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Everything posted by Wongkitlo

  1. I have had trouble with the Cambodian Visa guys wanting extra payments. I started getting an evisa to avoid their bullying.
  2. Hi. I hope the thread being turnedinto a discussion about agents does not deter you from making your report on the trip. Would be keen to hear.????
  3. I was referring to the poster who took over the thread with the post about agents. I know it is possible to get a first time, retirement based extension for under 25,000b from a very reliable source. I personally would choose the option the OP is talking about. I understood most agents keep away from marriage based extensions but must be wrong.
  4. I thought he is getting scammed paying 30,000b to an agent. I know the first time is more expensive but there are cheaper than 30k
  5. There is minivan service to Chantaburi behind Numchai on Sukumvit rd near Soi Siam Country Club. Leaces 10am each morning. From Chantaburi plenty of options for KC. The vans had a bad reputation years ago but these days seem a lot safer with the drivers laying off the yabba. For a big bus I would try Boonsiri ferry company.
  6. I also think there is a lot of wrong impressions with Dengue. Many Thais are immune to mosquito bites as they have been bitten since babies. For this reason they think they can not get Dengue but are still just as likely to get it. I'd add picking up rubbish and getting rid of all the old tyres they seem tp collect to your list
  7. Hi. When you say 30,000b per year for audit would that be a payment each month(2500b) to your accountant or a government fee.
  8. Is that for a company owned by your Thai wife. I thought if it was they would not be so persistent.
  9. Would be great to know how you went when you get back????
  10. I am not saying Thai police are great but at the same time do not think it is too far fetched that she might have admitted that she knew it had drugs in it but it was nothing to do with her. In some jurisdictions that might be looked on favourably but nof in Thailand. All the other stuff seems too hard to believe. It was too hard for mail to be delivered to his address and could not use the post office. She was completely innocent but was living on a party island with a major drug dealer. Her shop was so busy when the mail arrived she just signed without thinking. It all just sounds too questionable.
  11. If you are interested there is plenty of online stuff including the police's claim. Yes the police do have a questionable reputation but there is a long history of people caught up in the drug trade to stay in Asia, even pretty young blonde girls. Personally I find it more feasible what the police said rather than the claims that she was so innocent that she did not know what her boyfriend was up to. Do not know what 'YMMV' means.
  12. They did not say if she signed the statement The police just said she admitted knowing it contained drugs but claimed they were not hers.
  13. The police claim she admitted that she knew the parcel contained drugs but that they did not belong to her.
  14. My main point was that it seems unrealistic to me that the Thaii Post will not deliver because an address is too remote. You just quoted the end of the post.The Thai police claim she admitted that she knew the package contained drugs. Now she claims she did not know. One side must be telling the truth and the other not. Personally I find it hard to believe that she was so naive to not know her boyfriend was a drug dealer and she is guilty even though she claims she is innocent.
  15. I still think it is still common for guilty people to claim they are innocent. If I was stuck in a Thai jail would probably do the same, hoping it would keep up attention.
  16. I still think it is still common for guilty people to claim they are innocent. If I was stuck in a Thai jail would probably do the same, hoping it would keep up attention.
  17. You missed out 'Because accepting a life sentence for importing harmless MDMA for consenting adults after governments just forcibly vaccinated [millions] against their will with experimental cocktails would be bowing to tyrants. I do not bow to tyrants, I kill them'
  18. I struggled through the boyfriends statement. I wonder if he had been taking too much of his 'harmless' ecstasy himself. As far as I could work our he claims he sent the drugs to the restaurant because the place where the intended addressee lived was too remote to receive a package. I just question where in Thailand is too remote to receive mail? I live in a very remote area and there is still regular mail deliveries by motorbike. If it was too remote why could he not pick it up at the post office? I heard everyone in jail os not guilty.
  19. Do they really do much work? After they look at facebook, tictok, line, youtube soap opera is there really much time for customers or work. I am sure have all been in a Thai office/business where most of the staff are sitting around while custoners are queuing.
  20. Im trying really hard to come to terms with it.????
  21. Yes. You are the third person who has posted this.
  22. I am really sorry I have upset you with my lack of bus knowledge. I will try and do better in future.
  23. Yes Jacko45k has already posted that. I dont know why you are sorry?
  24. I wasnt sure of the name but thought they were talkibg about the Jomtien one????
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