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Captain Monday

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  1. I am firmly with MAGA now but just like 2016 some of the less engaged hatespewing right-wing so-called liars here (influencers) are not getting renumeration from the Xi and Putin milieu their contributions, as this free and fair election cycle has finished. Once again with NO significant voter fraud. For a true believer it can if one actually believes something to be true when one repeats it are they actually lying? We are anticipating for the prompt cessation of ludicrous sanctions against the Russian aviation industries so in return Soviet airspace can be re-opened to US/Western cargo and passenger airlines. Resumption of sales of new aircraft and parts. And solving somehow the huge problem of approximately 400 leased aircraft that have been effectively "stolen" from western lessors. And remember "You'll never have to vote again". - Donald J Trump The Russian “Firehose of Falsehood” Propaganda Model https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html
  2. So I called it early Despite the constant negative press covfefe, Trump has won I will join with MAGA
  3. That pic of Trump reminds me of a Oompa Loompa "I love you anyway Tucker".
  4. GOP lawfare has already begun. "Before voters even begin casting ballots, Democrats and Republicans are engaged in a sprawling legal fight over the 2024 election through a series of court disputes that could even run past Nov. 5 if results are close. Republicans filed more than 100 lawsuits challenging various aspects of vote-casting after being chastised repeatedly by judges in 2020 for bringing complaints about how the election was run only after votes were tallied." https://fox59.com/news/politics/ap-politics/ap-voting-related-lawsuits-filed-in-multiple-states-could-be-a-way-to-contest-the-presidential-election/
  5. How the John Birch Society's conspiracies led to political divides in the 1960s "This weekend, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that, if elected, President Donald Trump would work to remove fluoride from all public drinking water in the U.S. Trump has said that Kennedy, who endorsed the Republican after ending his independent White House bid, would play a major role in health policy if Trump wins. The crusade against that widespread public health policy is something that gained prominence back in the 1960s, due in part to one organization that elevated fringe theories." https://www.npr.org/2024/11/03/nx-s1-5165364/how-the-john-birch-societys-conspiracies-led-to-political-divides-in-the-1960s
  6. Trump is going to hand over Ukraine on a silver platter and probably leave NATO. Emboldened Xi will then embark on completing his life’s work of reunifying China, Invading Taiwan without a peep of protest from the US Yeah, they want Harris. Tell me more Einstein.
  7. I think Trump will be victorious.
  8. 「Florida Trump Supporter Arrested After Allegedly Punching 70 year old Woman at Harris Rally」 https://www.newsweek.com/florida-trump-supporter-arrested-punching-70-year-old-woman-harris-rally-1979629 「Trump supporter attacked elderly couple with Golf club over a Biden sign」 https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/complaint-self-professed-trump-supporter-attacked-elderly-couple-over-joe-biden-yard-sign/
  9. Attack the source. Weak, predictable, and tiresome It has nothing to do with trusting what the "NYT has to say" The video is about what Mr. Neil Makhija has to say https://www.montgomerycountypa.gov/4503/Neil-K-Makhija-Commissioner l Neil Makhija serves as Montgomery County Commissioner and Chair of the Board of Elections. He is the first Asian American County Commissioner in Pennsylvania's history across all 67 counties. Montgomery County is Philadelphia’s largest collar county of 865,000 people, more populous than 4 U.S. states and Washington D.C.
  10. Watch: ‘You’re Being Lied To About Voter Fraud. Here’s the Truth.’ Should we be worried about cheating at the polls? Or is it just a dangerous myth? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/31/learning/watch-youre-being-lied-to-about-voter-fraud-heres-the-truth.html
  11. Not sure how much you know about election laws and ballot challenges. The only thing that is anonymous is who you vote for. Sure States have differences, but did a full read of my County Registrar's website this time. Shocked how much personal information is “public record” Name, address, telephone number. Whether one voted or not. The mail in ballots are tracked by bar code. Drop boxes- Locations are manned by election workers and only available during business hours.
  12. 「You are so predictable. When a right-winger has no valid critique of the facts, attack the source. So, Once again. “Voter fraud” is not a “conservative talking point”. It is nothing more than the tired, discredited right-wing trope to mask GOP voter suppression tactics」」
  13. "The Myth of Voter Fraud : Extensive research reveals that fraud is very rare. Yet repeated, false allegations of fraud can make it harder for millions of eligible Americans to participate in elections." https://www.brennancenter.org/issues/ensure-every-american-can-vote/vote-suppression/myth-voter-fraud
  14. Tucker Carlson - Tim Waltz is “Gay” Tucker is Re-animating schoolyard taunts he either gave or received in the 1980s into a full throated homophobic attack. https://youtu.be/2hp_cBTq60g?si=e7hrWWDhFEhnNsaZ
  15. When I was in UNIVERSITY I had wanted to apply for State, or CIA. Lost interest, it is very competitive and I had not the grades nor the stamina for Graduate school Really I did not want a career lying for America. Learning the history of protecting and smuggling out Nazis, notably Klaus Barbie was an inflection point of my “patriotism “ So I pursued career in Aviation. Living the dream.
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