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Everything posted by Robin

  1. Pity the Thai people if these two are the best that can be offered to lead the Country.
  2. Finally managed to get Wife/ girl-friend ( our marriage is not registered in Thailand,) to discuss inheritance etc. She owns everything we have in Phayao, no problem fro me, but I wnt her to make soem sort of will, so that her wishes are enacted when she dies.. We ave a will in UK and she inherits much of my assets there, so she will be quite well off. Can anyone recommend an English speak lawyer in Phayao who will draw up the required documents for us. neither of us have had any previous dealings with any lawyer in Thailand. I can only make assumptions based on UK inheritance law, nd tell her that most probably, as we have no children, her siblings will inherit all from her. if she wnt any different, she must make a will specifying what she wants. As I am 15yrs. older than her, I am mot likely to pre-decease her I would appreciate any informed advice on this matter, as I do not want her left with complications when I die. Should i be making a will in Thailand even though I have few assets here?
  3. I bought a cheapish HP laser/scanner at my local computer shop. Had it 3 yrs now. it is the first printer I have had in Thailand that can be relied on to print when I want it. previous ink-jet printers lasted on rint session an the needed new toner cartridges. Similar experience in UK. I do not miss colour printing. If I want colour, I can use a local photograph shop. I print on ordinary, cheap copier paper from Lotus.
  4. Just because the man is a "Tick Tok Star" does not mean that he is not entitled to justice when being sold a bad second -hand car. If the dealer managed to unload a 'dog' onto the unfortunate man, the dealer should make some recompense. I was always told that Porsches do not break down.
  5. I gave up on this E visa last August, and entered Thailand on a 56 day visa exempt, flying Thai from LHR. Not questioned about onward or return ticket, I flew on one-way ticket. In Country, I went to my local I/O and showed them the 56 day entry visa, aske to convert to Non O visa so as to get Retirement extension, which I had previously used. No problems, I/O took all my details and gave me appointment to return to apply for Non 0. I had to get all bank details as if applying for Retirement Extension. When all details submitted, I was told to come back within 30dys of 5 day entry expiring. Did so; another appointment with I/O aand with no more hassle, i was given 365 day Retirement extension. Charged 18,000 Baht "for services" this was 8000 for extension and 10,000 to fill in all the forms for me. I was happy to pay this to get the RTE. Fr less effort than required fro Non O on line application.
  6. I hate this sort of behaviour as much as any one, but, to be fair, the fien should be for the offence, not how much he can afford. if th law says the fine fro Drug driving is max XX Baht, hen he can only be fined XX Baht, even i this is small change to him. I hope the loss of reputation of integrity will hurt him more ( though do any Thais care about personal integrity?) Thailand is not the only country in the world, where the rich and influential are seen to get get preferential treatment.
  7. You cannot blame the painter, however convenient it might be. Any driver is obliged to drive so they can stop within the distance they can see. That is basic road safety. It could have easily have been a child running across the road, or even playing in the road. Didn't know she had run over someone, or did not want to know she had runover someone?
  8. After I changed from UK to Thai address, Nat West closed my UK account without giving any reason. Investigation last year while in UK revealed that HSBC will allow an account in UK with Thai address, and that Santander will give UK bank account to anyone who is UK taxpayer. To avoid further problems, I suggest that you look an each bank's website to see if you qualify for an account when living in Thailand. Do not rely on what I am telling you, i applied for me last year, but might have changed now. Be aware that some UK credit cards will not send new or replacement cards to Thailand. Where best to put your savings often depends on how much you have to offer
  9. He has really made a job of this. Going to fast is putting it mildly
  10. The penalty for DUI here is so trivial, one wonders why he anted to avoid it. A man of his wealth surely could afford a driver? In UK failing to give a breath sample when requested is a crime equivalent to failing a breath test. But not in Thailand, so long as you are rich. Did his wife know who his passenger was?
  11. Ten years in prison for each one. No excuses like becoming a monk for 3 months. Easy enough to identify the culprits. if it happen again, close down the 'colleges'
  12. The only thing that Anutin learns from experience is how to keep repeating the same mistakes over and again. Should we expect any better from such a bunch of proven idiots?
  13. Just whenit looked as if Tourism might be recovering, and travel stating again, Thailand has to come up with new restrictions. Does Thailand want any Tourists in 2023?
  14. At lest a picture of the ship. I count 3 life rafts visible on the port side, and presumably the same on stb. side. Each ife rafte should take at least 25 people, so plenty of capacity for even those with no life jackets. Standard abandon ship procedure is to launch and inflate life raft and then board from the ship, thus avoiding any crew getting into the water. Life jackets are an additional safety measure, should not be needed. All life rafts should have 'hydrostatic releases, so launch automatically when/if the vessel sinks. My questions , based on 25yrs in offshore industry, would be:- Were all the crew trained in basic offshore survival procedures, and how recently? (Normally training every 3yrs. and assessed by an independent examiner. Was a basic 'emergency/ abandon ship drill carried out after the vessel left port? Normally standard procedure, particularly with a number of new crew/passengers Captain is responsible for enforcing all these rules. It is beginning to look as if the RT navy can only defend Thailand in calm weather
  15. Accidents are caused by combinations of events; e.g. low balcony rail height; taller than Thai visitor; visitor not takin care due to alcohol/ drugs/ general high spirits on NYE. Remove one possible cause and the accident does not happen;- make railing higher, behave more responsibly,= no accident. That is what Safety Regulations are all about, but here in Thailand, nobody wants to think that bad things might happen, so minimal safety regulations, (boring, expensive..). The onus is on the visitor to take care, but if they are not pre-warned, or assume that the 'nanny state' has put rules in place, and enforces them, then accidents happen. Thailand is too concerned with its 'image' to post any warnings; no resort is going to admit to any possible safety failings, and ommon snense is ofen left at home when on holiday.. There are no easy answers.
  16. Quality Tourists, here to spend 1,000's baht a day? Round themup nd send them back to Russia. They must get some pay in the Army.
  17. Why only probation? Drunk driving is clearly an offence, so should be punished accordingly. In UK and other countries, I believe, Being caught drunk driving (DWI) it is a certainty that you will loose your license for a year, which is a more powerful deterrent that simply probation, If Thailand really is serious about improving road safety, then the punishments nee to really hurt.
  18. over the holiday, wife and I spent 1 night in hotel in Chiang Rai, visiting the flower festival. I presume that hotel did a TM30 for that night , though no evidence of it. Sudden thought last night:- Now we are back home again, do I, or wife, need to do another TM30 or our own house?
  19. Since I got my Yellow Book, 3-4years ago, I have presented this to Phayao I/O at every visa extension, TM 30 or 90day I have done, and each time it has been waved away "Not necessary!" yet it was Chiang Rai I/O that told me that I should get one as it was "Important" TIT
  20. if it was a scheduled sailing, not an emergency, there should not be any reason why any of the crew were no onboard. They knew the sailing time, so any business should have been resolved beforehand. White wash an cover-up being prepared. The influential and important are taking care to keep out f this. Will the captain be questioned in public hearings or all kept behind closed doors. Are we sure there wasn't a Burmese fishing boat in the area?
  21. Is this surprising in a country where you can pass your driving test without changing gear or diving on a real road? Even if you wanted to bother with the driving test
  22. Very big silence as to the fate of the Captain. Did he go down with his ship, or was he among he first to be saved?
  23. There are Rules, and if yu want to stay in a country, you should obey them. or take the consequences. Fine him and deport him. If he hasn't got a return ticket, keep him in jail until he gets one. No money; tough S..t
  24. For a small sum, I would suggest Western Union. Always works for me and only basic questions asked. My experience of UK banks is that they are paranoid about being party to a 'scam.' by helping a customer transfer money to Thailand. Friend in UK should tell her bank in no uncertain terms that she will do what she wants with her money, and that she knows the recipient. bank cannot refuse to do what they are told to do, only make some token effort to protect her from a scam. Note that you can do aWU transfer all on-line without any human contact to give you B/S like this.
  25. Recently did my Retirement extension of Non O at Phayao. They told me I could come any time up to 30 days before it was due. Erlier when I was having to travel overseas for work when extension was due, I did the extension 6 weeks early at the old Suan Plu I/O. I was told to write a letter to I/O giving the reason why I wanted to do the extension early. Even given a pen and paper so that I could do the letter there nd then. We do not see that level of helpfullness so much now?
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