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  1. Has to have the Daily Mail involved somewhere. What has that Rag got against Thailand?
  2. What's new? Sounds typical of Pattaya in particular and Thailand in general
  3. I saw some pictures of Wat Arun in a UK magazine. I had never seem anywhere so exotic, and I wanted to go there. I hardly knew where Bangkok was then and had never been farther from UK than a day trip to Paris Almost by accident I got a job that landed me in Singapore, then some local leave and train to Bangkok. No w 50 yrs on, a Thai wife and house in Phayao, I still marvel at the colour and exoticness of the Temples and so glad i followed my dream to Bangkok
  4. Way back, when we first started out together, I gave her a monthly allowance and she had to pay the rent and food expenses. She was happy with the deal and it set the precedent that I was not a wglking ATM., good for paying all family expenses. After we married, I bought her a house and land in her village, and then teh beauty shop she ha always wanted. She gets money from all of this and up to her what she does with it. it pays for all our living expenses, I had to buy the can and pay my own medical bills. When family comes round for loan, I tell wife she can lend hem the money from her own bank account, Strange how she does not lend out much and what she does she alwys get back. When bar girls try it on, I just tell them I have a Thai wife who shares my bank account and checks up on me very month, Call me Cheap Charley if you want, I am laughing all the way to the bank.
  5. So, she is asking for money; What did you expect? A girl who speaks English, working in a bar is almost certainly some kind of amateur prostitute, If you are happy with you relationship with her and consider you are getting "value for money" from whatever she does with you, hen as it is your money, no reason not to pay up..The fact that you are asking this question here suggests that you have doubts about her intentions. Up to you to make up your own mind and spend your money as you want. Only people on this forum who have never given any money to a bar girl have the right to object to your behaviour.
  6. Just following the script. If you rise to the bit, she might try again... If you either ignore her pleas, or come up with some excuse as to why you cannot possible give her any money, then you might continue with the relationship on a different level. Reject her requests and see what she does next. When my pesent wife started asking for money for 'brother has car accident' etc, I made it clear I was NOT paying. That was 35 yrs ago and we are still together and I still do not pa or lend money to any of he family
  7. When I applied for my Thai /driving licence, I was shown a copy of this book. Very similar to UK "Highway Code" and in Thai, English and, I think, Mandarin and Arabic. There ws also a multi choice answer questionnaire on the Highway Code, but Phayao could not find the English version, so i was tested verbally by the instructor. Everyone was tested, as part of licence application, before the practical test. Note; this ws a separate course run by DLT for all licence applications. Nothing to do with driving schools. IMHO far more rigorous that UK driving licence test. Probably now missed out as too difficult for Thai drivers. I noted hat many applicants could not cope with Multi choice answer exam.
  8. Only used this "service" once. Driver did not know the way to MBK, o spent most of the ride on his phone asking for directions; using phone while driving on toll-way/ Never again; Airport taxis may not be much, but better than this. Another Thai way to rip off the tourist.
  9. "My girlfriend thinks it hurts a cat's neck to bend down and eat, so she won't set the bowl of catfood on the floor. She puts something under the bowl to raise it up so the cat can eat without bending its neck." In the wild, a cat will eat it prey from the ground, not needing a table or any such luxury. If you feed your cat only dry food, (cat biscuits) it must have plenty of clean drinking water. Kittens do very well on their mothers milk, as do all young mammals. We have a selection of cats, and all are doing well on daily cat biscuits with the occasional treat of Plaa Tu or fish/ meat scraps. We do not have any milk in the house, only Coffee-mate, or I am sure khun wife would give the cats bowls of milk. Best food for cats is as they would get in the wild;- small animals and raw meat/fish. If they catch a bird or mouse, let them eat it, it will do them good.
  10. Sounds like the crew panicked, and did not know how to act correctly. Possibly all the crew were afraid to make any decision. Not allowed to upgrade the unfortunate passenger next to the body. Well this has backfired on Qatar, so much bad publicity must have cost them more than turning back and landing to off-load the corpse.
  11. As soon as I saw the headline, the words "brake failure" came to mind. Wife tells me that Thai media, Radio, are reporting that Air brakes were at fault, "No air" has been blamed. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that the point of Air Brakes was that when they have 'no air', they default to being ON, hence safe as the bus will not move. Now it could not have been that there was a fault with the bakes, like leaking air, and this had been disabled instead of repairing the fault? Never could this happen in Thailand, surely? I wonder if any of the injured or killed will get any insurance compensation?
  12. Motorists will just remove their number plates, and become untraceable. Otherwise it will b just as successful as the m/c helmet regulations.
  13. Rich Thais pay tax on their wealth? Not going to happen. How many even pay any income tax?
  14. Somebody please have the courage to give the WHO safe level, not the inflated figure invented by Thailand as the only way it knows of keeping to "safe" levels.
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