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Jack Cook

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Everything posted by Jack Cook

  1. The idiocy of this apparently great nation and those who run it, knows no bounds. 😂😂😂😂😂
  2. Still it’s just shooting in the breeze. It is only another proposal. Nothing passed by any legislature
  3. No never. Couldn’t happen in such a high quality family tourist destination. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Poor bugger.
  4. The best way is to (pre 2024) bring your wealth with you. Once here and settled trust NOBODY. It’s Lhailand, nice place but over flowing with liars cheats rogues and thieves. Both Thai’s and expats are just as bad. The chances of creating a successful business here are akin to a successful marriage with a long time bar girl. Almost none 😁
  5. I lived in Moscow for 3 months and never met a single Russian who didn’t like Putin. I expected grey concrete and soldiers with AK 47s everywhere and never saw one, just like I didn’t see endless tent cities and drugged out homeless so prevalent in the USA. The coming demise of the US dollar spells end of empire time for the Good Ol US of A and maybe quite a few other so called western nations. Time to stop watching the garbage pumped out by the likes of CNN. Maybe, just maybe, this Sretta guy is shoring up a more secure future for Thailand in the grand scheme of things.
  6. Cars are made to drink gas. I just simply wouldn’t even get in a so called EV let alone buy one. I’d like to know what would happen if every car in just Bangkok, let alone Thailand had to plug in. There is no good or rational answer to that question ????????????????
  7. How utterly pathetic. $8, go back where you came from. A whining kid beg packer looking for channel content. Taxi drivers gotta eat too
  8. Why is anybody surprised. It is just the puppet revealing the puppet master ????????????
  9. Ah Thailand. All Playing out exactly as it was always going to. An unelected Prime Minister UN WEF biatch taking orders from a near dead (apparently) murderer. Move along please. Nothing to see here.
  10. Not good for Thailand he’s obviously just another UN WEF biatch who wasn’t voted for by the people.
  11. Now that’s some big spending well cultured tourists right there. ????????????????????
  12. I’m shocked couldn’t happen in such a fine upstanding country as Thailand
  13. Great just get rid of it. I stopped going there a year ago. Amazing the difference in how better you feel and how much real time you get to do real things in the real world when you delete it. Online merchants will just go to other platforms
  14. More of the endless lefty MMGW nonsense. There is no proof only opinions.
  15. Yeah sleepy Joe and his gang of crooked loonies is a far better option ????.
  16. 2020 Mustang Sorry mate some of have money. Sorry you obviously don’t
  17. 55th Anniversary v8 Mustang. A5 Audi Coupe (wife’s) and Next Gen Raptor industrial high performance ????
  18. Not too much chance of him ever returning. How many times has he said he will and didn’t. Once the farce they called an election is over, one way or another the Junta will reign supreme. It’s Thailand
  19. Will never happen. The horse has bolted on that one. Too many big players and too much money involved now. Nothing any of these politicians say can be believed. A ship of self serving lying fools. It is Thailand and all that matters is money. Thaksin has been going to return for how many years? Nothing will change.
  20. Bwaaaaa Haaaaaa Haaaaa, what a rort. Then again, it is Thai politics. The future would have been fixed by the cronies even before the so called election was held.
  21. It’s all BS. The water cannot be treated, but it’s got to go somewhere. There is literally nothing that can be done about.
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