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Dan O

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  1. No his statement is nonsense that dems or any party wishes for a recession or more inflation. It affects everyone negatively regardless of party. No one wants that
  2. You can google it yourself cos not sure which part on my post you are asking about?
  3. There was actually a memo from one of the Thai diplomats that discussed the need to deport them and only return them to China in order to not offend the Chinese govt per their request. It was posted on line in a news story earlier this week.
  4. Not correct. With a tourist visa an onward ticket is still required by Thailand. The info is posted in the regs and they are listed on the airline systems via 2 different systems and show on the computer terminals of member carriers. If the airline doesnt confirm and you are caught at imm and refused entry the airline is responsible for taking you back and may be fined as well
  5. The problem with finding the person is identifying who it is. Yes you can prove who processed the original real transaction at the store but unless the store actually processed other charges there is no way to know thats where the card info theft came from. An employee can skim the card and sell trade or use the card info on a computer somewhere else. CC company isnt gonna waste time chasing small amounts as they have it built into their interest rates and insurance.
  6. How so, Im not angry or upset just again posting a fact. But as a trumpette you did exactly what I quoted. You claim anyone with a different view is enraged or upset. Nice try though
  7. He is correct about defamation. Friendship could come after you for your claim as you have no idea how your card info got out. They have devices called skimmers or strippers where a person can just stand next to you and pull all your info off your cards. It could be done a couple different ways and may or may not have been at that store.
  8. Seems you are the angry one about the existence of lefties as you take every opportunity to comment on how enraged and upset they are, when you are the one displaying that emotion. Pointing out facts and correcting people that intentionally twist information or present misleading information does not mean anyone is miserable. They just prefer the truth over bs. You cant every present any proof or facts, you just run your mouth about how upset people are. Get a grip on yourself or take you meds and a nap and lower your blood pressure.
  9. This is part of the bank reg crackdown from early last year due to scamming and mule accounts. I believe most banks put a 50k limit on transfers out of the accounts unless you go in and added facial recognition or a 2 level authorization feature. It was all over the news last year. Shouldn't affect transfers inbound although their may be a limit at either your Thai bank or your origin bank on that
  10. Nice how you left out the first half of what he said in your paraphrasing. He said he was willing to come to the negotiation table and work on a peace deal that lasts and also pointed out several areas that need to be addressed IF russia would also agree. Thats what he said in the press conference in the WH. But it has to be a full agreement not an open ended one without security like trump was stating in the press conference . Its not quite what you imply in your post but Im sure it will be lost on the cultist that are cheering for the US to be mercenaries on the world stage. Ok you trumpers let you venom fly!
  11. Cry much? No fanboy of anyone just like to use facts and truth not lies and misleading information.
  12. I believe I stated the facts accurately and you cant rebut the facts so you deflect. If you dont like comments then don't read or reply. There may well be a deal but its not gonna be the one your idol tried to force down Z's throat.
  13. I think given the fact that Japan attacked America indicates how far the war was spreading. What history books are you reading?
  14. Don't you just hate when facts show how disconnected you are from reality?
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