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Everything posted by Robin

  1. Just look at how successful the 'High Speed' Airport Rail Link has been.
  2. I often have o try to explain to Thais, both children and even teachers, that being a native English speaker does not give me the ability to teach English, and not having any qualification in TEFL, I will not attempt to become an English teacher, either paid or unpaid. it appears to be difficult for many Thais to understand that speaking English fluently does no give me the ability to teach. Nor will I 'help them' ( i.e., do for them,) withtheir English homework. The most I am prepared to do is to proof read their English written work, and then, only if they will listen to my corrections in English. This gets rid of most of the lazy ones who simply want someone to do their work for them, and have no interest in actually learning the language. Given the number of unqualified "English Teachers" working, and tolerated, in Thailand, it is not surprising that the standard of English is so low. Years of poof reading technical reports for an international company has show me that the standard of English as written and spoken by many 'native speakers' is deplorably low, yet far too many of these are now being paid to teach their version of 'English' Dare I say it, but many an ex-bar girl has better comprehension and conversational English that Thai university students. Incidentally, has anyone ever heard PM Prayuth, or his Minister of Education speak English?
  3. You might take it as a hint that Tourists are not welcome. Probably many will and find a more sympathetic country to holiday in. If Thailand is really keen to get it tourist industry working again, why is this web-site not fixed, so anyone coming can get a visa in advance. New tourists will not want to be bothered with finding Immigration and spending time getting an extension, nor the possibility of airlines demanding onward ticket at check in. My guess is that new to Thailand tourists want a fuss free experience, as it was pre- Covid, when you showed up at SVB and were automatically given 28 days entry.
  4. Sorry, but I have less confidence in Thailand's welcome for retirees than I did. it used to e the case that i could get a Non O visa from RTE London just for the asking and paying the fee, no mention of insurance or Funds in bank. I have been happily in LOS on non O retirement with several yearly extensions and travelling on Re-Entry permits, but since Covid life has become more complicated. I had to visit UK earlier this year and events caused me to stay beyond the expire date of my visa in Thailand. I thought it would be formality for start again with my retirement visa, and now it seems to have more layers of complication and expense. I am going to take Dr. Jack's advice and try for a visa exempt entry and convert to Non O and subsequent retirement when in Thailand, using my normal Immigration at Phayao. I have money in bank and are known to the Phayao I/O, so hope that no trouble with this. I will go to I/O soon after arrival in Phayao and start the process, so allowing time for alternative approaches, like using an agent, if there is any difficulties. I will be flying on 1 way ticket with THAI on 22 Aug, so hoping that they will not be insisting on onward flight or ticket out. if here is any doubt on this, then I will look for the cheapest onward ticket; I believe that there are some cheap "non-tickets" available on the net that will satisfy this. i do not want to risk leaving LOS until I have my visa sorted. Many thanks for all the advice and suggestions from Forum members.
  5. "A big advantage to obtaining the "O" Visa in Thailand over the "O-A" obtained in your country of residence is there is no health insurance requirement to obtain the "O" Visa or extend your stay. " That was what I had found when in Thailand on Non O, but I am like O/P and returning to Thailand after my visa expired while in UK. I have tried to apply for a Non O visa at RTE London, on line, but that application demands health insurance and proof of funs in UK bank, plus signing a "Declaration" with so many open ends that no sensible person would want to sign. So it seems that the option to get a Non O in advance is being closed. How long before these restrictions are carried on the the application for Non O in Thailand. has anyone on this Forum got experience of 1. Entering LOS on the new Visa exempt, or Tourist visa that can be converted to Non O? 2. Getting on a flight at LHR with no visa and no onward ticket? 3 Converting visa exempt to Non O and then getting extension for Retirement visa. Before this trip to UK, I had a Non O retirement visa for years and did several extensions. I have all the money in bank required, and have never been asked for health insurance, but this was in the days when Thailand appeared to want ordinary folk as retirees, not only the super-rich
  6. I had an account in UK with NWB for 40 year and carried on with it when I retired to LOS, keeping my UK address. Last year, because of Covid travel restrictions, I had to change address to my Thai address so that I could receive a new Debit card, (usually i plan to be visiting UK when new card is due and get card at my registered UK address. Now NWB has closed my account, but will not give any reason for this Only by luck I was in UK when this happened, made no difference to account being closed, but I was able to open new account with both HSBC and Santander in UK. Both assure me that i can continue with these accounts and change my address to Thailand. I believe that UK rules are that you must be a UK resident, ( I spent years trying to become non-resident but now that does not offer me any advantages. No longer qualify as I was in UK too long when Thailand was shut by Covid.) However, I am still a UK taxpayer which satisfied Santander, so that is now my main account. After the way I have been treated by NWB, i would advise any UK expats here to check their status with their bank.
  7. I have been in Thailand for 5++ years on Retirement Non O visa, and I do not see any reason here to change this. I can afford to keep the 800KB in a bank and do not find the TM30 reporting or yearly visa extensions arduous to do with help from Thai wife. Even if I had the money to qualify for this new visa, I would not bother. My worry is that this is a precursor to more changes in visa rules to get rid of the easy (for now) retirement visa, and the mass of retirees who stay in LOS with it. I guess many are just ordinary folks who have married a Thai and are now happy to live quietly and modestly in LOS. This government has not been noted for its logical decisions, or financial expertise, so somebody might be dreaming that the new LTR visa is going to generate millions of $$ of money for Thailand. I do not see how this can be, unless it is intended to attract high power international criminals who want a safe haven to operate internet scams and other activities.
  8. I have just tried to apply for a Non O visa in UK, using the on-line application from RTE London. Stopped as the application now demands a medical insurance certificate, and proof of funds in UK bank, which I thought were not required. both are probably beyond me; i do not have the money required, nor will the insurance be easy at my age (78) So despite my good intentions to get everything possible done in advance, it seems that I have to take a chance and hope that I am granted a visa on entry. Is this some change of rule recently introduced, or wrong information on RTE site?
  9. I will be returning to Thailand in Aug, and hope to stay for long time. I have previously had a Non O Retirement visa, extended fro several years, but this has expired while I have been in UK. Am I correct in believing that I can now enter Thailand without a visa, and later convert this to a Non O retirement visa at my local immigration, (Phayao) I have had money >1 Million in Kasikorn bank, so should not be any problem there, but is there likely to be any difficulties from new rules etc., that I am not aware of? NB I am 78 yrs old, so medical insurance for OA is difficult, and I hope that I can continue in Thailand as before on Non O retirement. I see that on Thai Gov web-site entry requirements it says medical insurance in 'recommended' but not compulsory. Is that true or will I be pressured on arrival to get insurance. Might be stupid questions, but I am hoping for a trouble free entry, and would like to be prepared before arrival aand not get a shock at LHR check-in or SVB arrivals.
  10. Give up smoking and drinking. Walk or use a bicycle for short journeys. Eat Thai food like a local. You will live much longer to enjoy your new miserable, life style
  11. When I got my new UK passport from 'Trendy' , I was given a letter asking my local I/O to transfer all relevant visa stamps to new passport. Took letter and P/p to I/O and all stamps transferred without cost, or IIRC any copies needed.. Easiest part of the whole 'new passport' process.
  12. Replacing the red tail lights is not possible as the light output from the LED will not show through the red lens. You have to use special red LEDs. flashing indicators will not work as LED take less current and upset the 'flasher' You will need a complete new LED flasher system. There is a UK company "Better car lighting" check their web-site. Lots of info there, and they supplied me with a complete kit to change all the light on my classic Rover.
  13. As so many poor Thais have borrowed indiscriminately, they will be hit hard by high interest rates that will be needed to fight inflation. I am not sure if Prayuth or his economic team understand inflation, or know how to combat it. Bad news for Thailand and Thais. If wages, productivity, and pensions do not keep up with inflation, trouble ahead. particularly for Bloated stat enterprises with huge pension liabilities.
  14. Seems that you will be needing a new passport soon, so why not get one before you leave. Most probably easier in your home country that in Thailand. My experience of getting a new UK passport at 'Trendy building' was far more stress that a new one in UK.
  15. Thanks or useful information. I will be using Phayao Immigration , and have done so since it opened. I have never had any problem with them. Normally I would go to I/O in advance and book appointment for visa extension etc. and get list of documents required. My bank, Kasikorn, are used to supplying the required evidence of funds in place. As i am entering with 1-way ticket, it looks as if I will need to book some ticket out. I did not know of this requirement, nor did THAI think to tell me when I booked the flight. Any more sneaky rules, like medical insurance? I am getting the impression that Thailand no longer welcomes visitors like it used to, or is it just because I am not a young millionaire or 'quality tourist' but just an old man who wants to live quietly with his Thai wife. I have a "Yellow Book" for my (wife's) house in Phayao, so can I assume that it proof of accommodation?
  16. Perhaps a small payment to the RTP to ensure that thy get a convincing 'theft report' for the insurance company If here is a real gang of Transgenders doing this RTP could well be involved.
  17. Just given up on applying for a Non IM visa to ge back into Thailand after 6 months in UK. What a load of BS. havign got throught all the usual stuff, passport page, photo, flight no. etc. I came to the real nonsense; 1. Sign a Declaration form, agreeing to such wide ranging restrictions that only a military gov could have thought up, nd probably not 1 Thai in 1000 would comply with 2. Proof of residence in my home country. 3. Financial statement and proof of wealth, more than needed for Non im extension. 4 Health insurance. Seems impossible for someone of my age (78) maybe more hurdles to come, but gave up at that point So what are my options? My current Non IM O retirement runs out on 22/7 and I have re-entry permit for that. 1. Abandon the business I came to UK for and dump the air ticket I bought to return on 23/8; grab he first flight I can get back before 20/7, and then carry on with an extension of my existing visa? usual restriction apply for cheap ticket bought on EXpedia. 2. Enter Thailand on 30 day visa exempt and then try to convert to Non O for retirement, or use agent to do the same. Might be cheaper that changing my ticket. Are there similar restrictions/requirements for getting Non O visa in Thailand? has anyone on the Forum actually done he change from 3 month no visa entry to Non O retirement? I have no problem with the financial requirement for Retirement visa, more than 1 Mil. in my bank for more than 6 months. I thought that when the Covid restriction ended on 1 July, that it wold be easy to get back to Thailand, but seems that not so.
  18. I always do the TM30 report with Khun wife as soon as I get back t home in Phayao, I have always entered on re-entry permit with Non O retirement. Phayao immigration have never suggested that TM 30 is no longer needed. I would not trust Immigration not to try to fine me for late report if not done. " Not sure about oversight of offices. It might help if somebody called the 1178 helpline about it." I have never tried this, but thought about it when 2-3 yrs back Phayao Imm. charged me 2000B for doing an on time TM30, but decided against it as most likely the details of complaining person would be given to I/O, and make or problems when next trying to extend visa. IMHO we are all at the mercy of our local I/O and best to ignore their corruption to avoid any further problems. it is Thailand!
  19. Look on Lazada under 'gardening tools' 'hand saw' available cheaper than I remember. Hollow metal handle makes it easy to use bamboo pole to extend the reach
  20. There is a curved pruning saw available in most places for about 300 B and works well. I am on my third saw, as it is easier to by new when it needs sharpening. I leave the old ones about for wife's family to borrow and leave my decent saw alone. Great, non-polluting, and good exercise, and less chance of injury than using chain saw
  21. Bank of Thailand most probably knows how many Thais are borrowed up to their necks and how much unsold real estate there is with the builders over borrowed. It might even remember the previous Baht crash when borrowers were caught out and lenders like banks were badly hurt In true Thai fashion the BOT will do nothing until forced to act by external pressures, and the resultant crash will be all the worse for it BOT works or the rich Elite and not the general good of Thai people.
  22. For various reason I will be in UK when my current Non IM O retirement visa runs out. I have been using this for many years, extending every year with no unusual problems. I have a flight back to Thailand booked for Aug 2022, and would appreciate advice on how to get a new Retirement visa, so that I can continue to live in LOS. I have Thai wife and live in Phayao, with a "Yellow Book" to confirm my residence with my wife. What would be the easiest way to get back on the retirement visa I had before? Do I apply for a Non Im O at Thai embassy in UK and enter on that and then apply for an extension.....,? Can I enter on a Visa exempt and convert that to Retirement at Phayao Immigration? Which is likely to be easiest and most trouble free? I have money in bank as required for previous visa, so do not expect that to be an issue previous dealing with Phayao Immigration have been amicable and last visa extension was as trouble free and Immigration will ever be,
  23. Robin

    Rising damp ?

    I don't think that Thai building standards require a damp proof layer in the walls, so this will happen in many buildings. You will probably have to learn to live with it.
  24. I guess that in 'Western' cultures you have to win affection before sex, hence the emphasis in 'snogging' kissing and general foreplay, that is the route taken by most young couples. I kissed many girls long and hard, before I got to screw one. That used to be the standard approach. I get the impression that Thai men lack such subtleties and it is <deleted> now or move on. Do they regard sex as being their right from any younger girl? When I first encountered Thai ladies, they all wanted the 'Thai style' kiss. After they had been eating garlic, that was all I wanted.
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