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Posts posted by CrunchWrapSupreme

  1. Well uh, any of us lads whose wife's been not in the mood, on the rag, etc., leaving us to turn to certain online forms of "entertainment" (which are also supposedly all banned), has been bombarded with elaborate ad campaigns for all sorts of illegal online gambling. They're offered to anyone in Thailand, in English and Thai, with bonuses for quick and easy bank transfers, some will even take TrueMoney you can top up at 7-11.

  2. On 12/8/2022 at 11:29 AM, ezzra said:

    many Thais will not do 'dirty work' for little money

    With this job stealing Cambodian finally off the streets, all these lazy young people lying about my village, having dropped out of school, playing on phones, riding motorbikes back and forth, wandering around all night popping yaba, surely now they'll be lining up to fill this lucrative gai yang vacancy.


    No, no they won't.

    • Like 1
  3. Gender relations, banning books, drag queens. Glad to see America's got its priorities in order regarding education.


    Meanwhile, how about those STEM scores? How about that massive teacher shortage? How about all the tech layoffs? Sure would be nice to have some more engineers. I see China's got plenty of them, and they can't stop sending over spying devices.


    Can we compete? Dear me, there's a book about two dads. Lock down the school.

    • Like 1
  4. On 2/9/2023 at 6:35 PM, Greenhill said:

    And that's exactly why they're illegal!!!!    We can't have great service here!

    In my hometown in the States about 10 years ago, the local taxi drivers went circling around City Hall all day honking their horns, demanding they do something about Uber and Lyft. Improve their service maybe? Nah, that'd make too much sense.

    • Like 1
  5. 20 hours ago, scorecard said:

    The 'I want now' appraoch, 'what the car isn't washed/cleaned yet, I already told you 5 minutes ago, I want the car washed, why are you always so lazy' (this probably in the midst of the maid taking care of 3 other 'I want now' demands'.


    Being demanding / expecting instant attention at restaurants / shops (regardless of the fact she can see the waiter / shop assistant is at that moment in the midst of taking care of another customer)?

    Exactly this. I left the US to escape all that. I found the exact opposite in my Issan wife.

  6. Here are some famous Thai people. #2 is in a pop group, with an American dad. #4 is a former Miss Universe, with an Australian dad. So yeah, some farangs certainly do get with hi-sos. But they were already ridiculously loaded and connected in their own respective countries, and didn't expect such from Thailand.



    images - 2023-02-08T070848.253.jpeg

    • Haha 1
  7. Put on a shirt and tie. Go hang around a private school or lower tier intl school around 4 pm, as school's getting out. DON'T go to Harrow or BKK Patana, they are TOO hi-so, and all their kids have private drivers. At the lower tier schools, you can see BMWs and Benzs with hi-so moms or other family members picking up their kids.


    Indeed, it was one of them who saw me walking home one day and gave me a ride. She'd just dropped off a kid for an after school activity. She was quite interested in getting a convo going about my work, the traveling I've done, my experiences in Thailand. Lovely lady. I reckon it would've been absolutely no problem to get her Line ID for coffee later, or heck, perhaps even "Uh, would you like to come up for some tea?" But I had the wife waiting. Haha.


    Thus, if you look halfway decent, got decent convo skills, you should be able to pick up a hi-so lady for some, er, social activities, and likely more. Older Thai women have quite an APPETITE, I can personally attest. If she's a mom it'll just be a fling, but if you happen to get someone's single aunt, perhaps something longer term. But in any case, as others have noted, don't expect this to move into marriage and your ascension into the upper echelons of Thai society. Ain't happening, man.

    • Like 2
  8. On 2/1/2023 at 3:13 PM, HappyExpat57 said:

    Oh for <deleted>'s sake! Anyone buying that kind of a monster machine at that age needs their head examined.

    Recapturing lost youth. This and the other story about a Swede who'd just arrived, then took the corner too quickly, and was thrown into a concrete pipe.


    You're like a kid in a candy store upon arrival. The sights, the food, the booze, the women. Then you see how much further your money goes here, and you feel like a king. 


    Back in the old Soi 22 Queen's Park Plaza I saw 50 somethings bouncing tiny ladyboys on their laps, as they put 80's hair metal on the YouTube, recalling their glory teenage days of live arena concerts and wild after parties. They're here to bring it all back. No prob, just take it easy, fellas.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, SuperSilverHaze said:

    A school of no importance.

    Yup. They had to pick some school to throw under the bus, to show that they're doing something. Certainly not a certain, famous name group of private schools I once worked for, that does stuff to make this look like nothing. The kicker is that they're religiously affiliated. WWJD?

  10. I'll tell you a story. In my first teaching job in one of the poorest schools, I was assigned to a beautiful co-teacher. In chatting with her and the rest of the staff, I heard she was single. I found it hard to believe.


    I had her on Line, and one day she sent me a FB link to something on her page, something about school activities, I don't remember what. I'm not a FB guy at all. But then on her FB I happened to catch that she was building a 2 million baht house for herself, with pics of the construction. What? I ran it through Google Translate, and there were dozens of comments from Thai men, congratulating her, fawning over her. Hmm.


    I then noticed that her, and usually the other younger, more beautiful teachers in the schools I've taught in since, would often take off in the afternoons if they had no classes to teach. The other teachers would remain bored in the office, playing on their phones. Just what were they up to? How do they pay for 2m baht house in the poor Issan countryside? Yeah, sure they get cushy govt loans. But someone's still gotta make payments on them, that the teachers can't do on their meager salaries. Perhaps many such sponsors.

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