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Everything posted by Toolong

  1. yes, you're quite right. Walk on the right places otherwise things can turn bad! I may be mistaken, but I find boards placed across the supports kind of spreads the weight, away from full body weight on one spot. Light plywood's great for this + it's easy to lug it up ladders. ????
  2. Know what you mean about not wanting to walk on that particular roofing but just to suggest : perfectly flat, light but sturdy boards placed on the roof can allow you walk to sort ot problems, but must be surefooted & careful. Helps if you're not too heavy! ????
  3. Yes, I thank you for your comment about steel vs aluminium & their drawbacks & merits. Another poster did mention powder-coated steel and I would hope that that might prevent rust issues, especially if it's really good quality, etc. But, you do make a good case for aluminium! ???? Yes, know what you mean about walking on aluminium! Tricky! But I have managed to avoid damage by using boards put across it, wearing soft shoes, and being dead careful! Cheers. ????
  4. Interesting, moontang. Thanks. I'm currently in the process of seeing what's on the market for that kind of thing. I tend to get a lot of blank looks or 'Mai Mee'. (A bit rural around here!) But the search is on! ???? Cheers!
  5. Ah, I see. Just to mention, I have seen advertised a kind of thickish, rough-finish paint-on or spray-on gloopy looking 'stuff' that is applied to metal roofs to act as a heat barrier (and maybe also acts as extra waterproofing). It wasn't that attractive to look it at but if, as in my case, nobody will see the roof, no problem. Substance over style! Might look into it. Yes, oddly enough I did, only a few days ago, see a service advertised for that 'flying roof' and was pleased to see it, because it kind of vindicated my long-held thought that it's a great idea which ought to be more widely used or considered. (Though I know many might think it unnecessay. If so, fair enough.) Cheers. ????
  6. Thanks for that, moontang. Interesting. ???? Yes, I do plan to vent & insulate as much as possible. Interesting what you say about the reflective elastomeric coatings. I shall try and find out more about that. Do you mean on metal sheet roofing? And, is it something that has to be applied separately or do certain brands already have it? ????
  7. Thanks for that opinion, KhunLA. I can definitely see your points about lightness & economy of building materials. Makes sense. And thanks for being specific about which metal sheet type you'd go for. I will seek it out and have a look. ????????
  8. Oh, by the way, you said 'steel roof'. Not aluminium? ????
  9. Sorry for the delay in replying. I find what you say very interesting. I have long been a fan of the idea of a kind of two roof thing. One above the other. Think they call that system a 'fly roof'....not sure. But anyway have seen it used in interesting ways. I remember seeing a great picture of how it is/was employed by the Vietnamese in traditional village houses (Thais obviously never got into that, cos never seen it here). So simple and can't fail to be effective. In your case, you've adopted that system through sort of accidental circumstances. But what you say is a good endorsement of its value. So with clay tiles, you point towards a good steep slope being best. ???? What you also say about vents & soffits & turbines (spinning whirlybird things, right?) and insulation is good to know. Thanks for that. It sounds as if you really decided to end your heat & leakage probs once and for all. Like you said, good investment. ???? Thanks RocketDog.
  10. Thought you might say that. ???? Thanks. ????
  11. Interesting. You're the second person to be pro-clay. Regarding the noise in the rain, gotta be honest and say I'm one of those who not only doesn't mind the sound of rain on the roof, but often rather likes it....in a way! (Although the louder the noise is, the more easily I imagine leaks must surely start any moment....usually late at night!????)
  12. That's certainly a clear preference. Do you mean 'by far' in terms of them being 'cooler', Vinnie? Or better able to prevent rainwater leaking in?
  13. Hi to all who read this. I'm having a separate little room built adjacent to my house. Basic. One floor. Living room doubling as bedroom + bathroom. About 8×5 metres. (Bit of privacy from relations!) Basic, but I want it done in whatever way is best to avoid problems later. I avidly read relevant posts on this site about DIY + construction and so on, and have learnt a great deal from other people's chats. But I'm now ashamed to say that I obviously haven't paid enough attention, as now I want to do a spot of building myself, I find myself needing to ask for advice on pretty basic stuff. So my first query (there'll be others ????) is about the roof. I plan on a flat, sloping roof with a nice generous overhang and with radiant barrier foil + insulation, soffit vents etc. But clay tiles or metal (aluminium) sheet? (Actually....are they clay or concrete? I'm talking about the heavy, wavy-shaped tiles. ????) Having zero rain leakage thru the roof is a big one for me, so if metal, I'd want it done really well. And which tends to have the potential to affect room temperatures more, clay/concrete or metal? (PS, I know I could probably google all this, but like I've said before, I'm so impressed by the level of knowledge & expertise from people on this site, especially those in Thailand. It beats google every time!) ????
  14. 'TIT' indeed. (Bins around the country must get full of brand- new, unused toilet ring seals just discarded!) The small size hole? Did it not match the 4 inch soil pipe? Aren't they a standard size? (These are all genuine questions, by the way. I honestly don't know. I just assume they must be a standard size. Oh, well. ????)
  15. Encid....brilliant! That's the baby I need. Will download picture and take it to Home-Pro. Thank you so much! ????????????????
  16. ????????......Well, I won't be ordering one anytime soon, but it's got me thinking - seriously - why go with boring white? Can't see why makers can't offer normal-priced stuff in different colour schemes. No doubt they do, I reckon, but tend not to see them much. (Not around where I am, that's for sure!) Ermm.......definitely got me thinking! ????
  17. Thanks for the very clear illustration. I can see what you mean. ???????? We only have the outside air vents, one large diameter vertical pipe before the sceptic tank, and one thinner pipe after the sceptic tank. The vent before the tank is large diameter, but being along the output pipe 2 metres from the toilet itself, it isn't really in 'the immediate toilet drain area'. But, water flow doesn't seem to be a problem at all. After considering the helpful advice of yourself and many others, I'm set to: a) get myself a wax or rubber sealing ring kit, and b) a proficient handyman who recognizes without any hesitation what the ring kit is for and how to properly fit it! (Under my supervision!) PS: if b) proves impossible, I'll try and do it myself. But I'm getting too old for that stuff! ????
  18. Thanks for your comment, lopburi3. ???? Can I just ask about one thing you say, which I can't quite understand: '....or air vent after thought (many do not use) hole......' Not sure what you mean, though I do understand the bit about the hole not extending 'beyond the toilet base'. Cheers. ????
  19. ???????? I'm sure you will agree though.....it felt very embarrassing, so I kinda hoped no one would ask ????......though as it turned out I went for the confession instead! Full disclosure! So yeah.....no bolts. Can't even see signs of a flange of any kind, either, rubber or wax, though it's possible there might be, but doesn't look like it. Oh, the rich pageant of it all! ????
  20. This is an area of advanced 'toilet science' I am not qualified to speak of, itsari. ???? You may be right. But I am curious to know why it is 'not hygienic' to have them up against the wall. The reason I say that is because I noticed many toilets for sale are of the completey enclosed-base type, with no opening at the rear......which, to my mind, amounts to the same as having an open back toilet sealed against a wall. No? I would genuinely like to know why one type might be considered better (ie, more hygienic) than the other. I"m on a learning curve here....????????
  21. You mean immediately round the u-bend even before flushing? That's next-level stuff. Way out of my league. Respect. ????
  22. Dante....you were right......but I didn't say so until now because I felt so stupid. How on earth did I miss that??? My goodness, it was always so obvious. Now I do feel rather embarrassed......but grateful to you for pointing this old fool in the right direction. Much obliged. ????
  23. 59,900 baht!!! Pass me the smelling salts, Muriel! ???????? I was not born to enjoy these finer things in life, Encid! ???? PS: Then again, no USB ports? No cigarette lighter? No built-in toaster? No wine rack, obviously. Beginning to wonder whether one really gets one's money's worth here, Encid......????????
  24. Yes! That is the key feature I have been advised to get. Will do so. From what I'm able to see atm, before lifting the whole thing from the floor is that my case also originally involved a big ol' bodge job. Just as you describe. (Thing is, house was built 8 years ago, I bought it two years ago. Guy who fitted them & committed this act of bodgery must be halfway to Mexico by now, living under aliases & false paperwork. Chances of tracking him down are next to impossible........ ????.......sorry, forgive my silly sense of humour!) ????
  25. Ahh....now I have a two tap rig up like this, but they are of a different, more inferior design, being a <deleted> for my big mitts to turn on & off. These look perfect. ????
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