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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Hahaha can't back up your position after you make statements that are off point again. Thats fine I stated my position on it so feel free to move on
  2. More of your twisted logic of looking in the closet or under the bed for the boogeyman
  3. Yeah stop supply arms and let Russia overrun the country. How about Russians go back to Russia thats a better end to a war they started. You don't see Ukraine marching into Russia and attacking Russia. A couple strategic support depots along the boarder to disrupt Russian resupply but thats it. But they could easily march into Russia if they wanted to and change the whole direction of the war. Spatial thinking helps understand the situation rather than repeating old world thinking and canned responses
  4. And what purpose would the US gain over bombing pipelines. There's no advantage for the US or the world for Russia to collapse. The impact already felt by this conflict is a big part of the global economic problems everyone is feeling. This is 2022 and the world is a much different place than even 20 years ago. Wake up to the facts and lose the stereotypical thinking. The only thing any nation wants other than Russia is for the conflict to stop and Russia to move their troops back to their own country
  5. More conspiracy bs. No need to bomb pipelines as Russia shut down the own pipelines to EU and are focusing on selling oil to India, China and Asia. No need to create hidden agendas as Russia is effective broke and thats part of their impetus to take over other areas. Ukraine accounted for about 30% of the international agro market not to mention their other resources which are very inviting to putin not to mention his mental impairment over trying to re-establish some form of the USSR prior to their fall back in the 80's. Keep in mind putin is ex-KGB and was in his heyday back then
  6. Just replying to your questions so don't act so innocent or imply something else
  7. Absolutely. Putin has dirt on Trump from various activities on visits Trump made to Russia. Putin treated Trump as a lap dog. Trump also worships the 3 major despots in the world and their ability to be "leaders for life" as their countries have no ability to change their government leaders and thats what Trump invisions himself as.
  8. I don't think that's the case at all. that's why the US and EU have not supplied troops to fight on the ground in Ukraine and also not supplied aircraft. Its also the hesitancy to include Ukraine to NATO. They are supporting Ukraine's ability to defend itself while not trying expanding the fight in country or to surrounding countries. WW1 and that conflict escalation has no correlation to this situation
  9. wrong, countries at war can still join. Entry of new countries is controlled by Article 10 of the North Atlantic Treaty: The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other European State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area to accede to this Treaty
  10. My comment that you replied to made no suggestion of that. You read it out of context and now are trying to back track on your own comments.
  11. I'm well aware of the chronology of this event. My point to blaze was there has never been any instigation political or otherwise to cause this situation. The closest thing to it was trumps never ending acceptance of anything putin primarily based on leverage putin has over trump. Trump is a load mouth whimp, has no backbone and would never have stood up to any despot in a time of crisis
  12. Again you show your ignorance about current facts. Your example have nothing to do with this situation in Ukraine. The US didn't instigate anything here to cause Russia to invaded. The closest you could come would be to say Trump's reach around hand jobs to Putin gave him the feeling he could do what he wants and it would be ok. Other than that your examples are pathetic and so far off base on this topic.
  13. Kind of hard to wash 100 sand bags down a drain that has a cover on it
  14. Yeah, they stashed them there after the last flood so they wouldn't need to make new ones. They just forgot where they put them.
  15. Yes its a loaded deck against you. The seller or agent that cooked this up should be ashamed as it serves no purpose toward making and closing a sale and only appears as a "legal scam".
  16. Its not a purchase contract at all but a reservation to hold your money pending a real enforceable purchase contract is presented. I suspect it allows the "seller" to accept and review other offers while they hold your money and allows them to backout while locking up your money. I would never sign that as it's not necessary. You see this more in pre-construction developments on occasions and are basically worthless to you.
  17. Not sure of the mentality of some people. Why in the F would anyone stuff the drains with sandbags like this? It certainly wasn't an accident. Seems someone wanted that area to flood for personal reasons.
  18. Speaking of BS, You too are quoting history out of the current context to try to make a misguided point. To use your false logic there isn't one country or people in the world that can claim non violence against another country or people. So you're standing on a moral ground of quicksand over a pile of BS, hope your wearing boots.
  19. Your comparisons are way off base in this situation but it's clear the bias you have. May want to read up on this issue a bit more to gain a clearer understanding of this conflict.
  20. The other wars you quoted earlier had America physically involved, after other countries had done the same without success in those same countries. I'm not defending those actions as they were certainly misguided. America did not instigate this war nor are they physically there as in other conflicts. America also isn't politically instigating anything as you say, only offering support to negate the illegal invasion of another country by Russia after taking other land by force in a bid to expand against the sovereign rights those countries.
  21. Yes I know that, I said that in my first post
  22. Hahahahah Nope, your just looking for an argument and Im not biting on it. You're the one that raised the "Rest of the Story" issue but offered nothing. You have access to the internet so troll there. You can just march on now and try to harass someone willing to play your game. Have a great day
  23. Without your name on the packs that could present some questions if they stopped you but I doubt they would unless it's a really excessive amount.
  24. If you have the letter from your GP and the medicine is in the original bottle or container (not a box) so it can be matched to the letter it's not an issue. If you take them out of any identifying container that shows your name and the prescription that would raise questions if stopped and checked. They seldom check medication unless you're bringing in a very excessive amount.
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