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Everything posted by Robin

  1. Once, several years ago, I was in you position, needing to travel for work in UK. I/O told me to write a request to I/O asking fro an early extension to fro my visa, and gave me a sheet of paper tow rite request, then did the extension there and then. Maybe a helpful I/O (it as at BKK Soi Suan P;u), but could be worth trying.
  2. Hurt your hand working? Was the would attended to by a THAI health professional. Did you write a full accident report? Was the Old PITA that admonished you qualified to give advice on Thai law? After 30 yrs in LOS I have learned by experience that if you want a job done properly, you ahve to do it yourself. Except for those jbbs that Thais excel at:- labouring, anything to do with concrete or ricks,.. I thought that work was a paid activity?
  3. MY Vios was delivered with all windos except screen with tint. I hate the stuff and would never have another car with any tint on the windows. Down to personal preference, s wife thinks the tint is good, and I should be grateful for a free gift from Toyota.
  4. Can you find a copy of his CoE application? Would have been done on-line to his local RTE. That should have the insurance policy attached. What he is insured fro will depend on what insuance he bought to satisfy CoE . I entered with CoE last year and I am sure that a paper copy was needed to get on the flight.
  5. if you find such an investment, keep quiet. or you will be knocked over in the rush of investors. You are not the only one dreaming of such an investment. It is possible, but not, as far as I know, in Thailand. Talk to investment managers in your bank, or in a Singapore bank. They migh possible get 4%. I don't know bout property in Thailand, but sure to be complicated and risky for a non-Thai.
  6. Sorry to say this, but I do not see anyone in the current government capable of solving this problem, or of even realising that it exists. Thailand will continue along it path until it is too late
  7. "Seems overly timid, highly paranoid, very controlling, and rather unnecessary" Just about sums up Thailand under the present government. Not the way to attract tourists, but is that what the Junta really wans?
  8. Has Prayuth 'ordered the oil slick to stay offshore and go t other countries. That is normally his style. This time of he year the prevailing wind is the NE monsoon, which should take the slick to Malaysia. Why si nobody concerned about how the leak was caused? Will it happen again, as it might if the pipe is nor properly protected?
  9. One rumour I head at the time was that the Saudis knew exactly who was responsible, but wanted Thailand to admit it. Responsibility went so far up in the Thai hierarchy that they could not. Has Prayuth finally come clean? Thailand needs Saudi more than ever, so he might? hs the culprit finally been quietly punished?
  10. Sealed box of beer, suggests that rider had not frunk any, so cnnot be blame as being drunk. Pick-up driver, male or female difficult not to e at fault if on the wrong side of he road, even in Thailand. wife is always telling me that general rule in Thailand is that larger vehicle is always at fault.. What do they say about women drivers? Even more likely to have been using her phone?
  11. A friend in UK tells me that testing for arrivals no longer required, but nothing on UK Gov site yet, except suggestion that rules will change. Best to wait until it is official.
  12. Getting married would give your wife/gf some legal rights and protection when you die. if not, your family could claim all your assets and leave her with nothing. Some countries might pay her a pension. Also helps if you want to go back to your home country and live. I am not a legal expert, so you should take proper advice from a lawyer in your home country. Too many tales, which might be true, of Thai g/f being left with nothing after looking after their farang b/f. When he dies, his family suddenly appear and claim their rights. How much does your g/f know about your finances/ assets? Have you made a will legal in your home country. When I married, I made it clear to my relatives in UK that my wife would inherit and not hem. They have not spoken to me since; their loss, not mine.
  13. I agree with your comment on Thai used car dealers. I have never seen so much over-priced rubbish. Thai seem to have grossly un-realistic ideas of how much their used cars are worth. I ended up buying a new Toyota. Thais appear to think that used cars appreciate in value
  14. You say you have 1 M Baht ; if you are going the Non O retirement route that means you have 200,000 baht to live on for the rest of your life, plus the income from the 'small farm' which might not be much. How big is this farm and what do you intend growing. Basically, you are dreaming. Even if you or wife did all the work on the farm, you would need to hire a tractor to plough evey year, and harvest your rice.. There is a reason why Thai farmers re poor; rice growing on small plots is not viable. You do not give our nationality or age, bt you are going to need money for medical treatment and to pay for your son's education. There is a Farang in my village who came here saying "it doesn't cost much" about al of Thai life, and soon learned that it costs more than he thought have you any experience of living like a poor Thai?
  15. What ever pump you use, it cannot pump more than your mains will give it. Here in village, the restriction is the water supply. I have a normal 3.5KW shower sand never use it at more than 30% on the heater dial. Simply cannot get enough flow, because of low input pressure. Village water supply is such a poor thing hat I would not use a pump as it would only cause negative pressure on incoming mains, and suck in God knows what pollution. I have had a header tank installed for the whole house. Tank about 3m above the level of all taps. Give just about bearable shower flow. before the header tank, flow at times was more like a trickle. Like most things in Thailand. now it just about works. No idea what the supply water pressure is, but main pipe is only 3 in dia.,, so cause of all the problems is not enough water available. Thai plumbing here is all PVC pipe with solvent joins, which will not stand much pressure.
  16. lateral flow test after arrival OK? is that a ATK test? If so can i buy an ATK test kit in Bangkok before departure and show tat at arrival. Would be far easier than booking test in UK
  17. In Anutin's mind every tourist will be spending millions of Baht, so this will not be noticed
  18. Further problems with my Yahoo Mail; all incoming mail is going straight ti 'delted items' box and being kept there. Seems to have been happening since new year. Also the same on my notebook with the same Yahoo address. Is this a Yahoo thing? Because I have not upgraded to the New Yahoo Mail that wants money? If it is a marketing ploy, they are not being very clear about what they are selling, as my e-mail, here in Thailand if important to me and I would pay for aa decent service
  19. Thanks fro advice. I was never able to open the link as Microsoft blocked access to that address. BU I have now found that all my legitimate incoming mails since 26 Dec have gone straight to Deleted items on Yahoo. I do not know what other damage this has done to me , or how it happened My computer has also been sending out mails to many Hotmail address with the same sort of 'update now!" message, and many 'failed delivery' mails to [email protected] Any suggestions as to what has happened. Is my computer compromised or yahoo mail?
  20. I have received thsi mail twice:- " This is to notify you that we have stopped processing incoming/outgoing emails on your account. Update below to avoid losing your mails. New Version Thank you, Yahoo Mail" The link takes me to a page which Microsoft has blocked ith a red danger warning. Should I be worried? I use yahoo fro all my e-mail and losing it would be a disaster.
  21. Thank you. I will make a note of this if I do travel to UK. Reading all the problems with Thailand Pass nd entry, I might stay put until I think it will be easy to return
  22. Behind all this is the sad fact that unless it is easy to come to Thailand, people are not going to come. Thai government and TAT do not appear to realise this. They live in world where rich people are queueing up to visit Thailand. Not any more, there are many other attractive places to visit. What I cannot understand is why no hotel or travel agency are not offering packages that take away all the hassle; book a holiday at the hotel and your own flight nd they fix all the Thai nonsense and meet you at the airport and get you through the entry requirements. Does nobody want the business? Where is the spirit of free enterprise?
  23. I could be needing a similar PCR test in Bangkok, before returning to UK, so I too would welcome sensibe answers to the o/p's question. Hoping that Thailand will keep of UK Redd List.
  24. When I did my Retirement extension visa I was given a new 90 day reporting date, 90 days after extension. Seems very clear that visa extension is considered to be a report of where you are staying. But wy chance it? Is it too difficult to visit Immigration and check on this?
  25. I have no experience of these things, but a friend in UK who has tells me that they can need a lot of maintenance.
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