Way back, when we first started out together, I gave her a monthly allowance and she had to pay the rent and food expenses. She was happy with the deal and it set the precedent that I was not a wglking ATM., good for paying all family expenses.
After we married, I bought her a house and land in her village, and then teh beauty shop she ha always wanted.
She gets money from all of this and up to her what she does with it. it pays for all our living expenses, I had to buy the can and pay my own medical bills. When family comes round for loan, I tell wife she can lend hem the money from her own bank account, Strange how she does not lend out much and what she does she alwys get back.
When bar girls try it on, I just tell them I have a Thai wife who shares my bank account and checks up on me very month,
Call me Cheap Charley if you want, I am laughing all the way to the bank.