I have replaced all the toilet cisterns, countless pipes. It can be as simple as the power cuts out, someone tries a shower and since no power no water, does not turn off properly, they leave for the beach, i have padlocks on tbe doors and many people put on their own padlocks so I can not access the room, the power comes back on and so does the shower and the pump runs continually till they come back and turn off the shower.
I have basic handyman skills and am reliant on the local Thais and they know better than farungs. I went to buy the pump with a local and took extensive photos to show at the shop. The Thais decided I had to have the largest and most expensive pump. I think it is too strong for the size of the property. The water pressure is full on. I bought a pressure regulator and the Thais decided I did not need it and removed it. I am just a farung and my wife and the locals know better.