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Posts posted by CrunchWrapSupreme

  1. 21 hours ago, stoner said:

    test results to prove the thc levels ? 


    i will refute all claims of bud in thailand until i inspect and scientifically test it by means of combustion ????


    almost certain bud that level is not grown in thailand either.  unless it carries testing it's bro talk or simply import. 

    What THC level would enable a vision quest to obtain guidance from the spirits of my ancestors?


  2. About three years ago, I did a visa run in an Issan province neighboring Laos after my job had ended. I had to wait until after 5 pm for that labor document showing my last day of work. I had to take a bus the next morning. They got me on one day overstay when I got back.


    On the other hand, recently here in another Issan province, I was 10 days late on my 90 day, and was expecting to be shorter 2000 baht. But they just printed the new receipt, gave me an online pamphlet, and said to do it online next time. Amazing Thailand.

  3. Out in my part of Issan the wife and I have had our eyes on this plot we hear is going for 300k. Dunno the rai-age, but it's got a raised area for a house with a good sized activity/parking area around it, surrounded by a somewhat large area of farmland for rice, all next to a main road. Despite the house area being raised it still looks a bit too low and would have to be raised more, that's where several truckloads of dirt come in, which is what we've seen several do around here.

  4. 13 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    The girls are lazy (I would be too if I was beautiful)

    I'm a teacher and it happens already in M1 and M2 (7th and 8th grade). The pretty ones play on their phones and there's no getting them to do anything. Sometimes they even sit outside of class, and the boys line up. They learn quickly. Now imagine another 10 years of that, thorough training for their desired lifestyle.

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  5. Here it is. I'm also getting it on my phone. It makes the site unusuable. Clearing cookies and blocking redirects doesn't work. Only workaround is making my phone browser go into desktop mode.


    It's definitely whatever company AN is going with to display ads on the bottom pop up tab, the one that slides like a drawer. Right after it pops up I'm sent to the wheel. They need to be contacted. 


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  6. On 6/18/2022 at 7:22 AM, Excel said:

    older kids who never bothered to go to school anyway

    Indeed. M4 and up is when my classes start thinning out. Then I occasionally see them back in class, and overhear them talking to their friends about "kin lao, kin lao, hahaha". Sometimes they've even told me they want to sleep off their hangover. I tell them to go do it in the nurse's office.


    Any alcohol restrictions are a joke. Anyone can get all the booze they want anytime, at the corner mom and pops that also sell the chips and snacks. They even got rice whiskey discreetly concealed in used M-150 bottles, for only 10 baht a pop.


    Is that M-150 in that bottle the school bus driver's kicking back, as he swerves in and out of traffic to rush the kids home, then go service the mistress? Likely not, the way he's driving.

    • Thanks 1
  7. I'm changing banks and let the old one run down to like 10 baht. As soon as this happened I started getting automated phone calls from loan sharks, sometimes three in a day. "Khun Pi (dear brother), you can borrow up to 500 thousand..." Haha.


    It's one of the big govt banks. They got employees in there tipping off their loan shark buddies, letting them know who's fallen on desperate times. Same as when some here reported getting calls from agents, right after their immigration problems. They're all in on it.

  8. Over our school summer break, my wife and I enjoyed a trip down to BKK and my favourite Sukhumvit pub. It was operating as normal. No distancing, no masks. Food was optional. Few weeks later, took an ATK test before coming back to school. Negative. No prob.


    Colleagues of mine have either tested positive, or had Covid-like symptoms, which went away in 3-4 days.

  9. A month ago the wife went to Khon Kaen for a passport renewal. Had to wait in the office all day long. But it came to the house in just two days. Then she goes, "now I get America visa?" Hahaha.


    I showed her the NBC Nightly News yesterday. The top stories:


    1) 10 dead in supermarket shooting.

    2) 20 shot after basketball game.

    3) Baby formula shortage.

    4) Plane crashes into bridge.


    Yeah, we could do to wait at least another year.

  10. On 5/10/2022 at 5:47 PM, SomchaiCNX said:

    the bank employees who probably get commision

    Wells Fargo Bank in the US. Caught red handed telling their employees to sell more products, or else. You wanna make the rent this month? You wanna eat? Better sell, sell, sell. Anything, anyway you can. More credit cards, savings accts, loans. Many customers were unaware these were being signed up for in their name, added to their accts, until they started getting notices about them. Amazing they're still in business, yet got away with a slap on the wrist. Seems very Thailand doesn't it? Yet it's the good ol' USA. ????????????

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  11. At the height of Covid about a year ago, all bars and restaurants in my nearest Issan town were shut, except for a place everyone knows as the "naughty bar". No signage, blacked out windows, looks like an out of business massage parlor. But I saw the door open a few times and wondered what they're doing in there. Sure enough I later caught the stacks of boxes of Leo empties coming out for recycling. Consumption and likely the obvious is going on.


    In my village many young ladies have been sent by their parents and grandparents to the town to look for work. Fortunately there's now been a lot of online shopping, and many of the shops can't get enough people to talk to online customers and pack. Yet no doubt word's got around where the much more lucrative offers lie, and given times like these, they can't help but take them.

  12. 3 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    get a new Celerio, as they start at ฿330k. 

    I'd get one if I had that cash laying around, though I don't. I was considering a Celerio when the wife and I were at the Suzuki dealer, and the 5k baht monthly payments were very tempting, not much more than a motorbike. Though sitting inside one is quite cramped, especially for the long distance cross country driving we like to do. We had to step up to the Swift. 20k down, 8k a month. Had it over a year now, good car.

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  13. On 5/12/2022 at 8:56 AM, 1FinickyOne said:

    maybe he spend 10,000 baht one day. 

    Hehe, I did quite the opposite. I said the magic word "teacher", which shoos most of them away. Then when a certain lovely Thai lady kept sticking with me regardless, I knew she was a keeper. 

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