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Posts posted by CrunchWrapSupreme

  1. I'm not seeing this anywhere in English yet, so here goes.


    On Thai Rath TV last night, officials from the local police station near the Kong Salak Plus Office raided it and took a bunch of photos. Mr. Kong Salak was angry and said they've done nothing wrong, flashing around some govt documents. Mr. Police flashed around photos he said ties the place to Chinese gangsters, said he heard businessmen speaking Chinese in the office, and claims this to have some connection to the recent Chinese Triad busts. Heh. Keeps getting better and better.


    Wouldn't doubt the Chinese connection, but bet the police connection is likely the usual "Hmm, money. Looks like there might be something illegal here. Give us some to make us go away".

  2. My God. You'll be shocked, SHOCKED to learn that many places in the US offer such debauchery in the morning hours during breakfast and brunch, called the BOTTOMLESS MIMOSA! All you can drink, orange juice and champagne.


    Older, 40-50's "cougars" often enjoy such events. They can get quite tipsy. They've been wondering what direction their lives have headed in, and have been looking for some excitement. Mmm yes. As a strapping young lad, I didn't need to come all the way to Thailand to find it. ????

    images - 2022-12-07T085540.396.jpeg

  3. Hua Hin or Rayong would be better choices. Less busy, less infamous.


    Pattaya still hasn't shaken much of its stigma. During Covid and teaching online, a coworker decided to take a trip there and work from the hotel. So when they called him in for a meeting he had to say he was there, "visiting a friend". They didn't buy it. I believe it was one of the main factors of their contract not being renewed.

  4. On 6/3/2022 at 12:09 PM, ChaiyaTH said:

    Most likely they never get the right food from a young age, which will not help the development of limited brain capacity here as well + then the worst possible education and vendors selling them sugar <deleted>. No wonder IQ floats around 90 here.

    At one of the first schools I taught at, a parent with decent English came and talked to me about the issue with sweets and children in this country. He said they're banned from his house, and thinks they're a deliberate attempt by the govt to dumb down the population.

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  5. 54 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    One thing I will say for the Thais is they show a lot more camradarie, support and respect amongst themselves than Westerners do.  

    Indeed. In my years here, I've learned the last people you should be looking to for support are other foreigners, unfortunately. They usually come here damaged, then unable to adapt to this country, become damaged further.


    Where is OP located? I'm guessing in or around BKK. There you're going to find the worst attitudes in the schools. They know they've got a revolving door of farangs to rely upon, all stepping off the plane and wanting to be near the action.


    I've said it too many times here, but this can be largely remedied by teaching up here in Issan. Fewer farangs have interest in this area, less action for them to partake of, but still many things to see and do in the more natural countryside. And given there are less farang teachers to be had here, I've found my work to be more appreciated both by admins and my students.

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  6. It peaked at around 38 a month or so ago. It's been abnormally high. I enjoyed a few transfers at this high rate, but didn't expect that to last.


    The drop seems to coincide with the return of tourists to Thailand, more dollars flooding into the market, and thus their value dropping back to more typical levels. Five years ago, my mom sent me Mr. Franklin in an Xmas card, I took it into Krung Sri, and they gave me only 28. Bah.

    • Like 1
  7. 21 hours ago, mikeymike100 said:

    Where was England?????

    Oi, you got a loicense for that cheeky banter eh, mate?


    21 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    I learned to not fight it and just let them have their own way.  All they want is confirmation, not actual correction. 

    Heh, like when a farang or two is picked to sit at the judging table for competitions. Just for the photo ops. Of course the most attractive chick wasn't the best performer, but who am I to argue. "Arai gor dai, kap".

    • Like 2
  8. 54 minutes ago, inactiveposter said:

    As for the “cold balls” lottery side note, there are many other examples of attempts at rigging - by weight, texture, magnets, etc. Google “Lottery rigging” and you’ll find plenty to read.

    The Thai govt lottery. Last month I think it was, the first 5 digits were exactly the same, 2 draws in a row. A few months back the winning number was the same 6 digits in a row. What are the odds? Rigged.

  9. 2 hours ago, rtco said:

    Has it happened already because there was no footie on True 4U yesterday evening?

    If you're a True Move customer, like me, you can get free access to the True Sports channels on the TrueID app for the duration of the World Cup, by registering for "True Unlock". I don't get what it's about, but whatever, football.


    Last night I watched Germany vs. Japan on True Sports 2 through my phone. Good quality stream. They apparently worked hard to clean it up since the Saudi Arabia vs. Argentina stream the other day, which was unwatchable.


    I then use a USB-C hub with HDMI out to get this stream out to my TV from my phone. In doing so it gives me a stupid message about "External Display Not Allowed", apparently to thwart this "leaking" business. But if I just ignore it and wait a second, the video still goes out to my TV. Bwaha! Take that, FIFA, True, and Qatar. As if they don't already have enough money. Utterly absurd greed.

  10. Oh, how I wish on Hunter's laptop there was:


    1. Paying Americans a living wage.

    2. Paying teachers a decent wage for all the work they do, as well as giving them safe and supportive working conditions.

    3. A plan to rehabilitate the homeless, with mental and drug treatment, job training, housing.

    4. Something to address the growing immigration and refugee issues, other than flying and bussing them around as political stunts.


    Maybe then the Republicans would take an interest in such things.

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  11. OP should apply at the Thai consulate in their home country for the proper 60 day tourist visa sticker, as another poster showed. This requires mailing them your passport, paying the fee, filling out the paperwork, showing bank acct info. This would be the best thing to show up in Thailand with.


    After this, OP should be looking for shake their "visa run reputation", as someone said like a credit score, by getting some kind of long term visa that's not another tourist visa. They're probably not old enough for retirement. But they do seem to communicate well in English. And they are female.


    So, what they should do next is then walk into any school up in Issan, the Northeast, and ask to be an English teacher. There is still high demand. Females are preferred to work with the younger children where there is the most demand. And they're preferred over us guys who are generally seen to be in Thailand for the wrong reasons. The school will give her a one year Non-B. Cheers.

  12. Wife just showed me a Thai TV news clip, dunno which channel, said the other day about 75 planes landed into Suvarnaphum within the space of 3 hours, the most they've seen since prior to Covid. Lines at immigration pretty slammed. Lots of younger people. Looks to me they're eager to party again post-Covid. Something's gonna have to be done to get them to open their wallets, other than the typical scams.

  13. 8 hours ago, HauptmannUK said:

    Its a case of the 14 year old 'B' suspecting that 13 year old 'A' was trying to steal her customer....

    Hard for most farangs to believe, but yeah. Some of my M1s (7th grade, 13 years old) have the latest iPhone with the big cameras on the back, in fancy cases, and are always checking messages. I seriously doubt poor Issan farmers bought their young daughters a $1000+ USD phone. Yeah, there's finance plans, but even those require deposits and credit they don't have.

    • Like 2
  14. Surrounding my Issan moo ban are three formerly beautiful palaces, multi story with balconies, beautiful views of the mountains, surrounded by walls and gates, now crumbling and sitting abandoned for years. They were once somebody's dream.


    I've heard the stories told all kinds of ways, but what they all boil down to is: farang built the house, didn't work out between him and the madam, foreigners have no rights to the land nor recourse, and they just had to walk away.


    Without farang money the home cannot be maintained, and with little resale value they just sit and sit.

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