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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. You can't answer because there isn't any law being broken. Immigration at entry has the authority to deny entry with or without a visa in hand, it's their judgment call. It's maybe applied in a way that isn't consistent or to your liking but again you are a visitor and you have no rights from your country when you are a tourist. Denials aren't out of proportion to arrivals by any means, you just read about those and not the multitudes that abuse or adulterate the process to their benefit, staying endlessly using those loopholes. Dont like the treatment then don't come.
  2. Immigration isn't part of the Visa issuing process at the Embassy level and is disconnected. The visa process has been getting more refined informationally although still cumbersome and confusing but clearly antiquated. Immigration at arrival have always had the ability to deny entry separate of a visa being issued. so I'm a bit confused at your response Corruption and power seekers goes on thru out history in all countries and I don't know that the issue of democracy has been raised nor what difference that makes
  3. And what law are they violating? They have the option at immigration to deny entry for a variety of reasons. Crying foul about it doesn't make you right. I don't agree with the application of their choices in many cases but it's their country not yours. The allowance of loose use of various extensions to stay and the loopholes available are just that but in the end they have the right to deny entry when they choose. That doesn't make any thing illegal when they do. you're free to go to where ever you feel treats you the best and apparently here isn't it for you.
  4. You're a visitor coming to another country and dont have the rights from your home country. Every country has the right to refuse entry to anyone they deem unacceptable for any reason. That does not mean it's illegal for them to refuse your entry. You post like this is a rampant action but compared to the number of tourist entering its minimal its best in numbers and most are validly denied but just don't like it so they complain.
  5. No such thing as Thai stick seeds. It was just premium weed buds wrapped around a bamboo stick. Sometimes they would mix in opium or mix in some hash chunks
  6. Then they need to come on down and fix the potholes on the soi to my home. In the last three years the number has increased dramatically
  7. I did the same "selfie" style but made sure I pointed at the passport just to be consistent with Thai standards
  8. Same issue as any driving here. 3 cars and 4 scooters abreast on a 2 lane road with a car double parked to go into a shop. Much better than the 1/2 rubber deflectors used in most countries. That pic is also not on all trucks, I've been behind at least 12 to 15 in the last week alone due to construction in my area of NST. To each his own, I opt for the e tea protection rather than damage from mud and debris
  9. Gee if you cant see that small extension on the sides you may not want to drive here. It's better to have this type of full flap that reaches down to the road rather than rocks and debris flying into your grill or windshield, in my opinion
  10. Not quite sure of that. In the 35 years or so I've been involved here it's in all parts of the country not just the touristy sex trap locals just not quite a visible
  11. I'm one of the "ignored ones" he's referring to because he hates fa ts and can't support his bs. He has no clue and only wants to hype crypto in Hopes he doesn't lose every thing
  12. ThaiPass are issue very quickly now, in many cases within 30 min if you have your docs to upload
  13. No idea where you got that idea from and it certainly has no connection to anything I posted. Btc has no origin connection to the CIA the software hackers are behind cracking codes to exploit and steal info and money. CIA follows and enhances hacking as a tool to fight real terrorism, just link China and a host of other countries
  14. It's been my experience from Thai women directly over my 35 years here is that culturally the act of sex is more a body function for many rather than an act of sexual passion. Not all but many. It is loosely coupled with the fact that so many young Thai women have OLD bf or husbands, which you seldom would seem in the western countries. they tend to favor security and stability (financially and life style) over passion, love and desire as you would see in the west.
  15. Nothing as you would be entering on a visa exempt stamp with 30 days on it. You'd still have the e-visa available but I'm not aware that theirs a link in their system until you show them the actual evisa at arrival and they scan and verify which e-visa you were issued Interesting question as you may be able to enter visa exempt, stay 30 days, leave and come right back on the evisa, depending on the expiration of use date. I'm sure someone better knowledgeable will correct me if I'm wrong
  16. No it's already been done and expanded on the capability to extract and link to the small valid portions of your personal data that are included in every encrypted transaction linking thru multiple transactions to construct identy profiles. Again not on every transaction but their ability using AI has greatly enhanced those link abilities over time. Both sides of this software "warfare" are advancing at greater rates\speeds than will be acknowledged by Monero as the counter and defend their position. You asked for reference info and I'm just providing you with that. Believe what you want to. Good luck in your pursuits.
  17. That's what FLOODXML proved that given volume of transactions the data can be reconstructed to identify users, maybe not every transaction but enough of your real trasanction data is in each transaction and can identified
  18. Research ring signature structure and vulnerability as well as FLOODXML attacks
  19. It's a blog group open to the public so if free speech is an issue perhaps staying in mom's basement is a better place to be. I'm responding to the original question posted. I'm also presenting facts, which apparently bother you. Glad you made money, hope you can keep it in your pocket. If you don't like facts then you are free to scroll on past.
  20. You may want to do a bit more research in Manero before you buy into it being anonymous,
  21. Its obvious that you are the one that has fallen for the con of buying and investing in cryto that is based on no assets base and only a wish of an increase in value from the next one in line. And to invest in an nft that you dont own and can't have in real possession shows your lack understanding of finance. But it's your money to lose so have fun with that. 100% increase in every year, how's that going today for you?
  22. That's even a worse risk than crypto but it's your money to lose
  23. There is no value to crypto that's the truth of the matter. It costs you on every purchase and sale and there is no asset supporting its value. If you think your being anonymous in your transactions you are sadly mistaken because you aren't.
  24. Everyone seems to forget that we had an excellent economy and stock market pre-covid and the dow was at 29000 and unemployment was below 4%. Covid hit and the feds dumped interest rates basically to 0, forcing bond money into stocks and then the govt fed the economy with free money and extra unemployment payments. Yeah the market has tanked from all those factors over the last year and half but those were an artificial economic condition. It really should be falling 25% more due to the inflation feed from supply issues and greed, just my. 02 cents worth
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