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Jack Cook

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Everything posted by Jack Cook

  1. Just a continuation of the circus that is Thai politics. The Dinosaurs won’t go easily, and none ever tell the truth. The rest of 2023 will be very interesting in the LOS.
  2. What an utter waste of 5 minutes of life reading this complete drivel. Ouch the mirror of an extremely courteous van driver was hurt by a nasty violent out of control Australian criminal. In what universe does that constitute any kind of news??? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  3. They’re only drugs I’d they’re listed as narcotics
  4. How right you are, the place is sinking like the Titanic. Interested to watch the spectacle from afar ????
  5. You must have drunk a lot of Kool Aid.
  6. Just a whining old pimp trying to maintain some relevance in a world that has moved beyond him.
  7. Sounds like they’re making it up as they go along ????????????
  8. Bwaaaaa Haaaaaa Haaaaaa. It is Thailand. Who ever thought for a moment the old guard wouldn’t pull this. Pita was finished before he even started. He could have got 100% of all votes and it wouldn’t have made any difference. The Junta and the military reign supreme. It will be a long time before they are gone
  9. Did anybody actually expect any kind of fair or meaningful election. Thailand is a monarchy and a 2 tiered society that has never had and never will have any kind of democracy, the pantomime of this so called election was all just another rort. Not to worry, in typical Thai fashion a coup will sort it out in no time and all can move on. Sabai Sabai.
  10. Thailand building. What else would you expect now. “Oh I want to be a builder, an electrician, a plumber, a carpenter, a concreter. I will just say I am and make it up as I fumble along” It is Thailand after all ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  11. Going to be an interesting couple of months. I hope Pita and the Move forward party can do. Sadly if I was a betting man, I would put my baht on another Coup or some other under handed skullduggery. After all it is Thailand ????????????????
  12. Just bad reporting and pre election BS. Nothing will change, the train has long left the station and too much money involved.
  13. Crooked is as crooked does. No way is Prayut going anywhere. It is Thailand, the elections are just a pantomime
  14. In a country where wealth accumulation is by corruption for some, and by luck and hope instead of planning and hard work with zero foresight for the many, it is hardly surprising. Things will get a lot worse before (if ever) they get any better.
  15. Oh great, not worth wasting time voting then, another election that will be decided by a few tweaks in the voting machines and AI. They already know who is going to win. Google what a sad joke ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  16. Can’t fix stupid. Must have been some very very thick brown envelopes. The cost have power has already rocketed beyond the reach of many in Thailand. This will have a horrendous economic impact at ground level.
  17. They are all sure to spend at least 1000 Bht a week each ????????????????????????????????
  18. It’s Thailand. You’re Farang, you’re screwed.
  19. Just trying to maintain some relevance. Way too little way too late ????????????????????????????????
  20. I hope the Pattaya constabulary gave the idiot a good seeing to. ????????????????????
  21. Well in response to this greedy fame seeking woman. I am married to a Thai lady and live in Thailand. I saw the opportunity and have thus far invested almost 2 million dollars of my overseas money in legal fees and building a large commercial farm. The people who have benefitted from the investment money are. The Thai Government. Thai lawyers, local contractors, concrete suppliers and a myriad of others (all Thai). And also good paying jobs for locals. This woman is essentially just talking attention seeking drivel because there are many better (legitimate and cheaper) shops than hers on Sukhumvit now, and the illegal imported stuff has dwindled to almost nil. Maybe she should focus on better marketing and fairer prices than her greed inspired anti Farang fear mongering BS
  22. Either way they’re like women, they gonna cost you. If you don’t like it sell it or trade it but you’re going to get reamed. On a new car expect to lose at least 20% if it is 2023 or 30% if it is 2022. I had a similar experience last year bought a top of the range wide track twin turbo diesel, then saw the Raptor a couple of months later and sold the wild track to upgrade. Lost about 200,000 baht. Boys and toys, them’s the breaks.
  23. Lots of whinging former experts. Way too late. Too much money involved now and the train has long left the station.
  24. So heaps of people are getting the flu. I don’t think many people care any more
  25. One would think that after having to run away from the Vietnamese Americans would have learned not to fark with asians. Idiots of all nationalities come here and disrespect Thai people then boo hoo when they cop the consequences
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