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Everything posted by Toolong

  1. Wow! Talk about 'built-in obsalescence'! (I may not have spelt that right!)
  2. Interesting. I've generally just used mild hand soap & water, very gently! And as infrequently as possible too. But if you're right about needing to use only the proper kit, then maybe that wasn't ideal! Oh dear! ???? Thanks for the info Ray! ????????
  3. Actually OneMoreFarang, I tried to clean as little as possible for fear of scratching & so on, but when I did it was just mild hand soap, water & tissue to gently dry. You say 'coated'. Interesting. So if the coating starts breaking up, and maybe if I remove all that coating, I wonder if that might work out positively somehow?! We'll see! Thanks for the info'! ????????????
  4. Will enquire about that, KannikaP! Thanks a lot. ????????????
  5. Thanks Photoguy21, I will look into the scratch cream angle. Interesting. I have 'kind of' tried to see if it's a removable scrtaches thing but maybe I didn't go about it properly. If I can just sort it out this way, that would be really, really cool. Fingers crossed! ????????
  6. Hi to anyone reading this. Hope to tap successfully into the great, bottomless mine of knowledge & experience amongst you all! I wear glasses due to being short-sighted. Got a problem: The last 2 pairs of glasses I bought in Thailand (each pair costing around 5/6 thousand baht & bought in 2 different, fairly swanky places in Central Ladprao, Bangkok) have both let me down badly having the same problem with the lenses. After about 7 or 8 months, the lenses just started deteriorating in the same way, which I can best describe as sort of becoming clouded over with tiny, tiny cracks & flakiness, until I can barely see anything through them. When I say cracks, I don't mean the lens body cracking, just what seems like the surface film. It's as if the lens was sprayed on as a film and then dried out! Has anyone reading this experienced this same thing? I didn't return to the shops and enquire or complain, though I know I should have. I no longer can anyway, as I now live in Korat province. My concern is that whatever shop I go to locally (Pakchong) for my next, much-needed glasses, I'll be getting the same problem, and whatever assurances they give me that it won't happen with THEIR glasses, I won't be inclined to believe it! Is it just the cr*p quality of modern lenses? (I have an old pair of UK National Health Service glasses from 1979 with glass lenses that don't have a mark in them!) So, does anyone know..... a) why these lenses in Thailand die on me so quickly? And b) what I can do about being sure my next pair won't have the same problem? Is there a more expensive, longer-lasting material I should be asking for? (I don't mind paying more to definitely avoid this problem.) Would appreciate any advice. (If anyone does reply, please note that I may take a little time responding to you, though I will eventually!) Cheers.
  7. Yes, I understand that but I was really referring to spelling of words (addresses, places etc) transliterated from Thai to English, like for example 'Sabwai' or 'Subwai'. Sometimes I tend to switch it around! If a certain spelling worked with an application, why potentially cause a glitch by making an avoidable mistake next time around? That's the logic behind my madness, anyway! ????
  8. Fwiw...2 tiny bits of advice for those doing online 90, just things that helped me. Take a photo of the info you input, so that if it all works fine, you can just refer to that with confidence next time you do it. (At my age I forget!) Remembering your password (given the first time you register to do it & sent to your email) and having it handy to input helps. Though forgetting isn't a problem - as you can just click on the 'Forgot password' option & they'll send you a new one - in my experience it just makes it all a lot quicker. Regarding the photo advice.....a local falang friend, also getting on in years & somewhat forgetful too (we're a right pair!), has found that advice as useful as I have!
  9. Possessor of neither a debit card nor a credit card. (Fwiw...I accept any ridicule that may come my way for saying this, but I just can't get past my deep mistrust of banks & their systems & so on. ????????)
  10. Sorry for delay in replying. The app/QR method sounds pretty interesting. Definitely will look into getting that sorted. ???? Yes, I know what you mean about convenience (excuse the pun) re buying beer from the 7. (Only wish the 'govt' would drop the silly restriction times.)
  11. I don't mind being in that credit-cardless minority! ????????
  12. Thanks for that info, Andrew. I'd be happy to pay 15 baht for that peace of mind! ????????
  13. Thanks, Lemsta69. ???? Interesting. I HATE the inconvenience of going anywhere to pay bills! Although - ironically! - I do find it more convenient to pay my electric bills at the 7, as there's always one somewhere along the way I'm going, so no wasted gas on special trips to PEA. But...I still like the idea of paying from my armchair! Question though: I'm 62, and have NEVER had a credit card. Don't like the idea of things happening with my account (direct debiting etc) without my involvement! Creeps me out. Dumb as it may sound to you.......is it all unfallibly safe? PS: You buy your tinnies from the 7? Blimey. Big ol' mark up. Got shares in CP, Lemsta? ???? (Yeah, I know they get a commission when I pay my leccy bills there! ????)
  14. Tbh...if anyone needs tuition in using bank apps it's me! Party? Well, kind of.....just me and my cans of Leo! ???? ????
  15. Hi worgeordie...(and all who offered advice!) I did say I'd let you know, so fwiw....after all my efforts to find out ways of avoiding actually needing to be involved in going to the bank myself, turned out I was the one required to transport the 'transferer' to the flipping bank!!! That...and apparently, she had other business to attend to aswell as transfering my money. So...counter job. This bank has a rep for being slow, always packed & inefficient, so two & a half hour wait in the car park outside was indeed - after all that - my inevitable fate anyway! As for the transfer....someone on this thread had warned of possible security limits re amount transferable per transaction. 500,000 baht limit, so in my case, 2 transactions needed. But was done in the end....+ quick run to my bank to update passbook & check money was in. Have gone into more detail than necessary, I'm sure, but was hoping those other kind folk on this thread who helped out with advice etc, might see this and appreciate knowing the outcome. Thanks anyway....to all. I've learnt some useful stuff! ????
  16. That's a relief and covers that fear of mine! I rather hoped that was the case. ????
  17. I like not having to do anything! ???? Re: checking, even I can do that! ????
  18. Ahh! That all sounds ok. Makes sense. In theory - can't go wrong. Thanks for explaining that, jaywalker2! ????????????
  19. Sounds rather nightmarish, proton. Not my idea of fun. ????????????
  20. Ha! Now that sounds like a darned good idea to me! It also confirms he or she has got my account number correct. ????
  21. This may sound silly, jaywalker2, but it's just occurred to me: what the hell happens if the person inputs the wrong account number, using the atm method? Does someone else get a nice surprise, while I'm well out of pocket? ????
  22. That's kind of what I thought, Liverpool Lou. You're right. ????
  23. I will do that, worgeordie, though if it doesn't go through, I'll probably be busy panicking!????
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