about 5 years ago ,,, the following year l actually saw one ,, then a couple of years ago l saw 2 ,,, last week l saw 3 :o ,,, not near plague proportion yet ,, but these birds can breed like Thais(or is that flies?) ,,, just look at Oz ,,an amazingly intelligent bird , it will be interesting to see its wits pitted against the Thais natural instincts or desire to kill and eat just about anything,,,, has anyone else spotted these birds survivng over here ??? l am in the Udon ,,Sakon area in Isaan ,,,,,,, please no lectures about them being raverns or blackbirds or whatever ,,, they have been crows to me for 50+ years


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