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Posts posted by billaaa777

  1. Reality check for you, Sir..

    Have you ever been to Thailand ? You clearly have no concept of how a Thai family operates.

    Have you ever experienced what the OP has tried to describe ?

    This is not a bleeding hearts club, it is about how Thais can often taken things for granted and how a Falang can feel used.

    Yes, I have lived in Thailand for 7 years. This guy would be considered idiot in Thailand, US, Europe or the North Poll for that matter.

    And anybody that has sympathy for him, I would suggest you go back read his original post. And if you still feel the same way, well I guess you now know what I think of you.

  2. What are you joking? Talk about a self-centered egotistical maniac and you certainly fit the bill.

    Let me see if I got this right. Your father in law has cancer and was hoping to get out of the hospital today. Instead, his condition took a turn for the worse. And you are upset because you wasted your time waiting for him. Is that the picture you are attempting to paint?

    You are exactly the type of person I hope I have to NEVER deal with the rest of my life. A person who only thinks about himself and nobody else.

    • Like 1
  3. Your experience was similar to mine, but I have one question. Would you describe the crust as thin, medium, or thick, and did you call out a thickness and/or were you asked for a preference?

    It is defiantly not thin crust, it is too thick. I would say it is closer to medium, but not quite. It is his own version which I liked.

  4. OK, this is my review.

    I ordered a large Mr. C’s Favorite (Pepperoni, Italian Sausage and Onion) and 10 Chicken Wings Medium. Including delivery charge and tip 600 Baht total.

    The best pizza I ever ordered by far in Thailand.

    Much better than US franchises in the US, such as Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Papa Johns, or Little Caesar.

    Better than some Mom and Pop Italian Restaurants or Pizzeria’s and not as good as others you would find in the US.

    Crust: Really good, but kind of missing that little extra zing some places have, missing some kind of spice, but I liked it.

    Cheese: As most of you know, cheese is really expensive in Thailand. I make quite a bit of pizzas at home and always buy the most expensive Mozzarella I can find. His cheese is MUCH better.

    I live in Jomtien, so I knew it would not be hot when it got here. I had a few warm slices and then heated the rest up in the oven for 5 minutes. After I heated them up the cheese became really chewy like great Mozzarella does.

    Sauce: Not bad, but a little sweet for my taste.

    Toppings: The Italian Sausage is defiantly imported and not something you can find here. It was really good, not great but I enjoyed it. The Pepperoni I really did not taste, I guess I am going to have to order a Pepperoni pizza to review it.

    Size: The size was a 12” and not a 16” like you would expect a large pizza to be.

    Will I order it again: For sure (ching ching) it will be on my eat once a week menu.

    The Wings: My review would be exactly the same as Jingthing for the wings. I really like Buffalo Wings that are breaded and the sauce is made from Louisiana Hot Sauce. These were not breaded and the sauce was a homemade version which I did not particularly care for.

    I will not order them again, but that does not mean they were bad, some people might like it. But it wasn’t my thing.

    Again like Jingthing, about the only thing the Great American Rib Company does good anymore are their wings, since they have to be cooked fresh. Their BBQ can be a week old by the time you get it, which is why I have stopped eating there even though I love BBQ.

    Overall, I would certainly try this place if you are a Pizza lover, you are not going to get any better in Pattaya, or at least I have not found any better.

  5. electricity
    is certainty not cheap in Thailand, it is 2 to 3 as expensive as most industrialized countries due to the obvious and often mentioned on this site problems with procurement in large and often bloated capital budget projects.
  6. I said typical. I didn't say all. I stand by my assertion. If you are trying to start a fight, you're barking up the wrong tree. Next ...

    Because you said "Typical" means your remark was not offensive, is that what you are attempting to imply?

    Answer this; just exactly what does Americans and passports have anything at all in common with a Care4 in Thailand closing? NONE is the answer!

    If the two subjects are not even remotely associated exactly why did you think it was relevant to post a remark that you knew American members of this forum would at the very least be insulted by if you were not intending on that happening?

  7. No worries. The typical American Walmart shopper doesn't even have a passport, and never will have one. Next

    I shop at Walmart, I am American and I have a passport too.

    So you are wrong and owe me an apology.

    Does every thread here have to somehow offer an excuse to bash America? And forget it if you defend America or say anything that might be offensive about the UK, the big bad M's tell you that your being a bad boy.

    There is a reason Walmart is the largest and most successful retail chain in the history of the world. They are better than all the rest.

    And Tesco sucks by the way, they are supposed to be a low cost store, which they are not. You can get almost everything they sell for the same prices at B-C or Care4. There selection is very poor when it comes to foreign goods. And the beef they sell, well you would be better off buying caned dog-food than whatever they try to push off as beef.

    I hope Care4 does not leave by the way; it is my favorite large store. They have great bread and good BBQ ribs too.

  8. "If you ain't first, you're last!

    Once you say you're going to settle for second, that's what happens to you in life.

    If you finish second, then you're the first loser.

    There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game and that is first place.

    Nobody remembers who finished second but the guy who finished second.

    Finishing second is like kissing your sister.

  9. As to the USA finishing 1st, 1st in what?

    The US was first in Group C of the World Cup and England was second. Which means the US plays Ghana in the second round a team not expected to make it that far verse England playing one of the tournament favorites Germany.

    While I am no football expert by any means, I am 100% sure England would rather play Ghana instead of Germany.

    The second thing America won is the right to say that in a four team tournament on the biggest stage in the world for the sport America won the tournament and England lost despite the fact it is by far the number one most popular sports in the country and was a devastating loss for all of their fans.

    Once again what is your point? Are there not enough threads on English football at this site so all of you do not have to come into this one and attempt to put a spin on your failure and try to make it into something it wasn't?

    • Like 1
  10. why don't you actually talk about soccer and how well your team is doing in the World Cup

    Are you serious? You just wrote 4 paragraphs and not one word on how your team or any team is going to do in the world cup and you are lecturing others on what to write about.

    simply that you don't understand the English sense of humour.

    You are right about that one though, I will give a little credit. Because the first time we read something funny you write about, well it will be the first time won't it.

    By the way, aren't there enough threads about English football that you don't have to come in here and try to ruin this one. I realize it must be killing you that England came in 2nd to the US, but get over it. We don't care.

    • Like 1
  11. What is it with you Americans in your constant need to knock the English at football are you trying to tell me you couldnt learn a thing from the English at football?

    Unless I am mistaken and I am not. The US won the Group and England was 2nd. Are not the losers supposed to look to the winners for inspiration. You really should be asking what can England learn from the US shouldn't you?

    After all England spends more money on the sport than every other country in the world and could not even beat the US who spends no money on it at all when compared to the other sports Americans actually enjoy.

    It is just so sad, Americans could give a rats as s about soccer and English fans have only one thing they care about and talk about and still can't win a thing.

    As for Americans knocking English football, what a bunch of hogwash. Never happens, but why not take the opportunity to gloat when the only thing you even care about finishes 2nd to the US which was 1st. You must feel so BAD, and I feel so sorry for you. NOT!!!

    • Like 1
  12. Taksin consulted the same sort of Sharmans and Fortune Tellers when he was PM, and he still does

    Couldn't you have used somebody other than Taksin as an example? Surely, there can not be too many people left that have rational minds that do not believe he is not a psychopath and has been for quite a while.

  13. Can you confirm this, should toilet be facing or back-on to the east. If it only curses mother-in-laws I'll be calling the plumber to rebuild the bathroom.

    That's really funny! Good one, this thread just might turn into the best ever.

  14. OK, since you appear to be serious I will try and answer your question using the little information I know about the subject. But, seriously you yourself should know this is just a bunch of BS.

    Superstition is very prevalent in Thailand, especially among the poor and uneducated. Since you girlfriend comes from Isaan, more than likely she fits in this category.

    Everywhere you go you will see a little old lady sitting on a blanket with some kind of fortune telling cards and four or five girls waiting for the answers they want to hear.

    Funny enough it is usually very earlier in the morning, I always think they do good business at this time of day because the girls did not make any money the night before. Who knows? In addition, every bar has some kind of good luck ritual at opening.

    Who knows what is going on with your girlfriend? Her family could miss her and want her to come home. It could be some kind of scam that you have to pay money to get the curse lifted. Or, they really could believe it, nobody knows. But, sooner or later you are going to find out.

    I know one girl who was a real estate agent, so she was fairly well off who went to one of the card wielding so called mystics that told her that her name was bad luck. The next day she changes her legal name, just craziness.

    If it is not some kind of scam, which it most likely is you can try and talk to her rationally and try to explain why giving somebody a curse is not even remotely possible.

  15. WOW, one of the best post ever! Very funny, I am laughing out my head off. It just does not get any better than this.

    Since these fortune tellers seem to know so much. Why not ask them what the winning lottery numbers are and tell them you will split the winnings with them. That will shut them up fast and prove to your girlfriend they are nothing but fakes.

  16. I followed “basjke” recommendation and tried Subs 'n Suds on Soi Yamoto (Soi 13/1) for lunch today.

    I asked the owner who was there and is a nice guy if they made their hamburgers from imported beef and he said, “No”. So, they were out.

    I ordered the French Dip, Onion Rings and a Coke and the total came to 332.

    They make their own roast beef and ajus sauce and it was excellent. It came on a toasted sub roll with cheese. I love French Dips and this one was very good, I hope I have not been here too long that I forgot what they taste like. I will defiantly have it again.

    The onion rings were also very good, much better than fast food restaurant. They were also homemade.

    The owner said about 90% of his business is takeout and his best seller by far is the Philly-Steak. Maybe I will try that the next time. The place could use a coat of paint and does not have any air-conditioning. With that percentage of takeout business it tells you he has a large following of repeat customers. Too bad he is not in a much better location or maybe he would be able to make some good money with the restaurant.

    Overall I would recommend it and I will certainly go back and try other things on the menu.

  17. And how much is it currently for such a whopper menu set these days.If I'm not mistaken the double whopper must be around 280 Baht.

    Thank you but then I choose for a real steak with fries in the arcade for 230 Baht.

    I don't really know what the price is, I don't pay too much attention and just order what I like. And I don't like Thai beef. I like Thai chicken and pork, but not the beef.

    I don't know where the arcade is, but if I did I would give it a try. But, I don't think you are getting an imported Australian steak for 230 Baht. Most of the ones I have tried are at least 500 Baht.

  18. Subs 'n Suds on Soi Yamoto (Soi 13/1) 100 meters from Beach Road. Not the cheapest, but the quality can't be beat.

    I will go over and try their hamburgers this week. I am on a quest to find an excellent hamburger made locally. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts I am failing.

    I have tried so many local establishments from inexpensive to the very costly and each and every one regardless of what they charge for a hamburger uses Thai beef. This of course makes it barely eatable. There is an excellent alternative that many restaurants charge enough to afford to use, but don’t, which is imported Australian ground beef.

    To date, without question and as sad as this is to say, BurgerKings double-meat Whopper is hands-down the best burger I can get in Pattaya or Jomtien. I tried the burger at Dairy-Queens Grill on the 5th floor of Central last week and it was not bad, at least they use real beef, but BK’s is still better.

    Any recommendations on establishments that use imported Australian beef would be appreciated and I will give them a try.

  19. That was a very well thought out, interesting and educational post. I really appreciate it. I have lived here 6 years and learned a little about Thailand from your comments.

    Don't worry about the haters, they never stop with their BS, they are just jealous they can not write as good as you.

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